I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 150 Raymond Offensive

Chapter 150 Raymond Offensive

"Yeah..." the former office clerk who survived the 911/[-] incident sighed in front of the TV - she once visited her savior, but unfortunately it was not Richard Brown.However, the life of his savior was not easy either.

"What kind of experience..." She smiled a little sadly, "Is it that no one cares about you? Or is it that you are cast aside?"

"...or are they all?" Captain Richard Brown's men stopped on the street and looked at the TVs placed in the shop windows in silence. They didn't know if they had all been bribed or what. Jonah Jameson's news show is now broadcast live in the streets of New York City.

The man held the wad of money in his pocket and rubbed it vigorously until the mud on his hands was rubbed out on the solid cloth. A few days ago, he had just asked his old captain to borrow money because he couldn't turn his hands around. Money, Richard was as generous as ever, he didn't even ask at that time.

Did this money make the old captain so embarrassed that he committed suicide?
He found that it became difficult to breathe after thinking about this problem.He has heard about the difficult situation of the old captain. Since the lung disease has become more and more serious, the work he can undertake has become less and less...

Although the boss recently got a lot of money from unknown sources, once he had a dinner with his brothers after drinking. The boss's few words revealed that the money was not easy to come by, but the words were later revealed by the brothers' loud quarrel. Already...

The meal was invited by the boss. Everyone had a good meal and none of the brothers took it seriously.

But... let’s see now?
The man became more and more anxious. He stopped in front of the store window and watched the next program:

"On September 2001, 9, our country entered a state of emergency... Times have changed, and today, everyone feels that it was a nightmare that happened almost eight years ago and has nothing to do with the current reality, but I I must tell everyone, no, never!”

Jonah Jameson glanced at the manuscript, and his tone became a little sad - but at the same time, cold sweat was flowing down his back, and the following content was a bit bold:
"No one noticed, and our media always downplayed it, but every year since then, our president has issued an executive order to maintain a national emergency, and the last thing the last president did before leaving office was to issue a state of emergency. make--

"In other words, although our new president has not done anything like this, to this day, the state of emergency in the entire United States has never ended!"

——This is also Raymond’s idea, to put all the major responsibilities on the former president. Anyway, his backer is the current president. The White House will only use this attack to continue to weaken their opponents in the House of Representatives. No one will doubt it. He is rebellious.

After this, Jonah Jameson read out in a sensational tone a long list of previously exposed intelligence agencies' plans to spy on ordinary citizens, and then he concluded:
“Every bill you pay with your credit card, every magazine you subscribe to, every prescription your doctor writes to you, every website you browse, every email you send and receive, every degree you earn, Every bank deposit, every trip, every event attended—"

"All these transactions and communications will enter the virtual database of a mysterious intelligence agency. Through this business information, all of your private life will be known and recorded in computer files, written files of your life, and the latest updates from hidden surveillance cameras. Photograph!"

With the exposure of Jonah Jameson, related topics on the Internet are exploding, and the discussion of related issues has increased sharply - Raymond glanced at his mobile phone, and the "public opinion war" operation he deployed was in order. Expand.

The trolls based on automatic reply machines and upvoting machines are out in full force, drowning out all questioning voices and forcing real people who dare to question into a "spiral of silence." A massive amount of information suddenly floods the Internet across the United States, and none of this information is available. It has nothing to do with the so-called "S.H.I.E.L.D."

Immediately afterwards, as if in response to the topic on the Internet, Jameson took a sip of water and waited for the emotions of the audience in front of the screen to ferment. When it was almost fermented, the host put down the water glass and continued to criticize fiercely:
"There is a mysterious government building on the Potomac River. They are an agency called the Homeland Defense Strategic Attack and Logistics Support Agency. The plan they are going to take is even more terrifying, in a report provided by the IRS , the agency is deploying a program called 'Project Insight' -"

"The goal of the program, in one sentence!"

Jameson raised his voice: "Without a trial, their database determines a person's future, and then directly executes the person based on whether it is in the interest of their agency!"

Even though Stewart was well-informed, he couldn't help but look askance at this crazy plan, and an uproar immediately arose in the studio——

Those invited spectators even yelled regardless of the contract, and even the staff looked at each other and whispered about the authenticity of the news.

