I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 149 The tragic death of the hero

Chapter 149 The tragic death of the hero

Open the City of Manhattan's Yellow Pages phone book to find the exact addresses and phone numbers of all newsstands.There are also many kiosks in very busy places with narrow outdoor sidewalks, such as posh Fifth Avenue.

However, these newsstands are basically located in the ground floor halls of large office buildings, large stores or large hotels, and carry out independent sales next to the aisle facing the passenger flow.

In the gray midtown of Manhattan, the immigrant owner of the newsstand is untying the ropes that bind the stacks of "Daily Bugle", then placing the newspapers, and finally putting away those small items that are indispensable for human beings in the 21st century—— Objects such as headphones, phone cases and chargers, and even umbrellas are placed in the most prominent places.

Soon, the rain that had accumulated between the gray clouds in the sky poured down, as if God was pouring out his dissatisfaction.New Yorkers wearing gray, brown or black coats began to walk faster and passed by newsstands in a hurry.

The boss dragged his chin and became bored. Generally, business is not very good on rainy days - the sales volume of newspapers itself is showing a downward trend now, let alone on such a rainy day.

But to the boss's expectation, just as he was in a daze, a tall and thin girl stopped in front of the newsstand. She approached carefully holding an umbrella to prevent the water on the umbrella from dripping along the edge and onto the newspapers laid out by the boss. superior.

The girl pointed to a copy of the "Daily Bugle" and raised her voice to ask the boss: "Boss, how much does this newspaper cost?"

The boss who was in a daze suddenly regained his composure when he heard the pleasant and heroic question. He looked eagerly at the serious-faced girl opposite: "$3, Miss!"

"Well..." Gwen pondered for a moment, rummaged through her pocket and found a few crumpled banknotes, "Then I want a copy of the Daily Bugle."

The boss took the money and handed a newspaper to Gwen.When the girl was about to turn around and leave, the boss who had just put away the banknotes suddenly stopped her:
"Girl, today's "Daily Bugle" is really worth reading!"

Gwen was stunned for a moment, then she nodded and answered silently.

The girl hurriedly flipped up her hood again, and walked through the dwindling crowd on the street with a watery face - everyone was busy taking shelter from the rain.

When passing by the cafe on the corner, a familiar figure suddenly passed by the blonde girl. She was startled and suddenly raised her head to see the tall figure in a windbreaker ducking into the cafe and walking towards the counter.

The girl wanted to continue walking forward, but after gritting her teeth, she turned back and followed.She strode towards the counter, her eyes filled with endless longing that could not be concealed.

But the man lying on the stage spoke, and he spoke in an accent that Gwen was not familiar with: "A cup of coffee, cream, and three sugars, please!"

Then the man turned around. It was a much older face, about 50 or [-] years old. It was also a much stranger face, but Gwen still recognized him.

"Professor Miles Warren." The girl nodded gently to the professor, "Hello."

"Miss Stacy!" The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly lit up, "Why are you here?"

"I... passed by." Gwen nodded to the professor, "Now hurry back to school!"

"Ah..." the professor smiled kindly, "Miss Stacey, this is really unfortunate. I was planning to buy you a cup of coffee."

"Next time!" The girl turned and left quickly.

Gwen sighed lightly - why do all the professors at Empire State University dress similarly...and, does that guy Raymond usually dress himself up as an old man over fifty?

But the girl didn't notice that behind her, Professor Miles Warren, a middle-aged man who had been staring at her, had his glasses lenses shining brightly.

After coming out of the coffee shop, the clouds and rain actually stopped, and the weather began to clear up. Gwen turned down his hood and took out the newspaper in his arms. The headline on the front page of the "Daily Bugle" It was what attracted her to buy this newspaper——

"The Tragic Hero - The Story of Firefighters and Mr. Richard Brown after the 911/[-] Incident".

————Dividing Line————Felicia Hardy changed the TV channels boredly. As the "fourth kind of person" in the laboratory, Miss Black Cat naturally became a gangster - anyway, she had to eat. It is the rice of the rich man Raymond Xu, and she has no burden in her heart.

Due to the rise of new media on the Internet, traditional television and broadcast media have begun to decline these days, especially in the United States, the birthplace of the modern Internet.Miss Black Cat changed hundreds of channels in a row and found some boring soap operas or messy food programs. She was so sleepy that she yawned.

"This is J. Jonah Jameson, bringing you the latest news on 911/[-] firefighter incidents!"

