hunter commando

Chapter 417 The Unknown Enemy

Chapter 417 The Unknown Enemy

Maybe Li Mu didn't dare to admit that what was instilled and branded in the Hunter Commando team was more about his combat thoughts and personal character.

Maybe Chen Tao, the commander of the army, did it deliberately, or maybe he simply wanted to see the results. Now any member of the Hunter Commando team will find one thing when they think about it - from the training team to the commando team, every time they reach the most difficult task At that time, it was Li Mu who stood up to encourage everyone and led everyone to grit their teeth and move forward.

Chen Tao's role is more of a higher-level leader, and he rarely interferes with specific matters and leaves them all to Li Mu.No one would dispute that Li Mu was the actual commander of the Hunter Commando.For example, Chen Tao usually only gives orders to Li Mu. As for how Li Mu arranges and who completes the task, he doesn't ask at all.

Perhaps no one realizes this, but it is true that Chen Tao began to train Li Mu as his successor a long time ago.

So, if the Hunter Commando loses and faces the danger of having their number cancelled, how should Li Mu handle himself?Just in your own heart, that tone will not go down well.People compete for a breath and Buddha competes for a stick of incense.

Li Mu's way to relieve stress is to drive his brain harder. His thoughts are ever-changing, running at high speed like an [-]-core CPU, without stopping for a moment.

As time passed, the tiger hunting group was getting farther and farther away from the hunter group, while the hunter group was getting closer and closer to the No. 13 Commando.In this stage where the battlefield is temporarily opaque to both sides, it is worth looking forward to how the curtain will be kicked off.

After crossing a hill again, Li Mu signed a sign to stop, and the tiger hunting group stopped.Li Mu looked at the distance, summoned Du Xiaofan and Shi Lei, and the three gathered together for a meeting.

"The current time is 37:10, and we are [-] kilometers away from the hunter group." Li Mu said in a deep voice, "Now I order you to rest in place for three to ten minutes."

Shi Lei immediately exhaled heavily, "I can finally take a rest."

I walked continuously for nearly six hours, and maintained a relatively high speed on complex terrain. No matter how physically strong I was, I couldn't compare to a steel machine that just refueled.

Du Xiaofan found a relatively thick tree and leaned against it. He slowly sat down and relaxed his legs. His eyes were still vigilantly observing the direction in which he was alert.

Li Mu held the Beidou Individual Terminal and sat on the ground against a rock, with the direction they came from behind him.Shi Lei found a place to sit down and rest on his left wing. The direction of the warning was just right to form a fan-shaped warning formation with Du Xiaofan with Li Mu as the center.

Looking carefully at the positioning information on the individual soldier terminal, when the time reached [-]:[-], Li Mu started to use the individual soldier radio to make a call. It turned out that it had exceeded the effective range of the individual soldier radio and the interference was very large.

Li Mu decisively used the individual soldier terminal, quickly edited the text message and sent it: "Tiger Hunting Report, I have reached the first adjustment point and am resting as planned. Over!"

Soon, the hunter team responded: "Hunter received, proceed as planned, completed!"

Li Mu felt relieved, put away the individual soldier terminal, and then whispered, "Add some food, we will have plenty of rest time."

Shi Lei and Du Xiaofan took out dry food and water from their tactical backpacks and ate slowly and slowly.The dry food was compressed biscuits, and the water was boiled water that was no longer heated in military kettles.A sip of compressed biscuits and a sip of water. Replenishing food and eating in a combat state are two different things.The former is no different than adding fuel to a car.

Li Mu had no appetite, but he still broke off a small piece of compressed biscuit and threw it into his mouth, chewing it slowly. He chewed the biscuit completely before swallowing it slowly, and then drank some water.

When twisting the kettle lid, Li Mu suddenly paused.He seemed to see a very faint light flashing directly in front of him, but his attention was not there just now, so he was not sure.

After putting the military kettle away, Li Mu was about to speak. Still in the same position, there was once again a bright light that was more conspicuous than before, like the light swept by a flashlight. Judging from the brightness, it seemed to be on the opposite mountain, far away.

"Pay attention to the front!" Li Mu raised his automatic rifle.

Shi Lei and Du Xiaofan instantly picked up their automatic rifles and aimed at the twelve o'clock direction.Shi Lei was seen lying directly on the ground, while Du Xiaofan used the tree trunk as a cover to kneel down and shoot.

At this time, bright light appeared again, very faint, but there were several.This time, Li Mu could see more clearly, and the distance was very far.The so-called "running to death" when looking at the mountain, not to mention it is still in this dark night. If you want to reach the opposite mountain, it looks very close. In fact, the time it takes is definitely beyond your imagination.

"There's someone on the mountain opposite, a group of people!" Shi Lei was surprised and whispered.

Du Xiaofan immediately gave his own analysis: "The people in the middle of the night are definitely not local people. It is estimated that the Red Army has also divided its troops."

Li Mu said in a deep voice, "Maybe they didn't divide their troops at all, but just sent two commandos."

"Old Li, this distance is not close. Judging from the light, they are going north. It seems they want to take the hunter group's retreat from the north." Du Xiaofan said.

Li Mu took out the individual soldier terminal and said, "I will report the situation to the headhunter."

Li Mu quickly edited the text message and sent it: "Tiger hunting report! Our unit and current location have discovered an unknown enemy. The location is in the mountains about one kilometer east of my current location. They are heading north, please give instructions! "

On the other side, Jin Huanming hurriedly showed the information to Chen Tao. After reading it, Chen Tao was secretly surprised and whispered in an unhappy tone, "Could it be that bastard Li Tangyi sent two commandos? Or was it the No. 13 commando?" Li Jiujiu of the team also split the team into two!"

Zhao Yiyun frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Headhunter, it is unlikely that the No. 13 commando team split into two. Judging from the location found, it is in the abdomen of the battle area."

"Well, it's impossible to go deep in such a short time. It seems that Li Tangyi has already ambushed the second unit." Chen Tao snorted coldly and said, "I had expected that the old boy wouldn't do anything. He was kind-hearted, and when he retreated generously at first, I thought he had changed his gender.”

"A dog can't change a ****." Jin Huanming said with a smile.

Chen Tao glared at him suddenly, and Jin Huanming's expression suddenly stiffened. Then he realized that he had chosen the wrong person because he wanted to show that he was different.The person we are talking about is a senior college student, and he and Chen Tao are classmates. Chen Tao can't say it too much, but you, a soldier, can't talk like that!
Zhao Yiyun patted Jin Huanming on the shoulder and said, "It's terrible to be uneducated. Lao Jin, he should be a wolf traveling thousands of miles to eat meat."

"Yes, yes, I used the wrong adjective." Jin Huanming said quickly.

Chen Tao ignored him and quickly edited the order and sent it: "Order your troops to quickly find out the enemy's situation, pay attention to concealment, and report any situation at any time!"

Li Mu quickly replied: "Received!"

Note: Brothers, please vote for support. Who is the unknown enemy? Can you guess?
(End of this chapter)

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