Mystery: Outlander Gods of Bloodborne

Chapter 127 The follow-up of the interrogation

Chapter 127 The follow-up of the interrogation

In the dimly lit room, Klein knew nothing about his escape from the small black room in the dream, and was still worrying about the current situation.

Although he said that he was not interested in the plot of blood origin, Yagel, who was sitting next to him, didn't let him go, and still tapped the 'Blade of Mercy' lightly.

The oppressive hunter showed a kind smile: "What I want to know more is, what do you think of my state from the information you have learned?"

"Huh?" Klein looked over in a daze.

He didn't react for a while.

Judging from the way the question is asked, there are two kinds of information contained in it at the same time.First, Yager may not be sure of his state.

Second, he not only doesn't know his own state, but also doesn't want to know the plot of the blood curse, so he wants to prove his own situation through other people's cognition.

Generally speaking, only people who really have a problem will ask this question
Thank you, you really trust me not to reveal this news!
Oh, it could also be that I'm too naive to be a threat at all.

That's fine.

Klein complained silently in his heart.

But jokes are jokes, he still has to answer Yagel's question seriously, after all, the blade of mercy is still pointing at his neck.

"Probably, amnesia after trauma?" He said hesitantly.

Yagel tilted his head: "Why do you think so?"

"I happen to know a high-sequence person who has amnesia just like you. The reason for his amnesia is that he was traumatized during the war." Klein continued.

This refers to Mr. Ards.

Two days ago, in Mr. Azik's reply to him, he mentioned the cause of his memory loss: he was glanced at by the 'Blood Emperor' Alista Tudor, and then suffered a severe injury.

Perhaps Yager is in the same state.

"He will also see key items and recall the past, and some abnormal states will appear when he thinks about it."

"Of course, not as... scary as you."

"As for the plot. What I know is just legends, not what actually happened. The facts will actually be very different from the plot I know."

"So, what I can be sure of is probably only your path. It should not belong to any path I know in this world."

"The authority lies in the blood, the moon, and dreams."

He uttered all the information and speculations he knew.

Justified and convincing.

The atmosphere in the small dark room became serious.

Jagel nodded thoughtfully.

Blood, the moon, and dreams, these three elements do correspond to the scope of his abilities, and Detective Sherlock really knows something.

Amnesia after trauma.
Well, it doesn't seem impossible.

After all, the 'Blood Echo' he needs to level up already has an innumerable number of digits, which absolutely doesn't match the level of this little broken Sequence Nine.

But he himself is more inclined to think that it is another arrangement——

He took the initiative to become what he is now.

This is also evidenced by his own 'arrangement' mentioned by the puppet.

"By the way, I would like to ask, have you killed Gehrman in the past?" After a moment of silence, Klein suddenly asked carefully.

"I think it should be killed."

Yager raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

".Nothing, just reckless behavior before confessing me"

The voice on the other side suddenly weakened, full of painful emotions.


The corner of Yagel's mouth twitched speechlessly.

In short, it is now clear where he is looking in the past and in the future.

As far as the past is concerned, as long as Detective Sherlock is squeezed out again, he should be able to complete the remaining puzzles of his life experience.According to preliminary estimates, his 'spirituality' is about that of a king of angels to a true god, but his body is only Sequence Nine.

The future is to hunt George III, promote, and search for the legend of the "Apostle of the Moon" in this world.

simple and clear.

Thanks to Sherlock Moriarty, a gift of nature, for answering his questions.

After thinking for a moment, he stood up, and the blade in his hand moved slightly, rubbing against Klein's cheek, and cutting the rope tied to him.

"We can go out and discuss the specific news later. Thank you very much for your answer, Detective Moriarty." Yager smiled gently, as if he was not the one who caused the huge psychological shadow.

"You're welcome." Klein made an ugly smile tremblingly, and silently moved his feet a little further.

The interrogation session that terrified him was finally over.Between the two, the strange atmosphere of trembling on one side eased, and the superficial friendship was put on again.

"By the way, Mr. Bishop, where is this place?" After calming down, Klein realized a key point.

Yagel was stunned for a moment: "Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you."

"Because you passed out on the 'White Agate' before." He paused for half a second strangely, as if he had a guilty conscience, "So I brought you to the Golden Dream."

"How do you feel now?"

"Is there anything... Lung or heart abnormality?"

Klein suddenly felt bad.

He quietly touched the pulse of his wrist, and after making sure it was still beating happily, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "No."

"That's good." Yagel nodded with satisfaction, "If you don't feel well, I can treat you."

His treatment is still very reliable
Wait, treatment? !

".Blood therapy?!!!"

Klein was shocked.

After knowing that Mr. Bishop came from the blood source, he suddenly had an inexplicable ptsd about the 'treatment', not to mention that the other party was still in a bad state, either amnesia or out of control
Blood therapy was the source of Yanan's collapse, a prop used by the ancient gods to control the world!

This can't be used!

He has no interest in growing claws!

"Huh?" Yager paused for a while when he packed up the lantern and broke the rope, and subconsciously turned his head to glance at the former detective next to him, "You know this too?"

It seems that Sherlock does know a lot.

"It's not impossible, do you want to use it?" He offered the invitation very friendly.

"No, no, no!!" Klein was very moved and resolutely refused, shaking his head like a rattle, wishing he could run away.

"Just a question."

"You didn't use it for other people in this world, did you?"

He looked over with illusory expectations.

Unfortunately, this impossible hope is bound to fail.

Yagel nodded calmly.

Under Xiao Ke's suddenly terrified and distorted sight, he gently opened the door, allowing the sunlight to successfully shine into the dim room: "It works."

"But that's okay, there's a solution."

"If you grow tentacles, just send them to one of my partners for treatment. Apart from the possibility of your brain being passive, there should be no other danger."

He uttered the horrible words in a straightforward manner.

In a sense, it also accurately predicted reality.

Klein showed a stiff smile, and suddenly felt that in this problematic, but not entirely problematic situation, it was best for him to keep silent.

He silently changed the direction of self-criticism.

Sunlight finally came into the dark room.

Although the process was a bit scary and difficult, in short, he managed to survive in the end
This experience taught him a profound lesson.

In this mysterious world already filled with countless traversers and evil gods, the best way for him to create a vest is not to touch any allusions! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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