Mystery: Outlander Gods of Bloodborne

Chapter 128 The Mutation Above the Gray Mist

Chapter 128 The Mutation Above the Gray Mist

On Monday afternoon, on the tranquil Golden Dream, Klein barely held the Tarot meeting on time.

Seven figures appeared above the gray mist.

In addition to the Justice, the Bishop, and the Hanged Man who were the same as the previous few times, new members appeared on the right side of the bronze long table.

Long, smooth black hair, deep red eyes, and fairer skin.

It was Bloodline Emlyn White.

Under the impetus of Nibais, the blood elder who survived in the fourth era, he finally mustered up the courage to pray to the Fool and became a member of the Tarot Society.

"This is Mr. Moon." The Fool nodded on the high platform.

But before paying attention to him, everyone, including Yagel who always has a special reaction to the moon, was the first to notice the weird changes above the gray fog!

From the back of the seat symbolizing the fool, several scarlet blood lines spread inexplicably, floating in the air, and entangled the entire palace.The lines are illusory, but they also have extremely bright colors, which abruptly caught the attention of the members of the Tarot Society.

Faint gray-white smoke surrounds the blood, as if the white blood cells that have swallowed the invading virus are trying to digest it.

"What is that?" Miss Justice asked in astonishment.

She asked everyone's heart out.

"The product of an accident." The Fool at the head of the long table chuckled and seemed to respond indifferently.

Because the Fool didn't intend to explain further, the members of the Tarot Society didn't ask questions aloud, and could only hide their doubts and guesses in their hearts.

Everyone fell silent with different expressions.

Miss Justice showed a dazed look, obviously considering whether this new extraordinary knowledge could be exchanged for merit and gold pounds, her usual curiosity did not allow her to just watch like this.

On the other side of her, Alger, the Hanged Man, also had similar thoughts, but was more inclined towards fear and shock:
'The Fool is indeed an existence beyond human comprehension! '

In the mystical knowledge taught by the Church of the Storms, there is no similar description, which in itself shows that similarly changed personalities are beyond the scope of ordinary Extraordinary people.

There was obvious horror in their expressions——

Only Yager is an exception.

He was wearing a white Healing Church costume, raised his eyes slightly, and cast a puzzled look at the blood lines:
Is it his delusion?

Although there is a barrier of gray fog, but.
How did they feel so intimate, as if they belonged to him? !

And this kind of doubt was keenly captured by Klein under the fool's shell.

The fool who was calm on the surface smiled wryly in his heart:

'There is no doubt, Monsieur Bishop. '

'They are yours! ! '

There was grief and indignation in his eyes.

The origin of this sad conclusion starts before the start of this Tarot meeting.

This morning, after being oppressed by the evil outsiders for many days, Klein finally found an excuse to temporarily escape Yager's package of problems, and returned to the gray fog to relieve his mood exhausted physically and mentally.

Then he was hit again.

Behind the Fool's seat, the entire towering palace wall was dyed red!
This is definitely not a natural change in the gray fog!
It wasn't like this when he landed in the Gray Mist two days ago, answering the members' prayers.

It was already obvious what the culprit was:
Bloodborne hunters!

Just as members of the Aurora Society who have heard the gospel of the true Creator will fall into madness, and will praise the sun after touching the items of the Eternal Blazing Sun, he strongly suspects that after encountering Yagel's abnormal state head-on, he was polluted by the other party! ! !
Even if the body is healed by an unknown force, the gray mist still retains the shock.
The only good news is that, similar to the time when he divined the Eternal Blazing Sun, this time the gray mist is still slowly recovering, and the scarlet that filled the wall was expelled into entangled blood threads is the result of Klein's hard work .

The pseudonym hurt him too much.

The Fool behind the mist wept silently.

"Mr. Fool, I found four pages of Roselle's diary this week." Miss Justice bowed lightly and reported in a cheerful tone.

"I found six pages." Alger continued.

Unexpectedly, this time, even the newly joined Miss Fors and Yagel, who had been lacking interest in finding the diary, submitted a few pages respectively.

This made Klein's slightly broken mood quickly recover again.

Well, although the part Yagel handed over can be called Russell's silver party diary.
After reading it, he said as always:
"You can communicate freely."

However, before starting the transaction, Yager asked another question: "Mr. Fool, can I pay a price and exchange Russell's diary with you?"

There was silence at the long table.

After the gray mist, Mister Fool's eyes widened unconsciously again, falling into a new round of thinking.

A guess unconsciously emerged in his mind:
What... you are actually a time traveler? !

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Yager wanted the diary itself instead of the content of the diary.Only those who can read will follow the diary.

But this was a conclusion he didn't quite believe. After all, the other party's behavior after amnesia was very similar to the natives of the world cursed by blood, rather than a traveler who paid special attention to the words familiar with the world.

If so... Why do some people come here with a full-level number!
He couldn't help feeling a little jealous, and quickly snuffed it out himself.

Forget it.

Yagel obviously came here after killing all the beasts in Yanan, including Gehrman and Luna.

Let him participate in this kind of hunting night, he must have collapsed long ago.

It's better for Luen, it's better for Luen.

The Fool suddenly has an unprecedented sense of satisfaction with life.

But whether it is a time traveler or not requires more definite evidence, such as the reaction after getting the diary, etc., so Klein is not in a hurry to draw a conclusion.

"You can exchange for the merits of the mission." He replied, "For example, sometimes my loved ones need help."

"Okay." Yagel rubbed his hands under the long table guiltily, obviously thinking of the Sherlock detective he just finished persecuting.
What you persecute are actually fools who are fools!
If he could hear his inner voice, Klein would definitely complain in his heart like this.

Fortunately, after a brief explanation of the matter of meritorious service, the normal process of the Tarot Club finally began to advance, and no special incidents occurred. Members began to trade extraordinary materials and information with each other.

Klein's potion materials, as well as Audrey's props to conceal his identity, are all in place.

"By the way, Mr. Sun, have you successfully escaped from the prison in the City of Silver?" After the transaction, the Hanged Man remembered something and turned to look at Derrick.

What he meant was actually asking how the City of Silver handled Amon.

Whether the parasite will be reabsorbed, or will continue to be imprisoned, no matter which direction he chooses, it will show the City of Silver's understanding and attitude towards that 'blasphemer'.

"Come out." Derrick nodded.

But he quickly mentioned the new predicament: "The chief asked me to join his team, we are now exploring a weird temple, and there is no immediate danger..."

"However, we never came out of that experience."

(End of this chapter)

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