hunter commando

Chapter 418: Will they be illegal armed personnel?

Chapter 418: Will they be illegal armed personnel?

The Tiger Hunting Team caught up with the Red Army's second commando team, although it is unclear whether the target was a commando team or a combat team, or simply a scout team followed by a large force!
The compressed biscuits they had just eaten were all consumed in a short time. Li Mu was in front, and the three of them were almost trotting to catch up with the target.

After crossing the ridgeline where we were just now, we went sideways down the mountain, drawing a diagonally downward line on the mountain.Climbing diagonally up the mountain saves effort, and walking down the mountain diagonally is faster, and the direction is the same as the direction of the target.

The distance is getting closer, but it is not easy to catch up with the target in a short time.Even on the plains, it would take some effort to catch up, let alone in this primitive mountain forest with no roads at all.

"They are on the ridgeline." Shi Lei said something casually while jogging.

"Be careful!" Du Xiaofan clearly saw that Shi Lei's trotting route was somewhat deviated, and hurriedly reminded him, while reaching out to grab Shi Lei.

Shi Lei hurriedly stopped and saw a pit in front of him. If he stepped into it, he might get sprained.Once something like sprained feet occurs, it is basically equivalent to losing half of the combat effectiveness.

Breaking into a cold sweat, Shi Lei quickly stabilized his body.

Li Mu stopped and turned around to say, "Be careful."

"Squad leader, I'm sorry." Shi Lei whispered.

"Keep moving forward." Li Mu slashed out his knife.

Shi Lei cheered up and hurriedly followed.He was a little distracted, and he didn't know what he was thinking of in this scene. He was distracted.

Soon, they heard each other's rough breathing, and the speed became faster and faster. After adapting to running in the dark night mountains and forests, it is natural to increase the speed.The tiger hunting team was running wildly in pursuit. The target was unconscious and still moving at a normal speed. They were even still on the ridgeline.

The ridgeline is the best route, but also the most exposed.

Of course, if there are no enemies around, even Li Mu will choose to march on the ridgeline, because not only the view is good, but the marching speed will also be very fast.

As the distance got closer, Li Mu could see more clearly.Five light beams means five flashlights and five people.You can see that they are carrying guns on their backs and walking very cautiously.

Li Mu basically concluded that it was another unit of the Red Army. He immediately reported the situation to Chen Tao: "Xiehu reported that there are five targets. At present, we can only roughly identify them as armed personnel. It has not been found out whether they are Red Army personnel. Over."

He still made the report more cautiously. Any accident could happen, but in this place hundreds of kilometers away from the border, it would be really nonsense if there were illegal overseas armed forces.Because Li Mu could basically conclude that these people were another team sent by the No. 13 Special Operations Brigade.Perhaps their intention hit exactly what Chen Tao was most worried about - being surrounded by troops that were twice as many as his own.

Whether it is large-scale mobile operations, offensive and defensive operations, or small-scale special forces operations, as long as it is a battle, the enemy and we are always thinking about one thing - surrounding each other.And the thing that I always worry about is - being surrounded by the other side.

The ultimate goal of any superb tactical command art is always to achieve the same goal - to surround the enemy.

Throughout the history of world wars, from major world wars to small village battles, the eternal tactical purpose is to surround the enemy.

Obviously, Chen Tao was thinking. After almost a minute, he gave Li Mu an instruction: "Xihu, your department must first find out the specific situation of the target and confirm whether it belongs to the Red Army personnel. If it is confirmed to be true, there is no need to report it, whether it is a hit or not. It’s up to you to decide to withdraw. If they are illegal armed personnel, they must be closely monitored and reported immediately!”

Li Mu quickly replied with two words: "Got it!"

Immediately, he called the two people over and whispered, "Headhunter orders to confirm the identity of the target. If it is the Red Army, we will decide how to deal with it. If it is an illegal armed person, it must be closely monitored and reported immediately."

Glancing at the camouflage on the faces of the two comrades-in-arms, he said in a deep voice, "According to regulations, we do not carry live ammunition, and the killing distance of empty ammunition is only five meters. That is to say, the only weapon we can use is a saber. In an emergency, you should know what to do. Let me just say one thing, if it is an illegal armed person, don’t show mercy! Otherwise, you will die!"

They are all people who have participated in several actual battles, so they naturally know the stakes involved.Maybe it's just a daze, and you might lose your life.

"Don't worry." Du Xiaofan nodded solemnly, "The possibility of illegal arming should not be too great, and drug dealers will not come to this remote mountain and wild forest."

"Anyway, be vigilant." Li Mu nodded.

Shi Lei asked, "Squad leader, we only have sabers, we can't just fight back when we are attacked, right?"

"Just follow my orders." Li Mu said.

"I understand."

After the arrangements were made, Li Mu took the lead and began to move towards the ridgeline. At this time, he was walking up the mountain, and his physical exertion was even greater.

How to find out the specific identity of the target?

Obviously there is only one way - to get as close as possible and identify it with the naked eye.Camouflage uniforms, weapons, combat boots, epaulettes, etc. Everything you can see is a target for identification.

Climbing the mountainside with his hands and feet, Li Mu stopped to take a breath and looked up at the target.The five figures walked forward at a steady speed on the ridgeline. There were some sparse trees around the ridgeline, so they were not completely exposed to the background of the night sky.

At this time, there seemed to be a gap in the night sky, and some moon and stars came down.This may be a sign that heavy rain is coming.

Li Mu put on low-light night vision goggles to observe.Du Xiaofan and Shi Lei knelt down on both sides of him, in a kneeling shooting position, and guarded both sides. The three-person combat team cooperated smoothly, and one movement could bring out a coherent action without any instructions.

Unfortunately, even with the help of low-light night vision devices, Li Mu couldn't see the details of the target clearly, but one thing was confirmed—they were wearing camouflage uniforms.It's just that their weapons were all in their hands at this time. Because of the cover of their bodies and the obstacles of trees from time to time, Li Mu couldn't see clearly what type of weapon the target was holding.

The light emitted by the flashlight was very familiar, like a military flashlight.But this is difficult to use as a basis, because many soldiers like to buy civilian flashlights for use, because many civilian products are now more powerful than military ones!
The distance is more than 100 meters, so we need to get closer.

Putting away the low-light night vision device, Li Mu said in a deep voice, "We have to get closer. Lower your posture and control the sound."

The three of them continued to move up and forward.

(End of this chapter)

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