Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 592 The New Order of the People’s Alliance

Chapter 592 The New Order of the People’s Alliance

Chu Mu stared at the evil-suppressing bead. Under the "spiritual blessing", his leaping thinking and wisdom revolved around this evil-suppressing bead, or in other words, around the source of ghosts and evil spirits imprisoned in it, countless inspirations burst out.

The current situation is obviously very clear.

The situation is out of control, and it is inevitable that the five turbid world will be evil and ghosts will run rampant.

But if we look at the root cause, the situation has not changed much.

After all, the core of this world lies in sinking and purification.

It is to prevent this world from sinking and to purify the filth.

Although the current situation is an evil world with five turbidities and ghosts running rampant, for him, the core problem has not changed much.

The only change is that the amount of purification he needs has become extremely huge due to this catastrophe.

The real core issue has not changed.

He also doesn't have a clear solution yet.

That is... how to purify the source of filth given its immortal nature!

"Purifying the soul... purifies the filth with the soul..."

"The spiritual world is purified by the soul..."

Chu Mu seemed to be deep in thought, and the little inspiration he had before seemed to become clearer and more possibilities burst out under the careful consideration at this moment.

About a quarter of an hour later, a flash of fluorescence appeared on Chu Mu's fingertips. He raised his finger a little, and this fluorescence fell on the evil-suppressing bead.

Immediately, lines, either silvery white or blood red, appeared quickly on the Evil Suppressing Pearl.

The next moment, a faint wisp of black mist appeared on the bead. Chu Mu rolled up his sleeves, and this wisp of black mist was forcefully pulled out of the Evil Suppressing Bead like a pulled noodle.

It eventually turned into a black mist the size of a human head, imprisoned in Chu Mu's palm.

Chu Mu raised his finger and clicked again, and the black mist lost its disguise and turned into a ferocious human-shaped head.

Chu Mu didn't want to study too much about the name of this ghost.

All ghosts are born from the negative desires of living beings, and this human-headed ghost is no exception.

According to Wang Yue's report, he was born in Area C13 of the Sanji Mountain Defense Line, but he was not born from the Quxie armed soldiers, but from a food company employee who was responsible for providing logistics to the armed forces stationed there.

Although the Blood Moon catastrophe was sudden, its greater impact was still on the ordinary people. For the evil-removing forces, the impact was much smaller.

The reason is naturally simple. Every soldier in the Anti-evil Armed Forces, that is, today's Anti-Evil Guard, is a carefully selected and determined person.

Even if they are just mortals, those with a firm will will naturally have more time to react when faced with blood moon pollution.

The second one is the evil-repelling implements equipped by the evil-suppressing guards. No matter how simple these evil-repelling implements are, they obviously have a certain effect of eliminating evil.

With his strong will, coupled with the effectiveness of evil-dispelling tools and his understanding of ghosts and evil spirits, even if the catastrophe is sudden, it is obvious that the order will not collapse in an instant like ordinary people.

After the initial chaos, the anti-evil guards from various places quickly calmed down the chaos and restored basic order.

This also allowed the web of order he created to continue to be maintained under the blood moon to this day.

This human-headed ghost was born in the area guarded by the Suppressing Evil Guards. As a new-born ghost, its fate is naturally self-evident.

As soon as he was born, he was stained by the dye all over the garrisoned area and became visible. Then, before he had time to plunder, the evil-suppressing guards fought fiercely one after another, and he became one of the suppressed evil-suppressing beads.

Now, it has become something in the palm of his hand.

The head was broken, the face was livid, the eyes were black, and he looked like he had died a tragic death.

In the world of immortality, Chu Mu has seen a lot of ghosts and evil spirits.

Even the existence of that resentful spirit in Nanshan was still fresh in his memory.

Evil spirits, after all, still have entities. Even if it is just brute force, they can still hurt evil spirits.

As for ghosts, they have not opened up the sea of ​​consciousness and awakened the existence of God. Even if their blood energy is strong, it is difficult to condense their blood energy to a level that can kill enough ghosts. For ghosts, it is just a sumptuous meal that is slightly difficult. .

In this secular world, the existence of ghosts is obviously incomprehensible.

If he hadn't made arrangements in advance, this world would have been filled with ghosts and evil spirits, and the order would have completely collapsed.

