Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 591 Eternal Night

Chapter 591 Eternal Night

early morning.

In the command center, almost everyone gathered in front of the external surveillance screen.

The night still lingers, and the blood moon is already a bit dimmer. The only thing that remains unchanged is the bloody moonlight that shines down on the sky and the earth.

The arrival of the blood moon obviously broke not only the order of this secular world, but also the rules of this world.

The alternation of the sun and the moon on the planet, according to the rules of this technological world, is due to the rotation of the planet.

Day and night coexist alternately on this planet.

But this blood moon hanging high in the sky has broken this almost ideal rule.

The blood moon is coming, and the night falls suddenly on the entire planet, no matter where it is, and there is a blood moon hanging in the sky.

As for that great sun, even astronomical observations showed no trace of it.

The rules of science were broken, causing many chain impacts, but on this night, in just a few hours, it was obvious that no one had time to care about these.

By early morning, it may be the small group of people in the command center who decide the fate of mankind, or the countless ordinary people who are trapped in buildings and full of despair in the midst of a doomsday catastrophe.

At this moment, they are all using various methods to observe the outside world and observe whether this blood moon will follow the rules of the alternation of the sun and the moon.

The sun rises and the moon sets.

Will this blood moon at the source of the catastrophe set?

Everyone is unsure.

Even Chu Mu, after learning the exact news that the whole world was shrouded under the blood moon, his original conclusive speculation became a bit uncertain.

"According to the astronomy center's estimation, there are still five minutes left before the normal alternation of the sun and the moon."

At this time, someone was holding a paper report.

No one had much reaction. Since the arrival of the Blood Moon, astronomical observation centers around the world have sent countless reports of this meaninglessness.

After all, the global blood moon cannot even be observed anywhere in the world, so naturally it is impossible to determine the normal alternation time between the sun and the moon.

The so-called observations are just based on past practices, thus forming an uncertain speculation time.

In this changing world, it is obviously still unknown whether the past practices can still be used.

On the roof of the command center, Chu Mu stood with his hands behind his back for nearly half an hour.

Looking around, apart from the heavily guarded unmanned equipment, there was no one exposed in the entire command camp.

On this night, there were many ghosts and evil spirits that attacked the command camp, but without exception, they were often completely wiped out by the covering fire before they even got close to the command camp.

"The sun and the moon... alternate..."

Chu Mu whispered, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered the alternation of the sun and the moon in the desert sea cage.

Eternal night and scorching heat, the complete asymmetry of time, obviously completely violates the normal rules of the alternation of the sun and the moon.

Such abnormality is obviously inseparable from the Tianyan Holy Beast.

And this blood moon...

"There will be no more... daylight."

Chu Mu seemed to have a clear understanding.

Since the incarnation's layout had left such a huge terror that day, it was obvious that it would not give him any buffering time.

When the blood moon is in the sky, it is a catastrophe.

If the sun rises and sets, even if it is only a day, it only takes a few hours. The order he has constructed is obviously enough to give him a huge buffer.

As the sun rises and sets, the influence of this blood moon can be almost completely exempted after losing its initial suddenness.

It's nothing more than not going out at night, that's all. This is enough to avoid the effects of the blood moon.

The flaws are too obvious.

The possibility that He... left such an obvious flaw... is extremely slim!

Time passed by little by little, and under the blood moon, countless gazes also went from expectation, to surprise, to final... despair.

At a normal time, the scorching sun would have been high, but today, the blood moon was still in the sky, only slightly dimmed.

Other than that, there are no changes. The blood-colored moonlight still has no blind spots and is scattered all over the world contrary to common sense.

The sun seemed to have completely disappeared.

The command center at this moment was also completely silent.

The truth is cruel, but this cruel fact is extremely clear before everyone.

This night doesn't seem to end...

Immediately, after another emergency meeting, orders were issued from the highest command center to various places.

In the world under the blood moon, everything will obviously undergo earth-shaking changes.

The only good thing may be that a strong and powerful order still exists, and sufficient manpower and material resources can be organized to proactively adapt to such changes.

Rather than being forced to adapt to this change after the collapse of order.

And after all these changes were summarized in Chu Mu's hands, there were pages of black and white, detailed data one by one.

The most core element is how to avoid the pollution of the blood moon under this blood moon, and at the same time

To achieve this, it is obviously not too difficult for this technological society.

Moreover, at least for now, the contamination of the Blood Moon is only limited to the level of exposure. Even simple physical isolation can better avoid the contamination of the Blood Moon.

The greatest difficulty lies in restoring order.

Under the catastrophe of the blood moon, all parts of the world were almost in a semi-occupied state. Under the environment of the blood moon, people could not move freely and wanted to curb the spread of chaos and restore order.

This progress will undoubtedly be greatly delayed.

It is also obvious that the delay in this progress is naturally destined to further strengthen the evil spirit.

It will also be an inevitable race against time.

"Just go with this plan."

"I only have one thing, and that is to end the chaos in the shortest possible time at all costs!"

"He... is also competing with us for time."

Chu Mu put down the thin pages of paper, his tone was leisurely, and his expression seemed a bit complicated.

"Wang Yue understands. Don't worry, Master."

Wang Yue looked determined and bowed his hands.

"Okay, you go make arrangements."

"In the next period of time, unless there are irresistible external influences, you can make your own decisions on everything."

Wang Yue was slightly startled, but he knew what was going on and didn't ask any more questions. He bowed his hands and bowed before respectfully retreating.

After the door was closed, Chu Mu raised his hand and the silver-white evil-suppressing bead hung in his palm.

The blood moon crossed the sky, and in just one night, there were five more source ghosts and evil spirits in the evil-suppressing beads. According to reports from various places, there are still traces of several source ghosts and evil spirits that have been locked, and some have even been imprisoned. On the way to be escorted to Three Ridges Mountain.

This is only what has been noticed. With the current situation, there will obviously be more unnoticed things.

After all, the sudden blood moon catastrophe caused the dragnet he carefully laid out to cover the source of the Three Ridges Mountains to almost completely collapse.

Until now, the lockdown has only been partially restored.

On this night, it is undoubtedly unknown how many ghosts and evil spirits escaped from Sanji Mountain.

With the immortal nature of the filthy source, the possibility of escaping long ago is obviously very high.

Just from this point, it is not difficult to see that for the native creatures of this world, the blood moon is a catastrophe.

But for ghosts and evil spirits, the blood moon is a carnival feast!


(End of this chapter)

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