Chapter 137
In the early morning, Jiang Wan woke up naturally.

The first day in Elephant Island passed without any surprises, and they only needed one more day to go back.

Jiang Wan stretched and walked to the beach.

The morning light was golden, and the sea surface seemed to be covered with gold foil. The red sun shone on the seagulls like small black dots on the horizon.

Facing the sea, Jiang Wan warmed up by boxing.

[Xiaowan is better at boxing than me!The college student cried]

[The scenery is so beautiful, I really want to go here for vacation]

[I feel like I don’t want to survive in the wild, like the Xiaowan episode of "Cute Baby"]

[+1, not nervous or irritating, quite healing]

[Laughing to death, heal the wind and survive in the wild]

Jiang Wan also felt that the trials were not difficult. Of course, this was only the first round. Jiang Wan had reason to believe that the first round was just for them to adapt to the atmosphere, and it would become more and more difficult in the future.

She looked at the horizon, thinking about leaving, and when she heard footsteps, she turned her head.

"Uncle Lin Lu."

"Miss Fifth, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," Jiang Wan nodded, took the hand he offered, and walked back with Lin Lu, "Uncle Lin Lu, how do you think we're going to leave this island? Or by boat? Where is the boarding point?" ?”

Lin Lu knew why she asked.

When they were disembarked yesterday, they asked the organizer’s staff about leaving the island. The staff either laughed or said nothing. After communicating with Lan Wei last night, they found that the location of each group’s landing on the island is different, so how to leave the island? , is probably also one of the tasks.

Thinking of this, Lin Lu's expression couldn't help becoming serious. So far, they only found one material box and one hidden rule. They didn't find the task card hidden by the program team at all. It seems that today they will spend a lot of effort to search up.

Jiang Wan thought so too.

Fortunately, she racked up a lot of points yesterday. As long as she doesn't get caught up today, No. 1 should be stable.

After breakfast, Jiang Wan and Lin Lu packed up their things and headed into the mountains. Lan Wei followed them with yawns.

Lin Lu and Lan Wei took turns keeping watch at night. Lin Lu was well trained and energetic despite lack of sleep, but Lan Wei was failing. Every step he took seemed like he was falling into the "abyss".

In the morning, Jiang Wan asked Lan Wei if he wanted to go with him. After thinking about it, Lan Wei agreed: "Many medicinal materials on the island have been identified, and the points are becoming more and more rare. If I want to catch up with the scores of the people in front of me, I have to do other tasks." .”

——After being corrected by Jiang Wan and Lin Lu, Lan Wei finally stopped saying "I", but because "I" is in the third tone, it always sounds weird to him.

With the same opinion, the three formed a team, and they found another supply box and six mission cards in the morning.

It is worth mentioning that the supply box and five mission cards were found by Jiang Wan, and the remaining one was found by Lan Wei.

There were three chocolate energy bars in the supply box. Jiang Wan didn't think too much about it, and divided one for each person; the task cards were not difficult, they were all simple tasks of collecting medicinal materials or answering the questions on the cards, but the points on the task cards were The settlement can only be done after leaving the island, which made Jiang Wan nervous again.

At noon they relied on energy bars to satisfy their hunger, and in the afternoon they speeded up their search for task cards. They also met other contestants on the way, but they all just greeted each other politely. This kind of companionship never happened again. Moreover, Jiang Wan observed it and went with them just like them There are very few teams, and there are one or two teams with more than one person.

In the evening, the bracelet showed that the total number of survivors was 49, and a dozen more people had been eliminated.

Jiang Wan felt that it was unlikely that something had happened, and those who were eliminated probably couldn't hold on and gave up.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Jiang Wan, Lin Lu and Lan Wei returned to the camp.

This pandanus tree is very close to Jiang Wan's landing point on the island. If a ship picks them up according to the route it came from, they will be able to see it immediately.

After a day of running around, the three of them were exhausted. Jiang Wan's points reached 61, and Lan Wei also got a few points, but the total was less than half of Jiang Wan's.