Then photos and documents one by one began to be played on the big screen.

So the quiet conversation immediately turned into loud shouting - now even the most apolitical passerby was spitting on the so-called "Homeland Defense Strategic Attack and Logistics Support Agency".

Cynthia Chen, who was also watching TV, sighed. The sudden exposure of this "Insight Project" was a complete shock even to the IRS - yes, a shock, not a surprise.Raymond went to Camp Lehigh to mobilize the Army's long-range anti-aircraft missiles, so he would definitely have to explain what he got to the White House, IRS and Pentagon afterwards. The professor did not hide any information about the "Insight Project" -

Then these political bigwigs, two-thirds of Congress, seven of the nine Supreme Court Justices, found their names on the initial list for Project Insight.

Exposing these things today is also to accumulate public resentment and achieve the ultimate goal of everyone to open a meeting for S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Jonah Jameson exposed this sensational fact to the United States, several popular websites and forums even posted signs saying "This site has suffered a DDos attack and is temporarily offline"——

This is not because they don’t want to participate in this traffic carnival, it is because the website’s server simply cannot bear it.

Even the wily Raymond Xu did not expect that today's server rental prices across the United States have risen sharply, rising more than ten times like a rocket.

In order to withstand the continuous influx of traffic, major Internet companies are spending huge sums of money to rent all the servers available in the United States, and they are even willing to fight for it.

The professor sat behind the screen and watched the traffic curve rise. Curses or questions poured into the comment area. This was a live drama staged throughout the United States of America!
He also really has to thank that idiot Alexander Pierce. He has provoked almost everyone from the Mexican immigrants at the bottom to the major shareholders of the United States and the shadow government at the top. Pure evil can be said to have any purpose, but his evil can only be described as It is total, chaotic evil that offends everyone.

Since you intend to offend everyone, be prepared for ill will from everyone!

An Eastern-style "people's war" is quietly being launched on the territory of the United States. Perhaps even those wily politicians have not thought that they only care about protecting their own lives and stepping on S.H.I.E.L.D. The act of giving the green light to the plan unleashed what a huge monster it was.

Jameson remained silent until the screenshots of documents and photos approved by the government for broadcast on the big screen were placed on the last page. He also remained silent until the silence made everyone uncomfortable, anxious and even I started to panic——

Silence is also a kind of power, and everything Raymond needs is brewing in this silence, and his killer move has just been revealed:
"You may be curious about what Richard Brown has to do with SHIELD's 'Insight Project'——"

Jameson pondered and said: "Then let me tell another story, the third story——"

"Among the people who participated in the rescue and follow-up cleanup of the 911/7 incident, more than 2 people developed symptoms of varying degrees, and 8000 of them suffered from various cancers."

"Normally speaking, these firefighters, police officers and volunteers are paying the price of their health for New Yorkers, so the New York City and even the federal government, which collects New Yorkers' taxes, should bear the obligation to treat these people, or , at least, it’s reasonable to provide them with some help!”

"I know a few friends from the East. They said that they have a saying that the people who bring firewood for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind, snow and cold weather... But I have to tell everyone that these heroes of 911, So far, we have not been able to get a penny of pension from any of our government departments!”

Hearing Jameson say this, Stewart's brows became serious - this fierce "battle" finally reached the part he wanted.

"But...many members of the federal government have also promised to solve this problem." According to the manuscript written by Raymond, Jameson whetted everyone's appetite:
"Everyone says this problem should be solved, but when it comes time to allocate funds, there is always insufficient funds, or the funds are used elsewhere..."

Jameson asked his question seriously: "What is this other place?"

Raymond smiled and lay on the chair, watching the host under the camera reveal his own trump card to the world, which fools like Alexander Pierce and Nick Fury have never seen in their entire lives. Killing move——

"We also got a data report from the IRS today. Obviously, based on our speculation, this so-called other place, this so-called agency that took away the life-saving money of firefighters and police heroes, is exactly——"

Jameson took a deep breath and finally gave Raymond's choke-holding sword against SHIELD:
"That SHIELD that wants to control the entire United States of America!"

(End of this chapter)

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