hunter commando

Chapter 334 To protect superiors is to protect the troops

Chapter 334 To protect superiors is to protect the troops
The field shooting range of the training base is much taller than that of the army, and even has ear protectors, which makes Li Mu and Du Xiaofan envious, but they are envious in their hearts and dare not show it.

Today is the time for the training and mobilization meeting. The big leaders are all here and people from all departments are sticking to their posts.Normally, at this point, they would have already been preparing for dinner in the dining hall.For example, the staff at the shooting range, if they are not shooting, they are just guards. If there is nothing to do, it is reasonable to get off work early.

So today is very special.

When Liu Xiaohui brought Li Mu and Du Xiaofan over, all the staff at the shooting range were at their posts. The person in charge of the shooting range also returned here not long ago from the venue. Naturally, he recognized Li Mu and Du Xiaofan. As for Liu Xiaohui, a man of great influence, then How could I not recognize him?

"Section Chief Liu, Instructor Li, Instructor Du." The person in charge was a fat man who felt a little out of breath even when walking. He came over immediately to say hello, and did not look down upon Li Mu and Du Xiaofan because they were young.

"Old Liu." Liu Xiaohui greeted.

Li Mu and Du Xiaofan saluted and shook hands with Lao Liu respectively.

"Old Liu, please take your time and accompany us to shoot." Liu Xiaohui said with a smile, "Let Instructor Li and Instructor Du get familiar with our shooting range and firearms."

"Look at what you are saying, Chief Liu, isn't the shooting range just for training?" Old Liu said hoarsely, "Instructor Li, Instructor Du, our shooting range is the largest in the country, and the firearms are also very large. Complete, although not as good as your troops."

Then, Lao Liu spent about 10 minutes taking everyone around, introducing the history of the shooting range, as well as which big leaders had visited here to inspect and how many rounds of ammunition were fired. The introduction was smoother than that of the tour guide.

"How about it, come on?" After that, Liu Xiaohui asked Li Mu for his opinion.

Li Mu nodded, "Come on."

Come on, fuck.

"We have three standard pistols, 9mm and 7.62mm and 7.62mm. Which one do you want to compete with?" Lao Liu asked.

Li Mu looked at Liu Xiaohui and said, "Section Chief Liu, please make arrangements."

"Then I'm not polite." Liu Xiaohui said really rudely, because she was only familiar with one kind of pistol, and the other two were so-so.

"92, after all, we are using the latest equipment." Liu Xiaohui said, "Is this the same type of equipment used by your army?"

"We use a 5.8 mm caliber." Du Xiaofan nodded and replied.

"Isn't there a big difference?" Liu Xiaohui asked.

Li Mu nodded, "Yes."

How could it not be big? The caliber is different. The biggest difference is that the shooting feeling is completely different.

Soon, Lao Liu had people deliver guns and ammunition.Relatively speaking, the police's control over firearms and ammunition is less strict than that of the army. After all, the two are different in nature.In the army, whenever shooting training is conducted, leading cadres at or above the deputy regiment level, including the deputy regiment, must be present, otherwise not a single bullet can be fired.

Liu Xiaohui carefully selected, and with the help of Lao Liu, she selected a pistol with relatively high accuracy.The accuracy of each gun is different. Even after multiple calibrations, it is impossible to achieve theoretical absolute accuracy.Therefore, anyone who is familiar with the operation and use of firearms knows that when using a gun, you must understand the temperament of the gun in your hand.

Li Mu and Du Xiaofan took a handful casually and habitually disassembled and combined them for the purpose of inspecting the firearms.It's not that you can't trust the police uncle, but because once a gun is in your hands, it becomes a weapon for killing enemies, so you must make sure that there will be no problems with this weapon.

Seeing Li Mu's skillful decomposition and combination techniques, Liu Xiaohui's brows jumped several times in a row.Experts will know whether it is there or not as soon as they take action. With this skillful technique, without rich experience in using firearms, they will definitely not be able to achieve this level of fluent man-gun integration.

Li Mu's decomposition and combination gave Liu Xiaohui the feeling that the gun was part of his hand.

In the eyes of Lao Liu, this veteran police officer who had seen many people who shoot guns immediately had an answer in his mind - Section Chief Liu was probably going to lose.

Du Xiaofan smiled, took out a live ammunition clip and loaded it, saying, "Old Li, I'll do it first."

Li Mu nodded and put the gun on the table.

Liu Xiaohui said slightly surprised, "Don't you guys have to try a few rounds first to get a feel for it?"

Du Xiaofan pulled the trigger and loaded the gun, saying, "That's not necessary."


Liu Xiaohui hesitated for a moment and nodded.She originally wanted to test-fire a few rounds to get a feel for it, but it seemed a bit unfair to try it herself instead of others.

Li Mu saw what she was thinking, and said with a smile, "Chief Liu, fire a few rounds first to get a feel for it. After all, we have been exposed to firearms for a lot longer than you."

"No need. I have been a police officer for eight years, and I have been handling guns for a long time." Liu Xiaohui smoothed her short hair.

Of course Li Mu would not force her, so he smiled slightly and stopped talking.

As sharp as Li Mu, the first time he saw Liu Xiaohui, he saw the deep-hidden aloofness that occasionally flickered out of her eyes.The aloofness of a superior woman is very impressive, but it is different from the aloofness of a strong woman.

Li Mu couldn't fully analyze Liu Xiaohui's family background and personal situation just by relying on a short period of observation, but he was very clear about it.If Liu Xiaohui's deep-hidden aloofness is not suppressed, there may be friction in the work in the next seven days.

Don't forget, Director Xue cannot supervise the training work every day, and leaders have leadership matters.In the next seven days, the only communication bridge between the instructor team and the SWAT team will be Liu Xiaohui, a female police officer who hides her arrogance.

What an obvious behavior - she knew clearly that the person coming was an instructor, so he must have real skills, yet she still proposed to compete in marksmanship.

This explains two problems. First, Liu Xiaohui's pistol shooting skills must be a bit inferior. Second, Liu Xiaohui secretly despises the two sergeants and instructors.

Then, you have to teach her a lesson. If you can't even serve as a liaison officer, don't train any special police officers. Just pack up and get out.

Undoubtedly, Du Xiaofan is equally clear, even if there are some things that he can't figure out right away, he only needs to make eye contact with Li Mu, and he will basically understand what Li Mu is thinking.

Du Xiaofan said that the reason why he went first was very simple. Li Mu really didn't bother to take action, and even Du Xiaofan felt that Li Mu didn't need to take action.Li Mu is the leader of the instructor team. Regardless of the competitive relationship between Du Xiaofan and him in the army, Du Xiaofan will not hesitate to maintain the prestige and status of his superiors here.

Because protecting superiors means protecting the troops.

In the training team, Du Xiaofan cannot represent the team, but Li Mu can because he is the leader of the instructor team.

It is such a simple reason.

"Section Chief Liu, please first." Du Xiaofan politely made a gesture of invitation.

Liu Xiaohui smiled and said, "The guests come first, Instructor Du, please."

With a smile, Du Xiaofan walked to the shooting position.

(End of this chapter)

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