Putting all the fish cages up, the three of them had dinner and went to bed early. In the middle of the night, Jiang Wan was awakened by a sound like a lawn mower.

"What's going on?" Jiang Wan rubbed her eyes in confusion, her voice still full of fatigue.

It was pitch dark on the beach, and the wormwood I had lit to repel mosquitoes before going to bed had not yet burned out. The salty smell of the sea breeze and the faint bitter fragrance of wormwood lingered on my nose.

There was a buzzing sound from overhead, and Lin Lu turned on the headlights, but even without looking up, he could hear that it was the sound of a helicopter.

He ran to the beach, looked far away, and watched the three helicopters hovering over different hills, and then slowly descending until they disappeared into the top of the hill.

"Uncle Lin Lu." Jiang Wan also ran out against the howling sea wind.

"Fifth Miss, I suspect..." Lin Lu just spoke when his bracelet suddenly rang.

A fluorescent green helicopter icon appeared on the small LCD screen. After flashing three times, it turned into a countdown.

3: 00: 00
2: 59: 59
2: 59: 58
Jiang Wan and Lin Lu looked at each other and ran back immediately.

Lin Lu quickly extinguished the camp fire, and Jiang Wan packed up the medicinal materials they collected and put them together with a stack of mission cards into the supply box.

She suddenly thought of Lan Wei again and ran to call him.

"Brother Lan Wei, brother Lan Wei!" Jiang Wanwan pushed him, and Lan Wei turned over with a whimper, not wanting to wake up at all.

Jiang Wan had no choice but to use her moves: "There is a dragon! The dragon is coming!"

Lan Wei opened his eyes, and asked unconsciously: "The dragon is in the hot pepper?"

Jiang Wan rubbed his face hard, causing Lan Wei to scream, "The dragon is in the sky. It just landed on the top of the mountain. Let's go quickly."

Lan Wei was stunned for a few seconds, seeing that Lin Lu had almost cleaned up their camp, he followed suit without thinking about it.

The countdown only showed 3 minutes before disappearing, the bracelet returned to the previous interface, Jiang Wan ran forward with Lin Lu on his back, Lan Wei was in charge of carrying their things, and the three of them started climbing the mountain in the dark.

The helicopter closest to them was across a hill from them. After going up the mountain, Jiang Wan walked on her own. The road at night was much more difficult than during the day. Fortunately, they had headlights, otherwise they would definitely break their heads and bleed while traveling in the dark.

Every half hour, the countdown will appear for 3 minutes each time.

Jiang Wan didn't know how many people were awakened by the helicopter, and they were just as non-stop as they were, but Wangshan ran to death, and after an hour, they managed to bypass the first mountain.

"Take a rest for 5 minutes." Seeing that Jiang Wan was out of breath, Lin Lu took the initiative.

Jiang Wan couldn't refuse. She was indeed tired. A child's body has plenty of energy but consumes electricity quickly. At this moment, she missed Xiao Tan very much.

Surprisingly, Lan Wei's physical fitness was actually quite good. He even took the initiative to take Jiang Wan's supply box without falling behind at all.

With about 10 minutes left, they finally climbed up to the halfway up the mountain.

At this point, there is no need to hurry anymore, the three of them slowed down and adjusted their breathing and rhythm.

Jiang Wan suddenly stopped and listened: "Did you hear anything?"

Lin Lu and Lan Wei also tilted their heads to listen seriously.

The sound of the helicopter's propellers had long since subsided, and there were only the sounds of wind, insects, and the soft sounds of animals moving in the mountains, and an unharmonious whistle was added to these sounds.



The voice was strong and sometimes weak, without rhythm, Jiang Wan frowned, and walked a few steps in the direction of the whistle, she walked very slowly and cautiously, and almost missed her foot——!
Fortunately, Lin Lu grabbed her, and fortunately, Jiang Wan stopped her in time.

Lin Lu turned his headlamp down, and it turned out to be an abandoned trap. Inside the trap lay a man with an unnatural figure and a leaf in his mouth. He was the one who made the whistle.

(End of this chapter)

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