i have a space

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
Arrive at Mushan Ranch.

Zhou Furui drove a tractor, with an oversized carriage hanging on the back of the tractor filled with silage.

"Brother." Zhou Furui shouted when he saw Chen Mo's car parked on the side of the road.

Chen Mo responded and waited for Zhou Furui to drive over, then started the car and went to the office.

The three giants of the ranch, Zhou Hao, Wang Xing, and Guo Zhi, are not in the office.

Chen Mo called Zhou Hao and asked him to come over with Wang Xing.

Chen Mo only had time to make a pot of tea when the two of them appeared at the door of the office.

"Mr. Chen." Zhou Hao and Wang Xing shouted.

"Come in." Chen Mo said and stood up, pouring them a cup of tea.

black tea.

Pu'er tea made from tea leaves in the space.

This tea soup is bright, bitter and has a thick rhyme. The tea soup is bright yellow in color.

Although it is bitter, it is indeed a pleasant bitterness.What comes after the bitterness is the clear sweetness...

The tea is very fragrant, strong and mellow, refreshing and clear. After drinking a cup, you feel that your whole body is clear and comfortable.

There are dozens of Pu'er tea trees in the space, all of which are made into Pu'er tea, which can make more than forty cakes.A cake of tea costs about five taels.

"How's it going?" Chen Mo looked at Zhou Hao.

"This Lao Ban Zhang tastes a little different." Zhou Hao said.

Zhou Hao likes tea, especially Pu'er.

The Pu'er that Chen Mo drank before was all Lao Ban Zhang, and it was authentic, costing tens of thousands and 10,000+ per cake.Zhou Hao likes Pu'er, and every time Chen Mo buys tea, he will give him some.

Chen Mo didn't particularly like Pu'er before. His favorite was scented tea.And now, it's the same.

There are also varieties of green tea in Chen Mo’s space. When I had nothing to do before, I would go into the space to pick tea leaves and send them to Zhang Shan to help fry or print them.

Stir-fried is green tea.Printing is the process of making scented tea...

"This is not Lao Ban Zhang." Chen Mo said with a smile.

Wang Xing doesn't like Pu'er. Like Chen Mo, he likes scented tea and green tea.He also often drinks Lao Ban Zhang, and feels that this tea is really not Lao Ban Zhang.

The aftertaste is a bit obvious, with a hint of rock sugar sweetness.That's the feeling, it's not really as sweet as rock candy.And the tea soup smells very comfortable...

"What kind of tea is this? It smells so good." Wang Xing asked.

"Wild camellia." Chen Mo said.

"Isn't this better than Lao Banzhang? Where's the tea tree? Is it expensive?"

"The tea trees in the mountains cost hundreds of thousands of tea leaves per cake," Chen Mo said.

Wang Xing leaned back tactically: "It's so expensive, you are really willing to give it up."

"The taste is really good and mellow." Zhou Hao can be said to be someone who understands tea.

The tea that costs hundreds of thousands per cake is basically old Pu'er.But this tea is new and sells for hundreds of thousands per cake?
However, it tastes really good.

Chen Mo covered their quilts again, and then started soaking again, saying: "The wagyu cattle from Linshan are coming back, and asked me to help find two people to manage his pasture. Do you have any suitable recommendations?"

"How much pay?"

"There is no problem with the salary. But if you are a team leader, your salary will definitely be higher than it is now." Chen Mo said: "Do we have anyone with more ability here? Let me introduce two people who have the ability." They are all talented people." Wang Xing said.

"People go to higher places. In our ranch, the current positions are almost fixed. Unless there are special circumstances, it is difficult for current employees to get promoted. Help them introduce better places to go, and they will be kind to you when they meet in the future. It's worth it." Chen Mo smiled and raised his tea cup: "Right."

Zhou Hao and Wang Xing looked at each other and nodded.

Several people did one.

Zhou Hao said with a smile: "Boss, your structure is really big... If I were me, I would really be reluctant to let my excellent employees leave."

"That's right, my admiration for you is like a torrential river..." Wang Xing.

Before Wang Xing could finish flattering him, Chen Mo laughed and scolded: "Get out of here. Hurry up and recommend one to each person. If you are a really powerful person, you can stay in our ranch. But for those who have been recommended, People must also have real abilities.”

"Do you want it now?"

"Night, give me your name."

"Okay. Let's go back and discuss it." Wang Xing.

"I'll drink some more tea." Zhou Hao said, "Boss, this tea...hehehehe..."

Chen Mo opened the drawer, took out Kai Gang's tea leaves, broke some for Zhou Bai, and looked at Wang Xing: "How about you."

"Yes. But can these hundreds of thousands of tea leaves be sold?"

Chen Mo ignored Wang Xing and took another sip of tea.After soaking for three times, the fragrance is still strong. The scent of nectar is accompanied by the fragrance of orchid, which is very comfortable.

After chatting about other Longmen formations for a while, Zhou Hao and the others had to go to work.

Chen Mo drove to the silage fermentation tank.A fermentation tank can hold up to [-] tons of silage.Three fermenters are now full and two more are half full of silage.

From two batches of sweet elephant grass, not much was used to make silage.Most of the sweet elephant grass is used to make green hay.

Compared with sweet elephant grass, green hay can be stored longer if it is stored properly.

A pasture surrounded by mountains, with rivers flowing quietly in the valley.

The best land in the valley is reserved for sweet elephant grass, which grows tall and lush.The older sweet elephant grass was seen being chewed like sugar cane by workers after breaking it.

If the sweet elephant grass in the space is old, the sugar content is quite high.

There are still less than 7 tons of silage in the pasture. With this storage capacity, more silage will be made next time the sweet elephant grass is harvested, or all of it will be used to make silage.

After getting in the car and preparing to go back, Chen Mo saw Zhang Cheng's car parked opposite and honked the horn twice.

"Brother." Zhang Cheng shouted.

Chen Mo made a big circle and drove the car over: "Your addiction to fishing is even greater than mine."

Zhang Cheng smiled: "If you don't have anything to do, what are you going to do if you don't come out to fish?"

"Did you catch any fish?" Chen Mo asked.

"When I first came here, I caught a carp. It weighed more than five kilograms, but it was just a big belly. I let it go." Zhang Cheng said: "The creek here can actually be dammed up and some fish can be raised in it."

Chen Mo shrugged, sat on the stool handed by Zhang Cheng, and said: "Even if all the fish are raised in this small river, we won't make much money. Let's focus on farming now. Once we understand the farming industry clearly, we can ”

Chen Mo still owed hundreds of millions to the county government. He also wanted to make money back as soon as possible and paid the land rent.

"What I mean is that you can do it again and put more fry in, so that I can come over to fish more easily in the future..." Zhang Cheng said with a smile: "I've been in the Air Force several times here."

(End of this chapter)

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