hunter commando

Chapter 529 Super Bodyguard

Chapter 529 Super Bodyguard
When the escort formation safely escorted the merchant fleet to safe waters, the size of the merchant fleet had grown to more than 50 ships!

Merchant ships from various countries along the way learned that the Yanguo naval escort fleet successfully handled a pirate hijacking incident, and the strong combat effectiveness they displayed made them flock to the escort formation for protection. For this reason, some merchant ships did not hesitate to change their routes and times.

In this case, the escort formation had to walk fast and run slowly, waiting for merchant ships from various countries to join one after another.

There were more than 50 merchant ships, and the scene was very spectacular.

Not to mention there is a convoy formation, even if there is not, so many merchant ships gathering together to act in a unified manner can scare the pirates to death. How can any pirates dare to approach?

To a certain extent, the fleet navigation organization ability demonstrated by the escort formation is also a reflection of combat effectiveness.The tonnage and speed of merchant ships are all different. Coordination itself is a test of command ability. If the movement of merchant ship formations cannot be organized well, there is no need to talk about the organization and coordination of special combat formations.

The Yanguo naval escort formation completed its first appearance with a near-perfect anti-hijacking operation and large-scale formation escort operation.

The people at home are excited and proud that the navy has gone abroad and performed well. The people abroad have seen the strength of the Yan Kingdom's navy, and their muscles have become more and more solid.

On the day when the last batch of merchant ships were sent off, the K8 transport helicopter heading to Shuiting Port to transport living supplies took off from the comprehensive support ship and simultaneously sent Hai Lanqing, Li Mu and Du Xiaofan ashore.

A Roger drove along the road and stopped beside the three people.Hai Lanqing opened the passenger door and got into the car, while Li Mu and Du Xiaofan got into the back seat.After seeing the driver's face clearly, Li Mu and Du Xiaofan's eyes widened and they almost screamed.

Lao Liu? !
"We meet again." Old Liu turned around and smiled at the two of them, started the car and drove towards Shuitingang city.
Hai Lanqing turned back to Li Mu and Du Xiaofan and said, "You don't need my introduction, Lao Liu, he is a landlord."

"I didn't expect it to be you." Du Xiaofan smiled.

Lao Liu said, "Life is often not so satisfactory. Of course, I will never leave any of you behind this time."

Smiling slightly, Li Mu said, "If it were me, I would do the same thing."

They all understood each other tacitly, referring to the last operation to respond to Diamond. Lao Liu insisted that the helicopter take off on time, but Li Mu and Du Xiaofan arrived at the assembly point in the last minute and managed to avoid being left behind.

"We are the same kind of people, ruthless. It's just that most of the time you use guns to do it, and I rely on my facial features." Old Liu said with a smile.

As he spoke, he pointed to the glove box in front of the co-pilot, "Your documents."

Hai Lanqing took it out and sent them out separately.

Li Mu couldn't tell whether the passport was genuine or fake, but he was sure that there would be no problem even if he took it on a commercial airliner.Without this basic ability, the Military Intelligence Bureau would really be unable to survive.

Old Liu turned to look at Hai Lanqing and said, "Xiaohai, this is the first time I've seen you in casual clothes. Well, it's quite suitable, but it's a little too beautiful, and it's a little different from the photo in your passport. "

"Old Liu, you really know how to praise people." Hai Lanqing said.

Li Mu and Du Xiaofan both looked at each other slightly surprised. They were both soldiers, but they could joke like this.It sounds like Lao Liu may have a very chic life, but his eloquence is great for wooing girls.

Smiling, Old Liu put away his smile and said in a deep voice, "I am afraid that the situation in Yecheng will completely collapse soon. Saudi Arabia will soon launch a large-scale air strike against the Houthi armed forces in Yecheng, and the conflict will develop into a war. Stay. We don’t have much time.”

Li Mu and Du Xiaofan's expressions suddenly became solemn. One of their responsibilities was to protect Hai Lanqing's safety, and the other was to act as Hai Lanqing's assistants to strengthen the force here.Hai Lanqing is a technical officer, more important than an operational officer.In terms of the level of attention given by superiors, there is no doubt that Hai Lanqing is the top priority, otherwise Li Mu and Du Xiaofan would never be specially assigned to protect him.

You must know that Li Mu and Du Xiaofan's comprehensive individual combat capabilities rank first and second among the Seawolf Special Forces.

Li Mu and Du Xiaofan don't know exactly how to do this before Hai Lanqing or Lao Liu assigns the task. Therefore, they currently have only one task, which is to protect Hai Lanqing's safety.Hai Lanqing is a technical staff with only basic qualifications.

"I made preliminary estimates. If a war breaks out and an evacuation order is issued, we will have to evacuate at least thousands of our compatriots. They are distributed in several big cities in Yecheng. Before everything is confirmed, we must establish a network of several big cities as soon as possible. We must communicate with each other and contact all parties in advance to ensure that our people can arrive at the port smoothly after the war breaks out." Old Liu said in a deep voice, "The task is very heavy and the situation is also very dangerous."

He glanced at Li Mu in the rearview mirror and asked, "Can you drive?"

"Of course." Li Mu nodded.

It goes without saying that vehicle driving is a basic skill.

"I won't be with you all the time, and Xiaohai has to run from city to city, so her safety depends on you." Old Liu said in a deep voice.

Li Mu and Du Xiaofan nodded solemnly, and Li Mu said, "Don't worry, no one can hurt Officer Hai unless he dies in battle."

Hai Lanqing couldn't help but look back at Li Mu.

But that has no other meaning. Since it is a task, then the task comes first and has nothing to do with anything else.This is the same even if the people Li Mu and Du Xiaofan are protecting are other people.

"You are using ordinary passports, so you do not have immunity from foreign pride, so you must be more careful." Lao Liu warned.

"Understood!" Du Xiaofan nodded heavily.

At this time, the car had entered Shuiting Port City. Before the situation collapsed, this place with the world's second largest refueling port was the preferred seaport for refueling and supplying cargo ships.Therefore, the urban layout is basically built around the port, and even the international airport is only less than ten kilometers away from the port.

Roger came to the midpoint of the straight-line distance between the port and the airport, turned into a street, and finally stopped in front of one of the row buildings.

"We've arrived. This is your residence in Shuiting Port. I'll tell you the distribution of safe spots later." Old Liu said and opened the car door.

The group got out of the car and walked up to the second floor.The building looks relatively old, does not have the atmosphere of China, and the quality seems to be average, but it is a very common building in Shuiting Port.But the household items inside were quite complete and even had air conditioning, which made Hai Lanqing overjoyed.

They all entered one of the rooms, and Lao Liu closed the door. It was obvious that this room had been soundproofed. It didn't even have a window and was dark.

After turning on the lights, Li Mu and Du Xiaofan saw clearly that it was obviously a place where weapons were placed and action meetings were held.

(End of this chapter)

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