I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 143 The Necessary Sacrifice

Chapter 143 The Necessary Sacrifice

Stewart expected to be ruthlessly rejected by Raymond, and he was prepared for this in advance, but today's meeting with the president went so smoothly that he was surprised.

Then, after not saying a few words, the whole thing took a turn for the worse beyond Stewart's expectation - he never thought that the heroic fire captain recommended by Spider-Woman would have such a miserable past.

You must know that in Stewart's own heart, the girl wandering around New York represents the hope of this country that has not yet sunk. He almost regards her as the embodiment of justice.Therefore, when Spider-Woman came to him that day and said she wanted to take the firefighter to Raymond, he did it without hesitation.


Listening to Raymond's words, Stewart would look at Richard Brown, who was sitting uneasily next to him, with three parts doubt, three parts contempt and four parts regret. The old man's tone began to become unkind:
"Mr. Brown, are you really involved in a criminal group?"

Raymond chuckled, and the secretary handed the president a cigar produced in Cuba. He skillfully held the cigar in his mouth and puffed it away in front of the guests.

Since forming an alliance with Wilson Fisk, the fat man would give him a box of cigars from time to time. Raymond Xu also refused at the beginning, then finally couldn't help but try it, and then fell in love with cigars. smell--

Sure enough, this is the biggest reason why cigars are the hard currency of favors in the business world.

Richard also didn't expect that the professor and president opposite him would ruthlessly reveal those embarrassing things.

In the fire captain's heart, Jonathan Stewart is the savior of the entire New York firefighter community.He was very moved by the fact that the savior was willing to come down to earth to save him. Before he came, he was thinking about how to talk to the CEO about his depression and how to outline his pain so that this predator would drop a few drops of hypocrisy. Tears——

But the other party directly exposed his self-righteous disguise and exposed his bad nature in front of his savior.

Richard couldn't help but resent the president opposite.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into awkward anxiety.

After a long time, Raymond, who brought the atmosphere into embarrassment and anxiety, took the initiative to speak: "I am very willing to help you, you two, I am very willing, I know what the injured firefighters in New York City are going through now..."

"But... I did this not only out of good intentions, but also out of Stark Industries' reputation and social responsibility. The federal government is not a government with unlimited responsibility, so some responsibilities must be borne by people themselves, but …”

Stuart, who was trying to accuse Richard, and Richard looked seriously at Raymond, who was puffing up smoke——

"However, we don't want to be blamed by the whole society for helping criminals. For us, that is equivalent to paying money to get notoriety."

Richard took two deep breaths and stood up his chest bravely - although he had done many bad things, in his heart, he had always been the captain who dared to sacrifice for his brothers:
"I can give up all your aid to me in exchange for your support of my brothers!"

Hearing this, Raymond narrowed his eyes when looking at Richard.

——Very good, he is a person who dares to sacrifice himself.

Obviously, Richard's statement has passed the professor's preliminary test - but he still has no intention of letting go of the so-called "heroic fire captain."

"But have you ever thought that in today's information society, there will always be people who dig out your identity and use you as an example to attack this proposal. Congress already has a lot of reasons not to pass this proposal. Now you see The former firefighter became a criminal and even a wanted criminal..."

Raymond stopped talking, but his meaning was self-evident.

Stewart never thought that after so many years of hard work, when he finally got a Spider-Woman and a Stark Industries, this career would actually fall to the firefighters who had been working so hard for him!

The former talk show host restrained his anger and carefully asked Raymond for his opinion: "Then, Mr. Xu, what do you need us to do to put forward this proposal."

"I never said I wouldn't help you." Raymond took a deep breath, and then let a smile bloom on his face: "I never said I wouldn't help you, but I also need you to do something for me."

Richard glanced at Stewart next to him, swallowed, and then said: "Through fire and water, I will do whatever it takes!"

Raymond stood up and nodded to the two people in front of him: "This is the answer I want, Mr. Stewart, you have got everything you want." Jonathan Stewart stood up in surprise. , these two days were unexpected for him from beginning to end - just after a series of reversals, the biggest reversal came: Stark Industries' difficult president Raymond Xu unexpectedly agreed to help a fire captain because of his words: "I will go through fire and water, no matter what."
The old man was still in shock, but Richard had already understood the meaning revealed in Xu's eyes - you have to do it if you say it; if you can't do it, I can't do it either.

