hunter commando

Chapter 388 Not Optimistic Forecast

Chapter 388 Not Optimistic Forecast

A helicopter hovered over the training area, flying at an altitude of between 50 meters and 80 meters. It also flew a wavy track while circling.

At the cabin door, Du Xiaofan was sitting on the floor, leaning against the door frame, with a seat belt tied around his waist. Chen Tao was squatting beside him. They both wore earphones to facilitate communication in the noisy cabin.

Li Mu and others were on standby.

Special shooting training officially started today.Special shooting includes many subjects, including precise shooting at ground targets from a carrier aircraft.

Chen Tao guided Du Xiaofan in his first live-fire shooting. Below was a large open space with body targets placed in prescribed positions, the best targets for shooting.

Five bullets were quickly fired, and Du Xiaofan checked the gun safety and stepped aside.

"Prepare for the next one!" Chen Tao shouted.

In the rumbling cabin, Zhao Yiyun stepped forward and began to prepare for shooting according to the command.Everyone uses automatic rifles and is equipped with a quadruple white light sight.As a sniper, Zhao Yiyun is no exception.

Soon, after the target reporter on the ground tallied up Du Xiaofan's results, he returned to the bunker and immediately gave the instruction to Chen Tao above his head that he could shoot.

Zhao Yiyun tried his best to balance his body, but it was difficult to maintain a sense of balance on the helicopter that was flying up and down.A slight difference can mean a thousand miles, and if the aiming point is slightly shifted, there is no doubt that the target will miss.

When the helicopter circled around for the sixth time, Li Mu, who was the last to shoot, had finished firing, and there was not a single bullet left in the five rounds.

Soon, the helicopter dropped in altitude and hovered directly on the flat ground below. The Hunter Commandos quickly slid down, and the helicopter climbed up and returned.

After gathering on the grass, Chen Tao glanced at everyone and ordered, "Sit down."

Everyone sat down cross-legged, with the guns on their right sides.

A lieutenant ran over over there, holding a piece of paper in his hand. He saluted Chen Tao and handed over the report card.

Chen Tao took it in return and glanced down.

"Sit relaxed." Chen Tao raised his eyes and said.

The soldiers relaxed, Shi Lei raised his hand to report: "Report, headhunter, can you smoke?"

After getting along for a few months, they were such a small group again. They ate, drank, and had sex together. Gradually, the relationship between the soldiers and Chen Tao became less of a superior and a subordinate. This was mainly reflected in the normal work hours. The differences in levels in group training are quite obvious.

Chen Tao said, "Let's smoke."

Shi Lei immediately took out a cigarette with a smile on his face, and passed it out to several of them.When it was sent to Li Mu, Li Mu shook his head.Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't take it seriously, he smoked after lighting up.

Several other people were about to light up and smoke, but they all noticed that something was wrong with Li Mu's expression. When they looked at Chen Tao, he looked like he was smiling but not smiling.They all put their cigarettes in their pockets and sat down slowly.Shi Lei was the only one left smoking there as if no one else was around, quite happy.

After half a cigarette, Shi Lei realized that something was wrong all over his body. He looked around and saw, oh, they all looked serious and dog-like. He was just laughing and joking by himself. Looking at Chen Tao's expression, no matter how slow he was, he couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. When he woke up, he quickly put out his cigarette and sat upright.

"Estimate how many rings you will get." Chen Tao said with his hands behind his back, and tapped Shi Lei with his chin, "Da Lang, you speak first."


Shi Lei was shaken all over. He hesitated for a while and then said uncertainly, "Report, with five bullets, I should be able to hit thirty to thirty-five rings."

"What are your usual grades?" Chen Tao asked.

"Report to the headhunter!" Shi Lei suddenly became confident, "The best score for mobile precision shooting is 47 rings! At least not less than 42 rings!"

This result is very outstanding, although it is a bit different from the pervert Li Mu who achieved [-] rings in one shot.

Chen Tao nodded slightly, "It seems that Comrade Dalang is very confident in himself. In the new special shooting event, precision shooting from the air to the ground, Comrade Dalang believes that his score is between 35 and [-] rings."

Li Mu closed his eyes in slight pain and cursed in his mind, Shi Lei really thought he could do anything, he was too proud!
He had already seen that the headhunter had dug a big hole and was ready to bury everyone in it.Precision shooting at stationary targets on the ground in the air is the most basic air assault special shooting skill, but it is something that soldiers have never been exposed to before, and it is completely different from any previous shooting conditions.

Previously, they conducted fast-moving precision shooting while the vehicle was moving, targeting stationary targets and moving targets respectively. Everyone achieved excellent results and has stabilized.But shooting with precision from top to bottom on a helicopter is completely different.

Li Mu reckoned that his brothers probably miscalculated today's shooting results with their previous good feelings.

However, Chen Tao did not immediately announce Shi Lei's results. Instead, he pointed at Du Xiaofan and continued to ask, "Fengfeng, how many rings do you think you have scored?"

Du Xiaofan had obviously thought about it and immediately replied: "About thirty rings."

It was much lower than Shi Lei's standard, which made Shi Lei look at Du Xiaofan in surprise.

"Why?" Chen Tao asked.

Du Xiaofan replied: "Because I feel that shooting from a helicopter is much more difficult than shooting on land, and a bit more difficult than shooting from a moving vehicle. So I lowered my mental standards." "

Changshua nodded, not knowing whether Chen Tao meant to agree with Du Xiaofan's view, or to express that he understood Du Xiaofan's answer.

With another tap of his chin, Chen Tao asked Geng Shuai, "White Wolf, what about you?"

"I should have scored more than 20 or [-] rings." Geng Shuai gave a more vague answer. It can be heard that he has little confidence in his shooting today.

Chen Tao nodded to Lin Yu: "Warrior."

"Report! I think my ring number is between twenty and thirty rings."

Still nodding, Chen Tao continued to ask Zhao Yiyun, "Yiqiang, you are a sniper, your expectations of yourself should be higher than those of others, right?"

Zhao Yiyun replied: "Report to the headhunter! I think my ring number is between ten and twenty rings!"

When the sentence came out, everyone opened their mouths in surprise. The first reaction was, Lao Zhao is not in good condition today?In the commando team, besides Li Mu, the one with the best marksmanship is Zhao Yiyun.

"Oh, not in good condition?" Chen Tao said as if asking.

"No, I performed normally, but I feel that the results are not satisfactory." Zhao Yiyun looked at other people's puzzled eyes and said in a deep voice, "The precision shooting on the plane is completely different from any shooting conditions we have been exposed to before. I’m afraid the results will be ugly once.”

Everyone's eyes moved to Chen Tao's face.

Chen Tao was still smiling and asked, "There is a strange phenomenon. People who are better at shooting usually have worse predictions about themselves. Why is this?"

He didn't intend for the soldiers to answer this question, and it was difficult for the soldiers to answer it.

After a pause, he said, "Please tell me, why are you so unsure of yourself?"

The soldiers were extremely embarrassed.

Chen Tao answered for them, he said, "Because you have actually felt the difficulty during the shooting process. On a helicopter with speed, angle and unstable flight, use small weapons to accurately shoot fixed targets on the ground. I can To tell you frankly, among the soldiers of the Northern Federation, this subject is only trained by the special forces snipers of the Northern Federation soldiers."

Everyone gasped secretly.

Isn't this just kidding? How can it be compared with the Northern Federation soldiers' special forces?
Chen Tao changed the subject: "But..."

Note: Happy holidays, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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