Chapter 142

"Hey, Ray!" After leaving the door of the Capitol, Gwen called herself at the right time: "How was your hearing?"

"Everything goes well." In front of Gwen, Raymond can always take off the airs he used to deal with middle-aged people in their 50s and 20s, and return to the posture that a [-]-year-old should have - at this time, his last tone Qiao, looking very happy and relaxed, completely defenseless.

"That's good!" Gwen, who was swaying with cobwebs in the whistling wind, was holding a mobile phone in one hand to make a call, and shooting cobwebs at the corner of a tall building not far away with the other hand, "There's something I forgot to tell you before. !”

Listening to the whistling wind on the phone, Raymond always felt a headache - he was very proud to have a girlfriend who was a superhero, but he was also very worried that something would happen to her because of this, but his rationality was still there. Keep telling him——

That is Gwen Stacy's domain of freedom, and you should not interfere with her!

"You said it." Raymond's voice revealed helplessness.

"Richard Brown, a firefighter who once helped me, do you remember, I told you."

Raymond tried to recall. He had too many things going on recently. He was silent for a long time. Just when he was finally about to outline this person and what happened to him, the impatient Gwen over there spoke first:

"How could you forget this?" The girl's voice revealed dissatisfaction, "It's obviously a very important matter!"

Upon hearing Gwen's accusation, Raymond Xu, who was always domineering in the past, just like the black cat Felicia Hardy said, he quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the latest There are so many facts that I can’t think of them all at once…”

"I lied to you!" Gwen's silvery laughter came from the phone - since she fell in love, the girl found that her lack of confidence was much better.

In the past, Gwen Stacy was not only unconfident, but even a little self-hatred - she always thought that it was herself that led to the death of people around her and the antagonism with her father. The kind-hearted girl kept all this silent Everything is attributed to oneself.

In the middle of the night, she would often stare at the ceiling in a daze - if she had not turned into Spider-Woman...if she had been more mature and steady...if she had been more resourceful...would things have been different?
But after getting together with Raymond, the blonde girl who ran away from home felt for the first time that becoming Spider-Woman... seemed to be good!
If she wasn't Spider-Woman, she wouldn't be able to find such a good boyfriend.

"Richard Brown, and the talk show host you mentioned, I asked them to find you and say that you can help the firefighters who suffered injustice during the 911 incident." Gwen was actually a little embarrassed when she said this , after all, this is not something that Raymond should care about, it is even equivalent to causing him trouble.

Raymond was silent for a while, and the girl hurriedly said on the phone: "It doesn't matter if you can't help, as long as you can introduce the person in charge of this matter to them..."

The girl stopped, landed on the rooftop of a tall building, knelt down on one knee, sighed and said softly: "I really don't want to see them go on like this anymore..."

"Those who bleed for people should no longer shed tears..."

Raymond instantly sympathized with Gwen - Spider-Woman was being rounded up by the police and doing vigilante work. She was even misunderstood and criticized by people like Jonathan Jameson, and was unknown to the general public. New Yorkers who knew the truth joined forces to criticize, which can be said to be shedding blood and tears.

"Let them do it, I will think of a way." Raymond said firmly to Gwen: "Stark Industries has 25 people. For the reputation of its products, of course it needs to assume certain social responsibilities. Such things, It is also within the scope of my responsibilities.”

Gwen also understood the implication of what Raymond said - her boyfriend was telling him not to be afraid of troublesome him, and even thanked herself for providing him with a chance.

Gwen's nervous heart relaxed, and the girl's joyful mood almost overflowed the receiver of the phone: "Okay! They will look for you tomorrow! Thank you, Lei!"

"Don't say thank you, my Gwennie." Raymond smiled brightly.

"Well... let me reward you with one..." Gwen stood up.The slender girl ran quickly, and when she jumped out from the edge of the rooftop, she gently spit out the onomatopoeia:


----split line----

So, one day later, through the back door of Gwen Stacy, former talk show host and talk show God Jonathan Stuart Leibovitz and former fire brigade captain Richard De Brown was able to sit in Raymond Xu's reception room and wait for the "interview" from the president.

For Stuart, this kind of thing was commonplace. He himself had been a guest of Wall Street tycoons before he got involved in this mess. Raymond Xu, a mere senior migrant worker, was not enough to scare him.But it's different now. After Stuart got involved in this thankless thing, the luxurious doors of Wall Street were closed to him forever - those Jews didn't like shouting bitterly and hatefully all day long. A nasty guy who "demands justice" for the smelly firefighters.