While his mind was wandering, Chu Mu raised his hand, and his fingertips glowed with dots of fluorescence. Each ray of fluorescence was like a tiny blade, flowing little by little on the ghostly figure with a human head.

It was like being ripped out of a cocoon, or being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. During this process, the human-headed ghost seemed to have suffered tremendous pain, and its already ferocious face was even more horrifyingly distorted.

Chu Mu didn't show any fluctuations at all. Every bit of fluorescent light fell, and a faint ghostly aura was extinguished.

One point, one knife.

In just a few dozen breaths, this human-headed ghost head shrank obviously by a large circle, from the size of a human head to the size of a fist.

At this time, Chu Mu's expression became much more solemn, and the flickering fluorescence also slowed down significantly.

This time, it took nearly an hour for the flickering fluorescence to completely dissipate.

This fist-sized ghost head is only the size of a fingernail, and has completely lost its ghost skull form. It is like a walnut kernel, crystal clear, and full of ravines, and from time to time it still shows the ferociousness of the ghost skull. face.

Chu Mu was obviously a little tired. He closed his eyes and rested for a long time before looking at this fingernail-sized... "Ghost Skull" again!

If it is an ordinary ghost, let alone such a ghost, if it is purely a ghost, as long as it is slightly damaged, it will be a serious injury.

This is why ghostly beings are often extremely afraid of attacks such as thunder and real fire.

The existence of a soul body has many advantages, but it often also has many almost irreparable disadvantages.

And the "ghost head" in front of him is obviously not normal.

Even to this extent, he could still clearly sense that this ghost skull was still alive.

Moreover, even if he was so late, it was not too traumatic.

If he hadn't isolated the quiet room, Chu Mu even felt that this ghost skull, nourished by the terrifying blood and lust from the outside world, might have returned to its original state in an instant. Special, it won't be long before a large number of low-grade ghost heads will be born around it.

And such an almost unbelievable wonder is obviously not due to the ghost skull itself, but to the specialness of this ghost skull.

The source ghosts are all transformed from the filthy origin of Tianyan.

Tianyan's miraculousness and immortality have created such a miraculousness.

This kind of magic is obviously not exclusive to this ghost skull.

Any source of ghosts and evil spirits must be so magical as long as they have the origin of the filthy nature.

Immortal, evolve!

The group of ghosts and evil spirits is undoubtedly very clear.

The most important thing is that trace of Tianyan filth.

Going down, there are the ghosts and evil spirits that are the source of the filthy evolution of heaven and earth. Further down, there are the groups of ghosts and evil spirits that have evolved from these source ghosts.

According to the world of immortality, this so-called ethnic group can also be defined as ghost slaves and corpse slaves.

There are many names, but the characteristics are also very clear.

Among this subsidiary relationship, the core is obviously the trace of Tianyan filth.

And to solve and purify that trace of Tianyan filth, obviously we can only start from these sources of ghosts and evil spirits.

"Soul...purify the soul..."

Chu Mu murmured softly, and then his eyes became firm.

Under the "blessing of spiritual brilliance", Chu Mu converged his spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual will with the intention of the sword as the core wrapped up the core ghost skull bit by bit, and at the same time, he also carefully penetrated deep into the core of the ghost skull. .

He had tried this kind of experiment several times before, but without exception, they all ended in failure.

If it touches the core even slightly, it will directly collapse.

Under the characteristics of immortality, he obviously has no other meaning besides annihilating a ghostly and evil body.

And this time...

A quarter of an hour later, the ghost head was still hanging in Chu Mu's palm, but compared to a quarter of an hour ago, the fingernail-sized ghost head was obviously a bit more scattered.

Under the perception of spiritual consciousness, it is like a dying candle in the wind, without the terrifying vitality before.

"The soul refines the soul, everything...is derived based on the soul..."

"So, everything can be... annihilated based on the soul?"

Chu Mu murmured to himself, seeming to be somewhat enlightened, but also seemed to be somewhat confused.

He thought for a moment, and with a flash of spiritual light, the consciousness that had just been restrained was released unscrupulously, covering this scattered ghost head.

And the next second, the ghost skull collapsed and turned into a ball of black mist.

