hunter commando

Chapter 521 81 Military Emblem, Here We Come!

Chapter 521: August [-]st Military Emblem, here we come!
"We have seen the target ship and it is confirmed to be the Huazheng 51!"

The K88 carrier-based helicopter flew around the bow of the Huazheng 51. The captain saw the name of the ship clearly and immediately reported to the flight control center.

Unlike Li Mu and others, the K88 carrier-based helicopter has the navy's communication data link. It can communicate smoothly even for [-] kilometers, not to mention [-] kilometers.

Therefore, the captain has another role to a certain extent—acting as a liaison officer, conveying instructions from the flagship to Li Mu when necessary. The K88 shipboard helicopter is equipped with a short-wave radio station that can communicate with ground forces.

The cabin door has been opened. Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun are leaning against the door. The August [-]st Tactics in Li Mu's hand is supported on his left knee, using the sitting shooting posture created by the gun king He Xiangmei. Similarly, the sniper in Zhao Yiyun's hand is The rifle also adopted the same shooting posture and aimed at the ship building.

"Did you see it? It's on the left side of the ship building." Zhao Yiyun said.

There were several pirates standing by the guardrail on the left side of the ship building. They did not react excessively, but just observed them cautiously.

"The distance exceeds the effective range." Zhao Yiyun added, "They were smart and didn't waste bullets by shooting indiscriminately."

Li Mu twitched his lips and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, please note that these pirates are not ordinary, they are not poor people from California who don't know anything."

Calm opponents are difficult to deal with.

"Professional pirate?" Du Xiaofan's voice sounded on the channel.

"Eighty percent yes." Li Mu replied.

Li Mu not only quickly recalled the information about Shuitingwan Island that Yang Zhiyuan introduced in his mind.

Among the pirates in Shuiting Bend, except for some armed groups who have ulterior motives in using their status as pirates to do ulterior motives, the others can be divided into two categories based on their composition.

The first category is the so-called poor pirates. In fact, those people are civilians or fishermen on the coast of mainland California. Poverty and hunger make them take risks. They take guns and paddle a sampan and become pirates.Those people are pirates when they pick up their guns, and they are desperate when they put down their guns. This is why the continuous attacks from various countries cannot eradicate the Shuitingwan pirates.

The second category, this category is the real pirates, it should be said that they are professional pirates.Most of them usually have relevant experience, for example, they have paid military service and have certain combat experience. They make a living by robbery. Their actions are crisp and neat, very organized, and the organization is very clear.Often the purpose of this type of people is to make money. They are engaged in long-term business, so they rarely kill people. They understand the principle of killing the goose to get the eggs.

As mentioned earlier, some armed groups use their identities as pirates to do some things. This type of professional soldiers who serve as pirates often do very extreme things.Even if the ransom demand is successful, in order to conceal their true identity, they usually silence the person, and some even set fire to the ship.

Obviously, the source of this kind of pirates needless to say, there are so many wars in Liga, and there are so many armed forces, how to maintain the troops, money, what to do if there is no money, rob it, so the passing merchant ships became the target.To a certain extent, the sharp rise in the number of Waterside Bend pirates and their becoming more rampant to the point that they are famous all over the world are inseparable from this group of people.

To put it bluntly, the various armed factions in those war-torn countries in California are unscrupulous executioners who are more cruel than professional pirates. There is no humanity at all!
Quickly retracting his thoughts, Li Mu prayed in his heart, hoping that the pirates he met were not the latter type of pirates, and the situation in front of him could prove that they were not part-time poor people from California. Therefore, they might be professional pirates or people with government backgrounds. Brutal armed predators.

"The ship has been controlled. Judging from the speedboat attached to the side of Huazheng No. 51, the number of pirates ranges from ten to 15. Without seeing the crew, it is judged that they have been detained." When the K88 carrier-based helicopter circled Huazheng After No. 51 flew around, Li Mu calmly reported his analysis to the flagship command center.

In this aspect, he is more professional than the captain, so the captain cannot be replaced.

"Please tell me what to do next." Li Mu asked.

The flagship command center did not reply immediately, and was obviously in urgent consultation.

At this time, the distance between the K88 carrier-based helicopter and the Huazheng 51 was quite far. It was 500 meters away. Including the vertical height difference, it was about 700 meters. This was a safe distance.

Li Mu thought for a while and contacted the captain through the internal channel, "Can you get closer?"

The captain said, "Without orders, I can only stay at a safe distance."

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, the compatriots on the ship must have heard the sound of the helicopter. I hope they can see the August [-]st Army emblem on the fuselage. We are here to rescue them." Li Mu said in a deep voice.

The captain was stunned for a moment. Yes, in the past few years, Yan merchant ships have been attacked. They were either rescued or escorted by foreign warships or escaped by their own strength.Although the country sent a convoy fleet to carry out large-scale publicity, it is difficult to guarantee that some compatriots overseas do not know about it.

Yes, this is a move to cheer up the crew and it should be done.

"I have to report." The captain relented, and he immediately contacted the flight control center. "The seagull is calling. Please answer when the nest is received."

"The nest received it, please speak!"

"I want to enter a dangerous distance." The captain asked in a deep voice, "We want our compatriots on the ship to see the August [-]st Army emblem on the fuselage, and here we are!"

The flight control center was obviously silent for a while, and then a firm and deep voice came out. It was Director Fang's voice, "Seagull! I approved your request!"

"Thank you Lair!" The captain became excited and immediately said to Li Mu and the others through the internal channel, "Sea Wolf, the request has been approved, let's move over!"

Emperor Li Mu issued an order: "Get ready for battle!"

Immediately, Du Xiaofan moved to the back facing the cabin door and pointed his gun at the ship building. At the same time, Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun sat firmly in their original positions with their guns pointed outside. If there was any sign of trouble, they would shoot immediately!
They had been practicing hard for this kind of aerial shooting with helicopters as the carrier. The best marksmen were Li Mu, Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan. It is estimated that even the people of SEAL Team [-] could not catch up!

The K88 carrier-based helicopter suddenly accelerated and lowered its altitude under the surprised eyes of the pirates. It moved towards the ship building, cut a small radius, and quickly approached, and then flew around the ship building!

"Captain, look, August [-]! August [-]!" the first mate shouted excitedly, "It's our plane! It's our plane!"

The captain quickly followed the sound and looked over. The August [-]st military emblem on the fuselage was shining in the sun. He saw his own army thousands of miles away on the sea, advanced ship-based helicopters, and familiar camouflage colors on the hatches. !
The rest of the crew members who were detained in the conference room also saw the K88 ship-based helicopter flying around the ship building, and they suddenly became excited!
Hot tears flowed from the captain's eyes. The sense of intimacy, the sense of steadiness, the kind of steadiness that even makes one feel confident in his heart cannot be expressed in words!
"Bayi! Bayi! Bayi! It's our army!"

(End of this chapter)

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