I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 119 Undercurrent

Chapter 119 Undercurrent
Nick Fury slammed the report brought by Natasha Romanoff on the table with a headache.Seeing him with a splitting headache, Black Widow spoke cautiously:
"Do we need to launch an operation against this mercenary?"

"No, no need." Nick waved his hand, "They have entered 'ghost mode'. Besides, attacking them now will give people an excuse."

"Who?" Natasha raised her eyebrows, "What's the excuse?"

"That's not your concern, Agent..." The Riddler, Nick Fury, always refused to make these things clear.He changed the topic: "I heard that Stark is planning to hold an expo in New York?"

"Our informant in Stark Industries did pass on relevant information. Virginia Pepper Potts has completed her work in California and plans to fly to New York soon to discuss with Raymond Xu. Expo related matters.”

"Recently?" Nick frowned, "This information is too vague and should not be the style of SHIELD."

"Raymond Xu is in charge of the Stark Industries New York branch, which also includes security work..." Black Widow shrugged, "Stark's official driver Happy Hogan is a big mouth, we We can get all the information we want from him..."

"But Raymond Tsui isn't that easy to deal with, is he?" Nick Fury picked up the second half of Natasha's sentence - then he looked at the female agent standing in front of him and nodded helplessly. .

"Didn't our Professor Xu leave the security work to Wilson Fisk's Alchemist Company?" Nick Fury leaned back in his chair and curled and stretched his fingers playfully.

"Xu will not trust Fisk. There is no way he will hand over the security of Pepper Potts to the Alchemist Company."

"But..." Nick Fury laughed, "This is also a matter within the security department. It is definitely better to get relevant information from Wilson Fisk's channels than from Raymond Xu directly. Much more convenient.”

Black Widow was stunned for about a second before she understood what the director meant. She raised her charming eyebrows and a smile on her lips: "I understand what you mean, director, do you want me to conduct a latent operation?"

"I planned to send you to lurk next to Stark, but now let's see..." Kingpin pulled out the drawer, pulled out a photo, and threw it in front of Black Widow:
"Maybe you'll have to be Wilson Fisk's secretary."

After Natasha left his office, Nick Fury, who had just shown confidence in his subordinates, actually showed an anxious expression. He stood up and paced back and forth in the office restlessly.

After staying in the position of Director of SHIELD for so long, Nick Fury also vaguely felt that the atmosphere in some departments within SHIELD seemed to be abnormal, and some actions were beyond his expectations - this time Obadiah The interception and killing of Adam Stan further proved his point.

The Director was worried like never before. For Nick Fury, this was the first time he faced an opponent he didn’t know who he was, where he was hiding, or how powerful he was. In this matter, S.H.I.E.L.D. No longer his helper, but more likely his enemy.

----split line----

Although Thaddeus Ross, also known as "Thunder Ross", is a well-known and tough general in the U.S. Army, he has a lot of resources at his disposal and is considered a man of the moment.

But after all, he is not a real "big shot" in the United States. Raymond Xu may be closer to the status of the "real ruling class" of the United States than Ross.

As a result, Lieutenant General Ross was invited to their offices in Washington by a four-star general and a senator——

Then he cursed.

The U.S. Army is reeling from the scandal caused by Ross. Rumors that "the Army had known about 911/911 for a long time, but did not inform the Air Force because of conflicts among the services, which led to the [-]/[-] incident" are rampant. The opposition in Congress has begun to join forces to impeach the Army. .

You know, for the United States, 911 is a mark of an era, a generation, and a "national tragedy." Anyone who has anything to do with this incident is destined to be ruined——

Even though everyone now knows that the U.S. military in Afghanistan is wasting hundreds of billions of dollars every year, because the occupation of Afghanistan is actually the United States’ retaliation for 911, no one dared to propose withdrawing its troops in 2008. suggestion.

But the Army still decided to kill Paulus - after all, if it sold Ross at this time, it would be equivalent to the Army admitting that there was something dirty in this matter.

But for Ross himself, his once prosperous career and promising future turned into smoke and dust as these rumors were exposed.Ross returned to his laboratory full of anger - since the order had not been officially issued, the laboratory was still working in an orderly manner under the command of the lieutenant general.

