I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 118 The Gaze of the Abyss

Chapter 118 The Gaze of the Abyss

Gwen squatted on the roof of a high-rise building, watching the news with a somewhat complicated expression as the chief spokesperson of the US Army defended Ross——

The Army said that the drill Ross conducted at the time had nothing to do with 911/[-], and that all information was archived in the Army's database in an appropriate manner. All procedures were reasonable and legal, and they will hold those who spread the rumors accountable.

Everything was exactly as Raymond expected at the time - if the Army handed over Ross like this, even if Ross was eventually proven innocent during a congressional inquiry, it would be tantamount to admitting that the Army was involved in the malfeasance in 911/[-].

Therefore, the Army will definitely not admit this from the beginning, and will not admit that this situation was caused by problems with the Army's procedures or Ross's malfeasance - on the contrary, they will make everything different from the Army's official explanation All the explanations are labeled as rumors.

After being with Raymond for a long time and gradually growing in experience, Gwen was no longer surprised by these crimes and malfeasance.

Maybe the other Spider-Men lived their lives normally and step by step before the crime actually occurred, either going to class or going to work, and waited until the whole city was in crisis before taking action, but Gwen Stacy has now realized to the necessity of crime prevention.

The girl took out her cell phone and looked at the information collected on the Spider Woman forum - Kingpin had just bought the Williamsburg Bank Building and was now hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Gwen checked the data stolen from the NYPD. The NYPD's informant within the Alchemist Company stated that Kingpin planned to use the Williamsburg Bank to launder the money he obtained from his gang operations.

Money - where all crime begins and ends.

Spider-Gwen pulled down her mask again and flipped up her hood - casually shooting spider silk towards a tall building not far away. ,

In the past, her ripples in the air were always graceful, as if performing a ballet in the air. The girl always kept her body in the most streamlined or straight state - but today, Gwen was actually a little tired. But I have no intention of maintaining a perfect posture.

However, the girl who was not dancing ballet in the air unexpectedly showed a dance that was more casual, more stretched, and cleaner. This dance had some ballet charm, but lacked the restraint of ballet, and made the girl look young The body shape is clearly displayed.

It's a pity that no one can see the girl's moving dance. The people in this city are too immersed in their own lives. Even if the whole world completely enters the superhero era, few people will stop and look at the sky to appreciate Spider-Woman's contribution to the city. A moving story unfolding.

When George Stacey was riding in a police car to handle a domestic violence case in Chelsea, the red light came on. The police superintendent kicked the floor of the car with some irritation, knocked on the driver's seat in front, and raised his right arm Put it on the car window.

"Hey, Director, why did you come up with this kind of case?" asked the man driving the car. "The scene is very clear. It is a normal case of murder caused by a dispute due to domestic violence."

George replied a little upset: "I'm not involved in a case, I'm here to relax."

"Let's relax?"

"Yes!" George patted the bridge irritably again, "The director warned me not to continue investigating Raymond Xu. Stark Industries recently negotiated cooperation with the bureau. I will continue the investigation. , 'bad for the overall situation'."

George read "not good for the overall situation" in a mellow tone, then he spread his hands and expressed his helplessness to his subordinates:

"Some people just have such a high status that we can't touch them..."

Before he finished speaking, the police officer who had been staring at the rearview mirror in the car suddenly shouted: "Chief, look behind us!"

George turned his head hurriedly and saw Gwen's figure disappearing around the corner of the intersection.The police officer looked at him with a grin on his face: "Are you chasing me, Superintendent?"

As Jonah Jameson's pursuit of Spider-Woman dwindles as he is stopped by his current biggest financial backer
——The NYPD also began to lose interest in chasing Spider-Woman. They were vaguely aware that the Spider-Woman wearing a black and white suit seemed to have acquired some kind of invisibility ability, and it would be difficult to catch her with the NYPD's ability. .

But George was a person who did not believe in evil. He thought for a moment and took the walkie-talkie: "I am George. I will go to the scene later."

Then he signaled to his men to turn on their police lights but not to sound the siren. He stepped on the double solid yellow line and turned around, chasing Gwen who disappeared around the corner.

For George Stacey to be able to hold a middle-level leadership position within the huge NYPD system and at the same time stick to his original intentions, it must be because of his persistence - he has paid a huge price for this persistence and will continue to do so. Keep this up.

This may also be one of the reasons why Gwen Stacy in every universe insists on justice.

