hunter commando

Chapter 335 Beauty, you are humiliating yourself

Chapter 335 Beauty, you are humiliating yourself
25-meter chest target, conventional pistol shooting conditions.

Du Xiaofan raised his gun and started shooting, bang bang bang bang...

It was heard continuously, but in just a few seconds, a magazine of fifteen bullets was used up.

Du Xiaofan put down the gun, looked at the pistol in his hand, pulled the trigger back and forth to check the gun, then fired the gun dry, turned off the safety, then turned around and walked back, handing the gun to Lao Liu.

Old Liu came to his senses and quickly checked the gun to make sure there were no bullets in the gun or magazine before placing it on the table.

"Chief Liu, please." Du Xiaofan smiled and stretched out his hand.

Liu Xiaohui was quite surprised. If nothing else, the design speed alone was beyond her reach.However, no matter how you look at it, this Instructor Du seems to be playing a game. He just raised his hand and fired all the bullets without even aiming. Why is he here to help our police consume ammunition?
"Are you sure this isn't a test firing?" Liu Xiaohui still asked worriedly.

Du Xiaofan nodded, smiled faintly, and said, "The bullet will throw water, Chief Liu, please."

Since people have already said so, I can only admit it.Liu Xiaohui didn't believe that Du Xiaofan's shooting was so accurate!

I just counted it subconsciously, and in less than ten seconds, all the bullets in the magazine were fired!

In fact, Liu Xiaohui's estimated time had a relatively large error. To be precise, the time it took Du Xiaofan to fire fifteen rounds of bullets was definitely no more than seven seconds!His pistol rapid fire performance is normally within seven seconds!
There's no point in hitting fast, you have to be accurate.

Liu Xiaohui smiled softly in her heart, and walked to the shooting position full of confidence.

At this time, Lao Liu picked up the binoculars, aimed at Du Xiaofan's target, looked over, looked at it carefully, looked at it carefully, looked at it carefully again, and looked at it carefully again, Lao Liu slowly put down the binoculars, put it halfway down, and picked it up again Watched it again.

Finally, when Liu Xiaohui started to aim, Lao Liu put down the telescope, with a helpless smile on his face.

Not surprisingly, Section Chief Liu lost this round.

Liu Xiaohui kept her hands steady. She was standing with her legs spread apart, which was different from Du Xiaofan's T-step shooting in the standard standing posture of the army.

Slowly adjust your breathing to keep your body in the quietest state. This is Liu Xiaohui's experience. Otherwise, she would not become a police officer with the best pistol shooting accuracy in the police force. Please note that it is all police officers, even some SWAT team members. , in terms of accuracy when it comes to pistol shooting, it cannot compare to her.


Liu Xiaohui fired and fired one round.

Feeling that she had found everything, Liu Xiaohui was immediately full of confidence.Even if the first shot misses badly, it doesn't matter, as long as you can find the shooting feel.

Steady gunshots rang out over the shooting range. They were neither impatient nor impetuous, and the intervals were very even. This is the standard quality of an excellent shooter.

Li Mu smiled slightly. If it was a shooting competition, maybe Liu Xiaohui would be a good competitor.

But whether it is a soldier or a policeman, the place where guns are used is not a competition ground.

After fifteen rounds were fired, Liu Xiaohui skillfully inspected the gun, turned off the safety, unloaded the magazine, handed the gun to Lao Liu, glanced at Du Xiaofan with a smile, and then his eyes fell on Li Mu's face, stayed for a while, and said, " Report the target.”

Li Mu smiled back.

Li Mu basically knew the specific results without reporting them.Du Xiaofan's will be above 130 rings, while Liu Xiaohui's will definitely not exceed 130 rings.Even so, Li Mu was still surprised by Liu Xiaohui's marksmanship. Liu Xiaohui was the woman with the best marksmanship he had ever seen.

Feng Yuye's marksmanship is not as good as hers.

Soon, the target reporter ran over, saluted everyone, and reported: "Report! 132 rings on target No. 129! [-] rings on target No. [-]! Complete!"

Liu Xiaohui looked at the target reporter with wide eyes and said subconsciously: "How much?"

She subconsciously wouldn't believe this result.

"Report! 132 rings on target No. 129! [-] rings on target No. [-]! Complete!" The target reporter reported the results again.

Li Mu smiled and shook his head at Du Xiaofan. Du Xiaofan smiled ashamedly. The meaning was obvious. Du Xiaofan felt that he had performed abnormally. Above 140 rings is a satisfactory result.

Target No. [-] was shot by Du Xiaofan, and target No. [-] was shot by Liu Xiaohui. Needless to say,
Old Liu looked at Du Xiaofan helplessly and could only smile bitterly.He has never seen such a powerful rapid-fire pistol, and Lao Liu knows that the 5.8 mm caliber used in military equipment is completely different from the 9 mm caliber used by the police. Even the automatic method is different. It mainly shoots with 9 mm caliber. The vibration is larger than that of 5.8 mm.

In other words, this instructor Du was exposed to the 9mm caliber for the first time, and he was a raw gun. He actually shot a score of 132 rings, and he still used a rapid fire method!
This has made him, an experienced firearms administrator, numb with surprise. At the very least, the entire SWAT detachment has never achieved such results. In other words, this Instructor Du created the SWAT training in just a few seconds by raising his hand. A shooting record from the base!
Therefore, when he saw clearly the distribution points of the bullets fired by Du Xiaofan, he knew that Liu Xiaohui would definitely lose. He was not an opponent of the same level at all.Don't forget, they used a rapid fire method.

Old Liu wanted to remind Liu Xiaohui to forget it and not to continue the comparison, because it would only embarrass others, but he didn't dare to say it. Everyone knew what kind of person Section Chief Liu was, so he could only keep silent.

Liu Xiaohui couldn't accept such a result. No matter how good his marksmanship was, would it be so ridiculously good?

Suddenly, Liu Xiaohui thought of a possibility. She was competing with Li Mu. Why was it Instructor Du?Could it be that Instructor Du is the best at pistol shooting among their troops, but Instructor Li must not be very good at this!
It must be so!

Otherwise, why didn't Instructor Li dare to go up?

Liu Xiaohui thought she had guessed Li Mu's trick right away, so she immediately laughed and said, "Well, I lost to Instructor Du, and I am convinced."

Li Mu thought it was over, nodded and was about to speak, but Liu Xiaohui changed the subject and said, "But, Team Leader Li, I want to compete with you, and you have to shoot a few times, right?"

Seeing Liu Xiaohui's smiling face, Li Mu was stunned.In Liu Xiaohui's eyes, this expression was like being stunned after someone saw through her little thoughts, and Liu Xiaohui's smile became even more meaningful.

Old Liu glanced at the callus on Li Mu's right index finger and lamented in his heart: Chief Liu, you are going to humiliate yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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