hunter commando

Chapter 528 Strange old acquaintance

Chapter 528 Strange old acquaintance

Li Mu was not joking, he really wanted to talk to Hailan List.

In fact, Hai Lanqing was already waiting for Li Mu in her cabin.

The door was open and Li Mu knocked. Hai Lanqing, who was sitting at the table with his back to Li Mu and engrossed in writing something, turned around and stood up, "Come in."

Li Mu walked in and immediately closed the door behind him.

Hai Lanqing gave the chair to Li Mu and sat on the bed. The two faced each other. Of course, before that, Hai Lanqing poured a glass of boiling water for Li Mu.

Li Mu took out his experience and handed it over.

Hai Lanqing followed, but didn't look at it, but put it on the table.

"Don't you want to read it?" Li Mu glanced at the experience he had spent two hours writing down.

Hai Lanqing shook her head and said, "I don't need to see your level."

Smiling softly, Li Mu said, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah, but I know you're here." Hai Lanqing said.

Li Mu nodded, "Langtou has already told me that I will cooperate with your work."

This was their second meeting. The first time they met was on the eve of the disbandment of the Hunter Commando. Chen Tao introduced Hai Lanqing to Li Mu.Hai Lanqing's true identity is an intelligence officer of the Military Intelligence Department.The disbanded Hunter Commando still shoulders a secret mission, and Hai Lanqing is basically the commander at this stage.

In other words, Hai Lanqing could directly give orders to Li Mu, and Li Mu would lead his subordinates to execute the orders.Of course, except for Director Fang, Yang Zhiyuan and Li Mu, no one in the escort formation knew Hai Lanqing's identity.

Li Mu didn't find it strange at all. Such a large-scale overseas escort operation was not accompanied by people from the Military Intelligence Bureau. That would be called a strange thing.

"Let's talk about you and your subordinates first." Hai Lanqing crossed her legs and folded her hands on her knees, saying, "I heard that you have strong opinions on the suspension of military school studies. Can we talk about it?"

Shrugging, Li Mu said, "It's normal to have opinions, but it's nothing. As you know, we have carried out many actual combat missions in a row for the past six months. Well, I'm afraid it is one of the most powerful commandos in our army in the past few years. One. After a high-intensity combat mission, it is normal to want a buffer time."

Hai Lan smiled lightly and nodded slightly to express her approval of Li Mu's words.

Li Mu continued, "Another point is that we are the Army and were forcibly dragged into the escort formation. Officer Hai, to be honest, if the Marine Corps and Navy Special Forces cannot choose a special force that can meet the conditions, I don’t believe it when the team comes. This kind of forceful attempt to steal people’s jobs is actually something we have always been aware of, but we just won’t show it.”

"Actually, the reason is that there is no candidate who satisfies all parties." Hai Lanqing said slowly, "No matter from which aspect, you, the former Hunter Commando, are the most suitable candidates."

"Of course, because we don't exist." Li Mu said with a faint smile, "No matter whether we do well or badly, the ones in front are still the Marine Corps. In fact, it's understandable when you think about it."

Hailan cleaned up her bangs and said, "Li Mu, Chief Chen Tao talked to me about you, and he spoke very highly of you. Well, I should say very high. Chief Chen Tao is my old leader. I have never heard of you." He has never given such a high evaluation to a soldier. You know very well in your heart that if you don't do these things, then someone else will definitely say it. No matter what, someone must do these things and make sacrifices. A small home is for everyone, and it is actually quite accurate to apply it here.”

Li Mu nodded slightly, "Because of this, we overcame all the dissatisfaction in our hearts and played our own identities wholeheartedly. The mission of the officer and the ideal of the individual can be perfectly combined. Personally, I feel that lucky."

"It seems that I don't need to worry about the ideological education work of the Sea Wolf Special Forces." Hai Lanqing said with a smile.

Li Mu spread his hands, "So, Director Hai, let's talk about business?"

"Let's talk about you first. There is one thing I think it is necessary to convey to you in advance." Hai Lanqing said, "The three-month escort mission is over. The six of you will enter the military academy as originally planned. Moreover, The destination may not be consistent.”

She changed the topic, "But the good news is that maybe you will be a little higher than others after entering the military academy."

Li Mu didn't look happy, he just nodded slightly.

Changing his posture, Hai Lanqing's expression suddenly became serious, "Let's talk about business."

Li Mu also cheered up.

"I heard that you are good at foreign languages?" Hai Lanqing suddenly asked.

Li Mu was slightly startled and said, "I heard it was okay, but when I wrote it, it was so-so."

"That's enough." Hai Lanqing nodded, "I need a bodyguard, and you have to choose someone. Someone who can handle extreme and high-pressure work environments and must understand foreign languages."

Li Mu didn't ask why bodyguards were needed. Hai Lanqing would naturally speak when she could. So Li Mu nodded, "The only one is Du Xiaofan. His foreign language skills are no worse than mine."

"Du Xiaofan?" Hai Lanqing frowned as if recalling this person's impression, "I thought you would recommend Zhao Yiyun."

"Old Zhao's foreign language skills are poor," Li Mu said. "The main reason is that Lao Zhao's subjectivity is not as strong as Du Xiaofan's."

"Huh?" Hai Lanqing was confused.

Li Mu smiled and said, "The extremely high-pressure working environment means that once I die, the remaining people must have a strong subjectivity to continue to lead the task of protecting you. Taking everything into consideration, I recommend Du Xiaofan."

"I heard that he has always been your competitor. It seems that your mind is broader than I thought." Hai Lanqing said with a smile.

"It turns out that I'm still a bit petty in your heart." Li Mu said with a smile.

"It's a little bit." Hai Lanqing admitted frankly, then put away the introduction, and asked, "There is a possibility of war in Yecheng. There may be evacuation of overseas Chinese in the future. Before that, we have to do the preparation work in front. The theme After education, I will go to Shuiting Port to build a communication network, and you will accompany me, and the mission is to protect me."

Li Mu was secretly surprised. The situation in Yecheng has always been unstable. This was known to the common people, but if it was so chaotic that it was necessary to evacuate overseas Chinese, it meant that a war might break out.

It makes sense that Hai Lanqing needs bodyguards. Since the word bodyguard is used, it means that it must be a plainclothes operation, and the so-called communication network is probably a network of contacts in the eyes of intelligence personnel, rather than a real communication network. .

Isn't this what field intelligence agents are good at?

Why would the future evacuation work be so smooth that both sides of the war reached a tacit ceasefire in order to allow the Yan people to safely evacuate to a safe area?
It would not be possible without the efforts, hard work and even sacrifices of the comrades on the secret front that we cannot see.

(End of this chapter)

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