People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 387 387 kicked out of the team

"Why so many green lights?"

It's not a good thing to see a bunch of green lights gathering from a distance, and Zhang San doesn't want to team up with them at all.

When the Green Lantern Corps exceeds a certain number, it's like triggering some switch. Either the group is wiped out or the group is wiped out, with few exceptions.

Now there are at least more than a hundred green lights to fight Brainiac. Whether so many people can provide useful help is another question. More than half of them will definitely die.

"Let your people go back, they will only hinder others if they stay."

It's not that Zhang San looks down on the Green Lantern Corps, but it's not the ring that's at stake but the user.

Without the elite green light, these ordinary green lights are really not enough to watch.

Aretha was also ready to say that they were here to help, but thinking of the strength that the twin lanterns showed on Oua that day, the woman conveyed his words to the other green lanterns.

In less than ten seconds, all the green lights in their field of vision left, and none of them came up to argue with Zhang San.

Everyone is a well-known person. Since Shuangdeng doesn't want their help, they will go back.

"You go too." Zhang San looked at the last green light in the team.

Nodding, Aretha turned and followed the large army.

The green lights left one by one, but Brainiac was no longer in the mood to pay attention to them.

There was a more important thing right in front of him. A male Kryptonian called Superman by the people on Earth and another female suspected of being a Kryptonian came to him.

The two Kryptonians are accompanied by yellow lights that use fear as power. At least in Brainiac's view, the two people whose bodies are covered with yellow energy are the users of yellow light rings.

And as long as they see something is wrong, they will run very fast, much faster than the green light that escaped in front.


Brainiac activated the ship's force shield a second before Superman and another Kryptonian rushed up.

Bang! ! !

The skeleton spaceship suddenly shook. Brainiac, who thought the shield could easily block the attack, found a yellow light that instantly broke through his spacecraft's defense system.

The force field shield failed, and with his hands behind his back, he stared at the only passage door that could lead to him.

Walking in from the outside was a man wearing a yellow hood. It was also because of him that Brainiac's spaceship shield failed so quickly.

And behind him, the angry Kryptonian appeared.

A man and a woman, in addition to Superman there was also a Kryptonian woman who escaped the Kryptonian explosion.

"No need to waste my time going to Earth to find you, that's fine."

Brainiac was going to get rid of one of them and leave the other one as his analysis product.

Used to study the effects of the yellow sun on Kryptonian cells.


He easily fought off the two Kryptonians who came up, and the tentacles spreading from the inside of the spacecraft tied them up.

"And you, as a Yellow Lantern, you are actually more powerful than a Kryptonian, it's incredible."

Ignoring another yellow light, Brainiac pointed at the man who entered first and praised him.

Being able to instantly disable the force field shield of his spaceship, such a creature is worthy of being part of his collection.

But while fighting the opponent, Brainiac, who had been speaking in a condescending manner just now, suddenly found that he seemed to be unable to control this excellent collection.

He lost to the man in front of him in the confrontation of strength between the two sides. The Collector, who could easily repel the Kryptonians, was controlled by others. How to solve this troublesome artificial intelligence Zhang San has his own way, which is to use the opponent's technology to deal with him.

The blue beam projected by the mouse forcibly absorbed Brainiac into the digital world inside it, and the spaceship that lost its main body became completely ownerless.

Looking at the two floating wires on the driver's seat with purple electric light emitting from the front, Zhang San motioned Hal to sit on it and connect the wires that could control the spacecraft to both sides of his head.

"He controlled this spaceship with his mind, and you can too."

"I feel like my head is going to be electrocuted..."

This was the first time Hal had seen this kind of electrical connection technology. The continuous current would probably burn his head to a crisp.

"Superman, go ahead. There is a Kryptonian city, Argo City, in Brainiac's collection. It's up to you whether you can save it and the millions of Kryptonians inside."

"Argo City..."

Kara remembered the city that disappeared before her eyes when Krypton was attacked. It was Argo City!

"Don't worry Kara, I will get them back."

Superman, whose body was covered with a layer of yellow light, sat on the chair, then pulled the purple-rayed threads with both hands and connected them to both sides of his head.

Suddenly, he felt that his consciousness was connected with the spacecraft, and he could control it to move forward or land with just one thought.

He also 'saw' the digitized spheres in the spacecraft that originally belonged to Brainiac, which contained cities from different civilizations.

Argo City is among them.

"I have to find a planet to put them all down..."

Following the route they took, Superman controlled the spacecraft to fly quickly in the direction they came from.

He remembered that there was a planet that met this condition, uncivilized but suitable for human habitation.

The skeleton spacecraft flew at full speed very quickly, and in just a few minutes they had arrived on the green planet mixed with blue.

Argo City rose up on a flat part of the planet, but Superman, who wanted to continue placing other cities, was interrupted by double lights.

"Superman, take Kara and Hal down to have a look."

"But other cities..."

"I'll take care of the rest. There's a planet that would be happy to receive this group of people."

The pilot of the spacecraft was replaced by Zhang San. After Superman and the others got out, the skull spacecraft quickly left the planet.

The center of the universe, Oa.

Aretha, who returned to Oa with the others, suddenly received an alert of an enemy attack. The green light that sent them a message said that she saw Brainiac's spaceship coming in the direction of Oa!

So a large group of Green Lanterns gathered outside Oa Star to prepare for the enemy.

Although they don't know why the powerful twin lights failed to eliminate Brainiac, they are weak compared to the other party and will not allow this spacecraft to enter Oa!

Seeing the unique skull spaceship in the distant starry sky, the Green Lanterns ignited their will to protect the planet behind them to the death.

However, when all their attacks hit the force field shield of Brainiac's spacecraft, the big ship that was about to collide suddenly stopped in front of the green shield built by everyone.

Yellow energy shot out from the eyes of this huge skull spaceship. Tomare, who was familiar with it, immediately let the surrounding green lights put the spaceship into Oa when he saw the words it constructed. (End of chapter)

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