The fire chief stood up with a heavy heart and shook hands with the professor - Raymond had to meet with a business delegation next, so the meeting ended here.He waved away the secretary, and when he personally sent Stuart and Richard out of the reception room door, he said softly behind the fire brigade captain:
"Make an appointment and come see me."

The fire chief was stunned for a moment. He knew that the professor's gift was by no means without compensation, but he had not yet thought clearly about what compensation he could give to this professor who was not short of money and seemed not to be short of women.

----split line----

"I believe you know a lot about the inside story of 911/911. I even believe that the government treats you this way because there is a group of people with big plans within the government. They concocted [-]/[-] and then sacrificed you to achieve their ulterior motives. The purpose of man.”

On the street, Raymond, who looked tall and tall in a windbreaker, put his hands in his pockets. While passing by passers-by, he talked to the tall fire chief next to him.The professor has become more and more addicted to cigarettes recently, almost smoking one cigarette after another - luckily Spider-Woman is always not around, otherwise you would always be able to find clues about him.

A car stopped next to the two of them. The professor sighed softly, opened the door, and motioned for Richard next to him to sit in first, and then he also sat in.

The professor turned on a button and the driver, who was wearing headphones, could no longer hear the sounds inside the car—the sounds of the car's external environment were sent to his ears through his headphones.

"I have personally made Thunder Ross, who was derelict in his duties during the 911/911 incident, receive the punishment he deserves. You should know the news about his mysterious disappearance, but unfortunately, according to the information you provided to Spider-Woman, we have not been able to find him. The man behind [-].”

Raymond was seducing Richard beside him. The fire captain's view of good and evil was very simple, and he could easily incite his hatred for Hydra, even though he didn't know this organization yet.

"You firefighters are just disposable property, and in 911, these big shots who could abandon you abandoned you as useless assets."

"All your sacrifices, dedication, sweat, blood and tears are part of your value in their eyes. The more blood and tears you cry, the greater the power they gain."

"You know, the compensation and pensions that you should have received have now gone to violent agencies like SHIELD. The louder you cry, the more they will intensify the fear caused by 911 in the hearts of the people. In this way, their The easier it is to get the proposal passed.”

"You know, those crazy conspiracy theories who all day long say that the government is spying on them and that vaccines are full of viruses are sometimes right. S.H.I.E.L.D. and the CIA initiated a plan to spy on ordinary people. The Army's laboratory They are experimenting with a virus that attacks human respiratory organs from the lungs, and those lunatics said they would use this weapon against my hometown!"

Raymond's voice became very contagious, and his long speech brought the simple-minded fire chief into the situation completely, so he asked: "What should we do in this situation?"

"Richard -" the professor put his hand on his shoulder, and handed the cigar to his hand with the other hand, "Are you afraid of sacrifice?"

"I've crawled through the fire scene of 911, sir." Richard, who was inspired and had hatred for these violent organizations, spoke loudly and forcefully.

"Richard, frankly speaking, your existence will only bring trouble to your friends, subordinates, and even your family. Perhaps there are some problems in our society that made you desperate enough to join Jin Bin's criminal group... …But the world is so cruel, there is no balance between merit and demerit, there is only repayment of debts.”

"Sir, what do you mean?" Although his voice was lower than before, Richard had roughly understood what Raymond meant, but he was also mentally prepared for this situation.

"I'm going to let the media turn you into a hero, Richard. We're going to tell a story about a hero who is cornered and dies, to counter the story that exaggerates fear for the public to get budgets. Are you willing?"

"I..." Richard took a deep breath and replied, "I do."

"Richard..." Raymond shook his head, "Do you know what a hero fears most?"

"His honor was ruined?" the fire chief replied after pondering for a while.

"Yes." The professor sighed, "What a hero fears most is a bound book... Then you know, who doesn't have a bound book?"

Looking at Raymond's deep black eyes, Richard fell silent.They both knew what that answer was, but what if that answer meant a person's life...?
"Dead...man." In the end, under Raymond's gaze, Richard couldn't bear the pressure and finally said that word.

"This is our necessary sacrifice." Raymond put his hand on the fire chief's shoulder, "Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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