The last experiment on the poor retired soldier can be regarded as a milestone - after so many years of hard work, they finally saw the glimmer of hope. It is indeed feasible to use radiation methods to enhance human body functions.

But the physical fitness of ordinary people cannot withstand such drastic changes in a short period of time. The retired soldier endured the longest - after undergoing the transformation, his life could be measured in minutes!
"Can the intensity of mutations be controlled by adjusting the radiation intensity and drug dosage?" Ross asked his laboratory supervisor with a frown.

The scientist sighed: "General, this is tantamount to betting against a probability of one in millions. We have only made this result now, but to deduce the causes and consequences of this result clearly, we need more of time and resources.”

Ross didn't answer the scientists - as usual, he would just scold his own scientists and then find a way to get more funding from Congress.But now, his status is not guaranteed, how can he keep this laboratory?
Seeing the general's silence, the scientist sighed, hugged the data and continued testing.Ross stood there, his straight back looking rickety for the first time, and the general's shoulders also slumped——

Is the career that Thunder Rose has been betting his whole life on going to end like this?
Watching the remains of another corpse being moved out of the laboratory by the cleanup team, and passing in front of Ross, his face showed a tangled and even sad look for the first time——

Kingpin actually betrayed him like that? !And he just jumped into the arms of Raymond Xu!
If it was just Kingpin's betrayal, he, Ross, would not have ended up like this - but before Kingpin betrayed him, he had already revealed to the world that he was "the incarnation of Raymond Xu", which meant that he actually He was using Professor Xu's reputation to beat himself up.

And because of the unprecedentedly large aerospace construction plan that Professor Xu is sparing no effort to promote, many senators chose to give up Ross in order to obtain the job opportunities and economic development opportunities he brought to express their goodwill to Raymond Xu. ——

Although many of them don't know why Professor Xu made Ross an enemy out of thin air.

So as an outcast, Rose had no choice but to pack up and go home...?
Thunder Ross raised his head, with blazing flames burning in his eyes. No one in the world could ask him to admit defeat - Hulk Banner Bruce couldn't, "Kingpin" Wilson Fisk couldn't, he had just one hand. Raymond Xu, an ordinary person who has no power to restrain a chicken, even less so!
----split line----

Although Professor Xu's "Future Laboratory" is relatively loosely managed, it has always had strict rules about arriving late and leaving early——

Employees must arrive at 9 a.m., take a one-hour break at noon, and cannot get off work after 1 p.m.This time is actually quite humane, so everyone is happy to abide by it.

Except Gwen Stacy.

Of course, Spider-Woman's responsibility is only part of the reason why she is unwilling to work according to the rules of the laboratory——

Another part of the reason is that the blonde girl has a temperament that does not want to be restrained. Even when she was not a ghost spider, she hated the routine life of school, so she often participated in some extracurricular activities.

For Gwen, the genius academic master, if she is allowed to arrange her own time, she can do everything very efficiently.

At first, Associate Professor Mellon criticized Gwen Stacy for being late and leaving early, but he gradually realized that his behavior of reporting Gwen in front of Raymond Xu had no effect at all, and the girl even She became more and more popular in front of her mentor...

So the associate professor stopped such "low emotional intelligence" behavior.

To this day, the entire laboratory, including Dr. Hailun Zhao, who has just arrived, is accustomed to Gwen being late and leaving early.

Therefore, it was quite shocking to see Gwen writing furiously and busy at her workstation when she opened the door of the laboratory at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Raymond Xu looked at Gwen who had been busy at his workstation all night. He turned behind the girl and gently picked up "Calculus" published by Princeton University and "Linear Calculus" published by MIT from her hand. Algebra" textbook, look at the circles above:
"Gwen, why do you think of reviewing these?"

After a busy night, the messy-haired Gwen Stacy lifted her groggy head from her book. The girl shook her head and looked at Raymond's gentle gaze:
"I want to pass the exams that I haven't passed as soon as possible and graduate early...so that I can help you earlier." Gwen's voice was rather weak.She sniffed her nose hard, but as if she smelled something unpleasant, she turned her head away and coughed twice more.

Immediately afterwards, the girl stared at Raymond in front of her with suspicious eyes:
"Strange... why do you smell like smoke?"

(End of this chapter)

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