While jumping to change channels, a familiar loud voice suddenly attracted Felicia's full attention. Black Cat put down its long legs on the sofa, patiently changed the channel back, and carefully Listening to JJJ’s complaints——

In so many multiverses, it's really rare for JJJ to focus on someone other than Spider-Man or Spider-Woman... let alone JJJ to focus on an ordinary fire captain!
"Richard Brown has been working in multiple industries since retiring from the New York City Fire Department in 2002. He tried to apply for a job as a bank security guard, but failed because of his health... but he was accepted at a community elementary school. After that, he worked steadily as a security guard for two years..."

"This is all normal, except that Richard found that his respiratory system was getting worse..." JJJ still used his loud and sharp voice. Undoubtedly, even in the new Internet media era, JJJ's big face and his voice are still the best choices to attract traffic——

"He found that he would wake up every night, and his breathing would not be smooth when he got up... During his work, his coughing became more and more severe. Soon, he found that his partners who had retired from the fire brigade were either I have more or less contracted related symptoms, but compared to Richard’s colleagues, this is still considered mild——”

JJJ coughed, drawing the audience's attention back, and then he said:

“On the day of 911/3, three buildings in the World Trade Center complex collapsed. The collapse produced various types of toxic dust: concrete particles, fiberglass, asbestos... filled the entire lower Manhattan, and was even clearly visible on satellite images—— "

"And in the ruins of the World Trade Center, firefighters' cleaning work and unburned fire sources are producing new toxic gases every moment."

"For example, asbestos. This is a very common building material that is used to make products such as fire resistance, sound insulation, and water pipes. However, the asbestos that turned into dust in the ruins has become the most deadly substance in the human body. Asbestos is the world's most deadly substance Asbestos is considered a first-level carcinogen by the health organization. Long-term inhalation of asbestos can cause pulmonary fibrosis, which can lead to various lung diseases and lung cancer."

The mood of the audience rose and fell with the voice of Jonathan Jameson, and people's minds seemed to be drawn back to the day when fires were blazing into the sky, smoke was everywhere, and people were crying everywhere:
"For ten months, tens of thousands of firefighters worked day and night in such a highly toxic environment. On Christmas Day 2001, the cleanup work still did not stop - Mr. Stewart, I believe you still vividly remember the scene at that time. Are you there?"

Stewart glanced at Raymond Xu behind the scenes and took over the conversation smoothly: "Of course I still remember... A firefighter who was present at that time once said on my show that they saw people gathered outside the scene. The families of the victims, seeing their earnest eyes, felt that we could not rest, we had to continue working for them."

"Richard Brown rushed into the fire scene in Building 7 that day and took out many people. Later he dug out 2 more people in the rubble - you know, we only rescued a total of 5 survivors in the rubble. After that , this hero fought on the ruins of the World Trade Center complex for more than two months, and did not return home until Christmas."

"Did you hear that!?" Jonathan Jameson took up the topic again skillfully, "911 is an eternal pain in the hearts of New Yorkers. Thanks to Richard Brown and others, we were able to get out of that tragedy."

"The New York police discovered yesterday that the fireman hero Richard Brown had committed suicide in his apartment. His wife and children had recently immigrated to Europe." Jonah Jameson's voice became heavier. , coupled with the equally heavy BGM and Richard Brown's gray photos, made the whole atmosphere suddenly depressed.

"The NYPD later investigated that the 'hero' lost his job due to physical reasons after 2006, and his wife and children left him at that time... According to his former subordinates and neighbors, Richard once said to his wife Saying, 'There will be no improvement with me, I want to give my children a good environment' - this was his reason for divorce."

Jonathan Jameson's voice became louder as the story went on: "And such a good firefighter, good husband, and good father, after his death, the New York police found out that he was related to the gangs in New York, and even participated in There have been many gang fights and shocking crimes.”

The hearts of the audience sank - everyone was asking, how could this happen?how so? !

People on the streets of New York stopped and looked at the TVs in store windows. At this time, the ratings of the channel set up by the Daily Bugle were rising rapidly——

Needless to say, a hero and a perfect person brought to ruin is always the best story to get people's attention.

Jameson became the audience's mouthpiece at this time: "We can't help but ask, what encounter made this hero finally choose such a path?!"

Raymond couldn't help but hold his breath - the story he made up was about to reach its first turning point, which would be the first question Jameson asked on his behalf and 800 million New Yorkers:
"What kind of encounter made him become what we call a tragic hero?!"

(End of this chapter)

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