Chu Mu seemed to have expected it, and without any fluctuation in his expression, he raised his hand and pulled out another ghost from the evil-suppressing bead, almost repeating the previous process.

In the end, without any surprise, another ghost collapsed.

Chu Mu was silent for just a moment, and then pulled out a ghost figure from the evil-suppressing bead. Another round of repeated processes was repeated again in this quiet room.

As this happens again and again, the evil spirits escorted from all over the world complete reincarnations in the hands of Chu Mu again and again.

As for Chu Mu, he was completely indifferent to foreign affairs. He was silent in this ordinary quiet room, conducting experiments again and again on the source of evil ghosts.

Time flies, and nearly two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

In just two months, compared to the world of cultivating immortals, it is certainly not worth mentioning. Any retreat or practice is basically measured in years.

And in this spiritual world, under this blood moon catastrophe, two months is obviously enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in this world.

The confrontation between technology and the extraordinary, the collision between order and chaos, the stability and disunity of people's hearts, all were staged in this world in these two months, and were almost vividly reflected.

However, under the action of this efficient governance system unprecedented in human history, all this chaos has been gradually contained and calmed down in the past two months.

Compared with before the Blood Moon Catastrophe, a completely different social order has once again enveloped the world, including most of the human beings in this world.

Starting with the Blood Moon, it is the first year of the Blood Moon.

On January 1st of the first year of the Blood Moon, all countries in the world announced their merger and formed the Human Alliance.

At the same time, the evil-suppressing guards and the existence of ghosts and evil spirits are clearly announced to the world.

On the day the Human Alliance was established, the Human Alliance's high-level meeting passed the Human Alliance's first resolution.

Namely... base plan.

On January 8, the Human Alliance announced to the outside world that it had recovered the first semi-occupied city, Longzhou City C.

At the same time, it was also announced that City C will be the location of the "Tianshu Base", the first large-scale base in the base plan.

In the following more than a month, under the leadership of the People's League and armed with evil-suppressing guards, more than a hundred large cities, thousands of counties and towns, and more than two billion human beings all over the world came together during this blood moon catastrophe. Next, return to the order of the People's Alliance.

In Longzhou, with City C, or in other words, Sanji Mountain, the highest command center of the Human League, as the core, in just two months, the ghosts and evil spirits that existed in several surrounding states were almost carpet-like. , all of them were killed.

The construction of the Tianshu base was the first to be put on schedule. Outside the entire Sanji Mountains, the mountain topography of the past could no longer be seen. What could be seen was the nearly endless roofs under the blood moon.

From the foot of Sanji Mountain, it stretches in all directions, covering hundreds of miles.

With Sanji Mountain as the center, the surviving people in a radius of nearly a thousand miles live under the order of the People's Alliance and live under this endless roof.

At the end of the shed roof, there are temporarily built city walls that are tens of meters high. Apart from the patrolling evil-suppressing guards, both inside and outside the city walls are almost identical, with countless modern and incomparable buildings. People equipment.

But inside the city wall, under the endless rooftops, it was a completely different scene.

A blood moon catastrophe has undoubtedly completely destroyed the original social order.

The new order of the Human Alliance after the catastrophe is naturally completely different from the social order before the catastrophe.

There is no economic and people's livelihood, everything is just to fight against the evil world of five turbidities under the blood moon.

And right now, the first thing to bear the brunt is, of course, survival.

Under this blood moon catastrophe, only by surviving can we be qualified to fight against this world-destroying catastrophe.

Therefore, under the roof, the millions of surviving people, men, women, old and young, without any exception, all worked hard for the creation of this Tianshu base.

The fiery work and strict order make people tired, and at the same time, they can also make people subconsciously ignore many things.

Such as the despair of doomsday, such as...the fear of ghosts and evil spirits.

Naturally, this fiery scene is not limited to the Tianshu base, but also to the survivor settlements under the order of the Human League all over the world, without any exception.

The evil-suppressing guards are fighting outside, fighting against the evil spirits that are rampant in the world.

Others are inside, providing all necessary resources for the evil-suppressing guards.

Let’s do our part for the continuation and inheritance of mankind...

In this evil world of five turbidities, everything is in ruins waiting to be revitalized, but yet... it is full of vitality...


(End of this chapter)

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