"Therefore, in history, the understanding of Qin Shihuang's burning of books was often exaggerated and smeared. Qin Shihuang's "book burning" was not "burning all the books in the world." "

"Liu Dakui wrote in "Book Burning Bian" that Xiang Yu "burned the palace of Qin, and the fire was not extinguished for three months." This shows that the official classics collected in Xianyang Palace were burned due to Xiang Yu's atrocities, but the Han Dynasty did not accuse Xiang Yu of this at that time." "Burning books", but wantonly criticizing Qin Shihuang's "book burning" behavior, how ridiculous."

"A modern litterateur once commented, "Qin Shihuang was really unjustly accused. He suffered the consequences of his death in his second year, and a group of helpers spoke ill of him on behalf of his new master. "

"Qin Shihuang burned books. He burned books to unify his thoughts, but he did not burn agricultural books and medical books."

"He recruited many guests from other countries. He did not focus exclusively on Qin's thoughts, but he learned from all kinds of thoughts."

"Furthermore, "trading Confucianism" should be an untrue statement imposed on Qin Shihuang by the literati of the Western Han Dynasty out of anger at him."

"In the thirty-fifth year of Qin Shihuang, that is, 212 BC, the alchemists led by Hou Sheng, Lu Sheng, Han Zhong and others had no choice but to flee because they could not find the immortal elixir. Qin Shihuang was dissatisfied and killed these people."

"To put it bluntly, these alchemists are a group of deceivers and deceivers. In addition, the First Emperor at that time wanted to live forever, so a lot of money was spent on this."

"This group of people ran away because Lu Sheng, Han Zhong and others failed to find the elixir and were afraid of being punished."

"Qin Shihuang believed that these people spent a lot of money and resources, ran away without saying hello, and said they were not good, so they should be punished even more."

"The latter group of people were caught, and these people reported on each other, implicating more than 460 people, so they were all killed."

"During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the apocryphal book "Guwenshangshu" said: "As soon as Qin Shihuang, he destroyed the ancient books, burned books and harassed Confucian scholars, and the scholars of the world fled and dispersed. "This statement was widely quoted by literati and celebrities in subsequent dynasties, writing a footnote to our impression of Qin Shihuang's tyranny and cruelty."

"When the historical records are recorded by the winner, this history can no longer be trusted."

"Actually, what's amazing is that in this incident, none of the main characters Lu Sheng, Hou Sheng, Han Zhong, Xu Fu and others were killed, especially Xu Fu (Xu Fu), who was still looking for Qin Shihuang Miracle medicine.”

"Two years after the "Treat Confucianism" incident, Qin Shihuang went to Langyatai and personally went into the sea to shoot big fish from a boat to clear the obstacles on Xu Fu's path to seeking immortality."

"Also, Qin Shihuang has already convicted all living beings of "monstrous speech". This is a crime included in the laws of the Qin Dynasty, and the punishment is to be cut in half."

"Ordinarily, it would be enough to cut him in half, why bother to kill him? You know, Qin's law does not include the method of execution."

"Yang Xiong, who was slightly later than Sima Qian, was a literati in the late Western Han Dynasty. When Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, he wrote an article "Drama of Qin Meixin" to Wang Mang."

"It mainly criticizes the evils of the Qin Dynasty and praises the beauty of the new dynasty. It criticizes Qin Shihuang a lot, saying "eliminating ancient texts", "burning books", "reforming institutions and standards", etc., but it does not say "conquering Confucianism".

"You must know that Yang Xiong is well-read and has read everything. He has also "collated Tianlu Pavilion" and can read the book of the world in the royal collection. Why didn't he see "Kengru"?"

"Does this mean that, at least by the end of the Western Han Dynasty, there was no such thing as "trading Confucianism"?"

"The "Book of Han Scholars" says that "Qin Shihuang annexed the world, burned poems and books, and killed magicians."

Later, it was said in the "Five Elements Chronicles of the Han Dynasty" that "Since then, the sages have burned poems and books, and ensnared Confucian scholars."

As for the "Geographical Chronicles of the Han Dynasty", "burning books to trap Confucians" is mentioned in succession, and "burning books to trap Confucians" only appeared at this time. ” ˆ ˆ “This “confucianism” should have only appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty. "

"The author of "The Book of Han" is Ban Gu. He was the first person to explicitly state that Qin Shihuang was Lu Buwei's illegitimate son. He was also the first person to directly call Qin Shihuang's name "Lü Zheng". He was quite prejudiced against Qin Shihuang."

"Such a little black guy, do you think he can write about Qin Shihuang well?"

"As for later literati, they were even more exaggerated. Some simply said that Qin Shihuang deceived 700 Confucian scholars to see melons, and then had people set up traps in advance. When these Confucian scholars arrived, they triggered the traps, fell into a pit, and were buried alive. ”

"Qin Shi Huang had to ambush in advance to kill people? Set up traps? Are you kidding me?"

"What is certain is that even if Qin Shihuang committed murder, it was more than 460 sorcerers who defrauded him of his money and feelings, not Confucian scholars. At least in this aspect, Qin Shihuang was wronged."

Yang Jian: Ordinary people would become furious if they were deceived, let alone Qin Shihuang?

Li Shimin: These alchemists have been talking nonsense for many years with just one mouth, but the fact is that the elixir of immortality cannot be found, and it cannot be found in Penglai Immortal Mountain. We emperors still believe in this. "

Queen Xu: If these magicians could be released at that time, we can see Qin Shihuang's desire for immortality.

Zhu Di: Alas! These alchemists are not illiterate idiots, and we cannot accuse Qin Shihuang of arresting and killing all the scholars in the world. By spreading rumors like this, I suspect that even the Ming Dynasty may have been exaggerated.

Fan Zhongyan: Our group of people were also deceived. Many people did not realize that what Qin Shihuang killed was not the literati who spent all day reciting poems and chanting scriptures, nor the intellectuals who stayed in their study rooms all day to study knowledge and study the theories of Confucius and Mencius. , but a group of alchemists who recite Confucius' teachings, fabricate gods, propagate feudal superstitions, and want to deceive others and gain wealth. Some of their thoughts have been deeply rooted in their bones. It's really ridiculous! "

Zhu Yuanzhang: The winner writes history, haha!

"Finally, let's talk about immortality. I really want to ask whether you ancients really lived forever or became immortals a long time ago."

"This immortality is like an inheritance from your ancients."

"Or if I'm being bolder, did the "book burning" at that time mean that some books could not be seen in the world?"

Qin Shihuang: Cough cough cough!

Kangxi: Wherever there is! Miss Zhang, you are thinking too much. This must be our right. When we get old, we don’t want to let it go.

Li Shimin: I really think too much. We are getting old and have really lost our minds.

Zhang Yanxi felt something was wrong, could it really be the case? Forget it, maybe she really thinks too much.

"From Qin Shihuang to countless subsequent emperors, how many of them died violently while refining the elixir?"

"Don't talk about it from far away, but more recently, the Hong Pill case in the Ming Dynasty and the violent death of Emperor Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty are inextricably related to the pursuit of immortality. I have talked about this issue too many times. It is really like a tradition. It happens in every dynasty, and I don’t even want to say it myself?”

"Seeking immortality, ascension, and becoming an immortal...this can be said to be a gene that has been passed down for thousands of years in the entire national culture."

(End of this chapter)

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