hunter commando

Chapter 522 RPG! RPG!

Chapter 522 RPG! RPG!

The K88 carrier-based helicopter flew around the ship building, with a distance of less than 100 meters. Li Mu thought that the hostages must be able to clearly see the August [-]st military emblem on the fuselage, and they must know that their country's military is coming to rescue them.

Taking this opportunity, Li Mu took the time to observe the situation on the ship building.The situation inside is generally difficult to see clearly, but the layout outside can be seen at a glance.Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan aimed their guns at the location where the pirates would appear. The helicopter circled around the position just now. There were still several pirates standing behind the guardrail, but Li Mu found that although they had raised their guns and aimed at them, they had no intention of shooting.

Basically, Li Mu can be sure that what he encounters must be a professional pirate.Otherwise, he would not be so calm and disciplined, which shows that the pirate leader has a strong control over the people below.So it's very difficult to deal with.

Li Mu also found it strange that the pirates did not shoot at the helicopter.Although the 7.62mm bullets did not pose any threat to the K88 carrier-based helicopter, they were very threatening to Li Mu and others near the hatch. The problem was that the pirates did not fire.

Under the premise that the situation was unclear, Li Mu did not issue an order to fire. It seemed that the two sides had reached a tacit understanding that unless one of the parties took the initiative to fire, the exchange of fire would not occur.

Will it really be so?
Suddenly, Li Mu suddenly noticed a figure flashing out from the corner of the ship building. The object on his shoulder stabbed Li Mu's eyes like a needle.

"Bazooka! Bazooka! Ten o'clock!"

Li Mu's sudden loud warning startled the captain. The captain glanced over and subconsciously made an evasive maneuver!

At the same time, when Li Mu yelled, his muzzle was already aimed at the target quickly, without the slightest hesitation, a short burst shot passed!

"Da da!"

The two short bursts hit the chest of the pirate with the bazooka on his shoulder with great accuracy. Almost at the same time, the bazooka was launched. When the other person fell to the ground, the bazooka rocket dragged a long path, but it was difficult to see clearly in the daytime. The tail flames rushed toward the K88 carrier-based helicopter.

It's just that the rocket lost its aim, and the captain had already made an evasive maneuver.

The rocket flew under the belly of the K88 carrier-based helicopter, flew forward for a long distance, and finally fell into the sea without exploding.Apparently a touch fuze was used.

The sudden attack made everyone break out in a cold sweat. Only then did they realize that the pirates did not shoot just to numb everyone's nerves. The real killer was the rocket launcher.

"Seven o'clock direction! Rocket launcher!" Zhao Yiyun suddenly shouted.

The captain turned his head suddenly and saw another pirate carrying a rocket launcher appearing on the left rear staircase. He hurriedly continued to perform evasive maneuvers.

The gun in Zhao Yiyun's hand started to fire when he shouted out, the sniper rifle, and a bullet directly blew the pirate's head off. He didn't even have time to launch the rocket launcher!

Once again the threat was lifted.

The captain took a few deep breaths, but he didn't expect that the special operations team members were so skilled in marksmanship that they were killed by gunshots.

"Sea Wolf, I want to fly to a safe distance," the captain said.

Li Mu is like boarding a ship and launching a storm immediately, but he can't act without the approval of the command center.

"Understood." Li Mu could only reply.

The K88 carrier-based helicopter quickly distanced itself from the Huazheng 51. At least it would not be threatened by direct rockets such as rocket launchers.

At this time, Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan summarized the observed situation to Li Mu, and Li Mu made a detailed report to the command center.

"They are definitely professional pirates. The crew members should be imprisoned in the cabin next to the driver's cab. We saw some tied up crew members." Li Mu finally said, "Sea Wolf requested a storm attack."

"Now is not the time to attack by force." It was Yang Zhiyuan's voice. "We just received news from China that the shipping company has agreed to the pirates' ransom demand. We need to wait for further news."

After pondering for a moment, Li Mu said in a deep voice, "Langtou, even if the hostages are released safely after paying the ransom, we can't let them go. This head cannot be opened. Merchant ships are a mobile country, and pirates boarding and hijacking are equivalent to invasion. Now is the most important time. Good time to act.”

Yang Zhiyuan didn't speak for a while, obviously he was discussing nervously with Director Fang.They are also hesitant. Logically speaking, they should respect the choice of the shipping company, and they are willing to pay the ransom to ensure the safety of the crew.But neither Director Fang nor Yang Zhiyuan could guarantee that the pirates would release them after paying the ransom.What Li Mu said was another more important reason.

If this trick is opened, then Yanguo merchant ships will be frequently visited by pirates in the future, because the pirates will know that even if Yanguo's special forces are in the air, they can successfully obtain the ransom and escape unscathed.

This is a sign of weakness.

"Shepherd." Yang Zhiyuan's voice sounded again, "Your battle plan?"

Li Mu had already made up his mind, he said, "Approaching in secret, there is a moored speedboat on the port side of Huazheng No. 51, we fell into the water from concealment, and boarded the ship from the port side!"

The Huazheng 51 is a giant ship with a displacement of nearly 88 tons. Therefore, the ship building has almost no perspective on the surroundings of the ship. If operated well, the K[-] carrier-based helicopter can completely covertly put down Li Mu and others, and then leave. Paralyzed pirates provide cover for the Seawolves.

Approving this plan requires taking great risks, and both Yang Zhiyuan and Director Fang need to consider it carefully.

After a while, Yang Zhiyuan's voice came, "I am the wolf leader, shepherd, take action now!"

"Understood!" Li Mu's spirit suddenly lifted.

He quickly came to the cockpit, bent over and stood beside the captain, and the two quickly communicated the plan. The K88 carrier-based helicopter flew around Huazheng 51 again, as if it was monitoring every move of Huazheng 51.

The pirate leader returned to the cab and watched the K88 carrier-based helicopter closely. Except for the rocket launcher, he had no weapons that could threaten the helicopter. For this, he had to feel deeply helpless.He couldn't help but think that it was time to consider purchasing shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles.

The K88 carrier-based helicopter flew in front of the ship building, at the bow of the ship, and then flew into the blind spot, and then appeared in the field of view from the port side. This was already the third time.The pirate leader couldn't help but feel worried. The fact that the carrier-based helicopter could appear here and stay in the air for such a long time meant that the escort formation was not far away and must be arriving at a high speed.

Looking at the time, the pirate leader was considering whether to kill one or two people to put pressure on the other party.As a professional pirate, he will not harm the hostages as long as he can successfully obtain the ransom. The premise is that everything goes well. The situation in front of him is obviously not going well.

(End of this chapter)

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