----split line----

"Ladies and gentlemen, the rebirth of the new Williamsburg Bank will make your wallets thirsty again." In front of everyone, Wilson Fisk is humorous, elegant and easy-going. There is no trace of "gangster" at all. Big boss" look.He applauded and invited the distinguished guests to come up——

Raymond Xu glanced at his watch. His Snake Eye system had scanned all possible sniper points nearby, and Jin Bin's people had also set up defenses everywhere.

The professor exhaled, stepped onto the stage with a smile, and slowly raised his hands to smile at the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, taking the opportunity of Mr. Wilson Fisk here to mark the ribbon-cutting of the Bank of Williamsburg, I also have a big announcement to make."

The professor coughed. He did not tell the news immediately, but smiled:
"Why are you so serious? I know that as a professor at ESU, I may sometimes behave inhumanely...but, come on! This is a new era for New Yorkers!"

After chatting with Gwen, Raymond also realized that his Chinese-style "modest and cautious" might not be completely suitable for American society, and he also began to try to make some changes.

The people below looked with some surprise at the CEO who finally started to speak more easily. They applauded one after another, and then formed a round of applause.

Some people even booed: "The opening of a bank is considered a new era, isn't it?"

When Raymond heard this, he smiled and punched Fisk next to him: "Listen, some people think that I have overshadowed the opening of your bank~"

Fisk pulled the microphone slightly closer: "Williamsburg Bank is an opportunity for New Yorkers to get rich, and Stark Industries will be held in New York again after 1974 -"

Raymond dragged his voice deliberately and read the two words in the most American accent:
"Stark Expo!"

The reporters below first looked at each other, and then scrambled to pick up their cameras. Flashes flashed, microphones formed a black forest, and the entire scene was filled with messy questions.

Raymond pressed his hands to calm everyone down, and then he designated a reporter from the Daily Bugle: "Mr. Eddie Brock, I have heard about your report, so I might as well let you ask the first question. Bar."

Eddie was a little surprised when his name was called. He looked around at his envious colleagues, coughed twice, blushed and nervously asked his question:
"Mr. Xu, there are recent rumors in the scientific and technological circles that Mr. Stark has developed a new energy that can change the world. Will this new energy be displayed at the Stark Expo? What exactly is this new energy? ?Is it solar energy, wind energy, new batteries or nuclear technology?"

"Oh wow wow wow -" Raymond laughed, "This is a trade secret, Mr. Bullock, you can't even think of exchanging my answer for a sum of money."

The reporters and the crowd below burst into laughter, and even Eddie scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to inquire about business secrets."

Raymond took over his words and announced to the audience: "I can only say that the future you want to see can be seen at this Stark Expo!"

"In 1858, Cyrus Seafield used a cable to make time travel from New York to London in an instant. In 1882, Edison made New York span day and night on Pearl Street in New York... Then came the great Alexander Bell, and countless others Geniuses, with their continuous innovation, have shaped our modern life and shaped today's leading New York."

The crowd held their breath, with excitement and hope in their eyes. Wilson Fisk took a deep breath and announced a plan that he had not discussed with Raymond Xu beforehand:
“And now, today, when it is confirmed that the Stark Expo will be held, Williamsburg Bank will select individual entrepreneurs to participate in the Stark Expo, as long as your plan is innovative!
Gwen squatted upstairs not far away, listening quietly to Jin Bin's speech.The girl was surprised to see that after Kingpin said this, he shook hands with Raymond behind him again, and Kingpin even handed a cigar to the other person's hand.

But... Raymond doesn't smoke?

Seeing the professor just holding the cigar in his hand without any intention of lighting it, Gwen felt a lot more at ease in an instant.But the girl still couldn't help but worry——

Raymond seems to be dragged deeper and deeper into the Kingpin. Does he really have a solution?
Should I trust his mind and abilities, or...?
What can Gwen Stacy do for her boyfriend?

They say that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you - even the very kind Spider Woman sometimes flashes evil thoughts, but her kindness can quickly expel the evil thoughts from her brain... But, Raymond is like this Can ordinary people do it?
Gwen lowered her head, and the girl didn't notice it. Her breathing became more intense until...

George Stacey got out of the car where Spider-Woman had lost her trace. He looked at Raymond Xu standing next to Wilson Fisk with a complex expression - Fisk had announced some time ago that he would run for mayor of New York. election, and his probability of winning is not small.

When it comes to political candidates like this, the NYPD usually has an attitude of not provoking them if they can - even if they know that this guy has a lot of blood debts on his hands.

George never expected that the "Spider-Man" in his eyes, who disrupted order but occasionally did good things, would hang out with such a guy.

The superintendent's breathing became heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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