hunter commando

Chapter 387 Tiger in the Jungle and Wolf in the Mountain

Chapter 387 Tiger in the Jungle and Wolf in the Mountain
As the airborne training progressed, Li Mu discovered that the training was not that simple. It was completely different from the airborne training he had received in the past.

In the past, there was only one way to glide down during aircraft landing training: kick up your feet, face away from the cabin, bend your knees at [-] degrees, and land like a frog.Strictly speaking, it is to calculate the time to reach the landing point, find the best rhythm, and complete a top-down arc-shaped parabola.

This skiing method has a good-looking posture and allows individual soldiers to land faster.

However, in terms of actual combat and overall landing, this sliding method has shortcomings.

As a result, another brand-new sliding method was passed on to the soldiers from Chen Tao.In fact, it draws on the skiing methods commonly used by special forces from various countries, slightly improved them, and formed a new set of skiing movements.

The new downhill maneuver is simpler and easier to master.

In other words, Chen Tao decided to abandon the old downhill moves that were more difficult to master.

Hold the rope tightly with both hands, clamp the rope between the soles of your feet, and slide your body vertically upwards, which is basically the same as standing, and slide down the rope.To a certain extent, you can even have one hand free to operate an automatic rifle.Because during the descent process, soldiers are completely exposed to enemy firepower.

The first soldier has descended halfway, and the latter soldier has already started to descend. This increases the team's overall landing speed and makes the team more coherent.

Chen Tao's requirement for the Hunter Commando Team is that the process from the time the No. 1 person starts to slide to the landing of the last person should not take more than ten seconds. In other words, as far as the Hunter Commando Team is concerned, the average time per person for the seven members of the Hunter Commando Team is Within one point and five seconds.

The standards are very harsh, and the training in this subject alone has made the soldiers dizzy these days.The main problem is instability. Sometimes the time is very well controlled, even more than eight seconds and nine seconds, but sometimes there are quite a few seconds, [-] or [-] seconds.

The official document has been released. On June [-], the Hunter Commandos will confront the first special forces of the Southwest Military Region.

"The special operations brigade of the No. 13 Group Army is known as the tiger of the jungle and the wolf of the mountain. The opponent is not easy. What I am curious about is what kind of confrontation method it will take. They can't swarm them. We can just have these few hangings. -Human." Du Xiaofan took a puff of cigarette and said.

The six members of the Hunter Commando were lying or sitting on the grass in a huddle, with the reservoir not far ahead.This is a break between training. Rest for 10 minutes before continuing training.

Chen Tao and Li Mu were squatting under a tree in the distance. They were discussing something in a low voice over a blueprint spread on the ground. Several soldiers here began to chat about the confrontation in 20 days.

"The No. 13 Group Army is not an ordinary army." Zhao Yiyun said.

Shi Lei frowned and said, "They have a special operations brigade? No way, our army is the brigade, they are the brigade."

"Our army cannot compare with the Thirteenth Army at all." Zhao Yiyun shook his head and said, "The Thirteenth Army used to belong to the Category A heavy armored group army, and the most important thing is that since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Thirteenth Army is the only one that has participated in military operations. An uninterrupted military-level unit. They are the troops with the most combat experience."

Du Xiaofan added with a smile, "What kind of army is our army? It was formerly a bandit armed force in Shandong. After being adapted, its merits cannot be compared with others. If it weren't for a few awesome leaders, our army would have been disbanded long ago." ”

Geng Shuai suddenly added: "I heard that the extra large will soon be converted into a brigade."

Shi Lei was stunned, "Our army's special forces are going to be transformed into brigades? Why do the special forces need so many people?"

"It's very possible." Zhao Yiyun said, "Many special forces groups are expanding, and it is normal for the Thirteenth Army to follow this trend."

Lin Yu interjected, "I asked the squad leader, and the squad leader said that there is another possibility. The level of the troops has gone up, but the number of people may not have changed much."

Slightly stunned for a moment, Du Xiaofan immediately felt that the possibility was very high, and immediately nodded and said, "Yes, it may also be the case. Several special forces of the Northern Federation soldiers are of high rank. Our special forces, except for the early direct headquarters The few special forces under the military region are not very high-level, and they are supporting the regiment to death."

"What's the point?" Shi Lei shook his head in confusion and took a drag on his cigarette.

Zhao Yiyun looked at Shi Lei in confusion, "Lin Yu is right, you are just a pig brain. Isn't this similar to the situation of our hunter commando team. As the level of the unit goes up, the treatment and other things will naturally go up to a higher level."

Shi Lei made a sound and said, "I think it's an unhealthy trend. What the special forces want is a capable and strong team. What's the use of having a large organization? Our hunter commando team only has a few birds. What do you think of the southwest?" The military region will let their jungle tigers come to fight against us? Doesn’t this mean that our hunter commandos are worthy of attention in the eyes of the commanders of the Southwest Military Region."

Seeing Shi Lei's triumphant look, the others didn't want to speak anymore and immediately changed the topic in a tacit understanding, but refused to answer Shi Lei's words, which almost caused him internal injuries.

Over there, Li Mu and Chen Tao were summarizing the problems of the morning training. Li Mu wrote down in his notebook, and then heard Chen Tao say, "You need to enter the role of commander as soon as possible. I have decided to treat you as a reserve." The commander came to train, and it was approved by the higher authority.”

Li Mu was stunned and said in astonishment, "Headhunter, you want to leave?"

"Why are you leaving? I am still the boss of the Hunter Commando Team, and I estimate that I will be for a long time in the future. But is there any conflict with training you to become the leader of the Hunter Commando Team?" Chen Tao asked back.

Nodding slowly, Li Mu said, "Understood."

"Study hard. In one year at most, you will probably go to a military academy to study." Chen Tao said.

Li Mu nodded silently. He knew that this road had reached this point, and the process of being promoted to study in school was unavoidable.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Li Mu said, "I don't like the school environment, otherwise I would have gone to college."

"Military academies are also troops. You will definitely like it." Chen Tao said with a smile.

He took out a cigarette and lit one. Chen Tao handed it to Li Mu. Li Mu took a cigarette and lit it up. Chen Tao took two puffs and asked, "What do you think of the [-]th Army Special Forces Brigade?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Mu said, "I don't have any opinion. It is the only unit in the army that has participated in continuous military operations without interruption. I don't know how big the difference is between the real situation and what is reported in the news."

"I know you have worked on the news front for a period of time. It is true that some troops like to exaggerate their combat effectiveness." Chen Tao said with a smile, and the topic suddenly changed, "However, the [-]th Army Special Brigade is not simple. According to our current level, we will Losing miserably.”

Li Mu was secretly surprised and looked at Chen Tao in disbelief...

(End of this chapter)

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