So Raymond Xu was his last straw.

The professor did remember this, but when he arrived at Stark Industries' new president's office in the morning, he was actually exhausted - Helen Zhao was about to go to Florida, the first "Starlink" production base and " The Falcon rocket assembly base will be built there, and a lot of technical details still need to be finalized.

Zhao Hailun really didn’t understand why Raymond had to install a redesigned small particle accelerator and a lens group system on the Starlink satellite, which already had very high requirements on size. Logically speaking, first The first batch of "Starlink" only undertakes communication functions.

But Raymond insisted on this, and he rarely used a very tough tone - so Dr. Zhao Hailun looked at the man in front of him and sighed. The words of rejection were on his lips but he couldn't say them out. After turning around three times, she says:

"Okay, I'll revise the design."

However, the doctor then said with a sly smile: "Then you have to compensate me for staying up late."

As she said that, Helen Zhao moved closer to her - until Raymond could smell the fragrance of her body.

Raymond, who was delirious after staying up late, was indifferent - but he didn't make any moves to avoid it in time. So, when Gwen Stacy came in, she saw her boyfriend and a beautiful doctor posted on a " This distance is the distance where we are either going to fight or kiss.”

Then Gwen's coughing sound frightened Raymond who was immersed in technical problems. By the way, taking advantage of the power of "caught in adultery", Miss Spider finally sent this otaku who was immersed in technology back home. , forcing him to stay up late——

"There will be guests tomorrow!" Miss Spider emphasized to Raymond with her hands on her hips.

But he is afraid of his girlfriend, and the "Starlink" project is now at a critical juncture - so, after being pressed on the bed by Gwen at 1 o'clock in the evening, at 5 o'clock in the morning, the professor began to worry and get angry. When I got up from bed and rushed to the laboratory in my pajamas, I saw Helen Zhao.

So, without Gwen's knowledge, Raymond worked with Dr. Zhao until eight in the morning - after sending her home to sleep, he hurried to Stark Industries' new headquarters.

Sitting in the living room outside the president's office, Stuart thought he would see the same elegant Jews wearing crisp suits. When he was still thinking about how to deal with the greasy president, a professor wearing slippers and pajamas appeared. Got——

"Gentlemen, I've been very busy recently, sorry!" Unlike other arrogant CEOs, Raymond apologized to Stuart seriously first, "I've kept you waiting for so long. He looks disheveled."

Stuart and Richard looked at each other, and they saw from Raymond's image that the president was a down-to-earth person who was easy to deal with. The former talk show host smiled gently and gave a step forward: "This It means you don’t regard us as outsiders!”

Raymond asked the two of them to sit on the sofa and got up to pour tea for them. Even though he now had a secretary, the professor was still used to doing it himself.When the tea was brought to the two flattered people, Stuart was already looking forward to today's results.

"Mr. Xu, you also know that after 911/[-], the government never fulfilled its promise. They mistreated the firefighters who shed blood and tears at that time. The man sitting next to me, Mr. Richard Brown, is a former firefighter." Stewart. Introduced to Raymond.

Raymond turned his gaze to Richard Brown opposite. While breathing, the tired professor suddenly became energetic, and a plan quietly took shape in his mind:
SHIELD is currently in a stalemate with more than a dozen US government departments, and it lacks a decisive blow - just last night, after Gwen sent her back, SHIELD sent an interesting message:

According to the results of their preliminary interrogation of Thunder Ross, S.H.I.E.L.D. is suspected to be related to the 911/[-] incident!

The fire captain in front of him was not only the hero of 911, he was even connected with the Kingpin, and Kingpin and Ross cooperated on 911 - even if Wilson Fisk didn't tell him, Professor You can also check it through your own intelligence network.

The professor had a plan in mind, his face darkened and his voice became serious: "But as far as I know, Mr. Brown, you once joined a criminal group."

"By lobbying Congress in this capacity, you are bound to receive media attention and cause widespread controversy across the country. It is even possible that Congress will refuse to provide assistance to firefighters because of your experience in joining a criminal group."

After saying this, the professor stared at Richard with interest: "Mr. Brown, what are you going to do at that time?"

(End of this chapter)

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