is the son of the Holy See, but the master of black magic

Chapter 125 The Investigator Hiding in the Dark

Chapter 125 The Investigator Hiding in the Dark

The dean's office is located in the top area of ​​the college's five-story castle.

Compared to other locations, the light is brighter here.

The blond figure quietly appeared in the office, with a slender figure, skin as white as snow, and unusually delicate and beautiful facial features, like the most perfect creation in the world.

But the most eye-catching thing is the silhouette of the wings behind her. It is hazy and dreamy, like gas, and has a strange metallic texture, as if it can be extended into a set of external armor.

Although he led Adaniel's arrival, Andy saw the angel himself "for the first time".

So he couldn't help but look a few more times.

"The body of an angel is usually taller than a ten-story building."

Facing the young man's curious eyes, Adaniel said softly: "What you see now is just the image projection of my condensed consciousness."

Of course, she didn't think Andy would fail to guess what she was, but it was one thing to guess, but quite another to be able to confirm it.

Right now Andy, although he has calculated a lot of things, he himself is very weak. It can be said that he is still in the stage of mortal body.

Therefore, using this kind of words as an opening remark is her expression of goodwill, and the effect is like a human gentleman taking off his hat when meeting.

"I thought you wouldn't show up anytime soon."

Andy responded thoughtfully, as if seeing an old acquaintance, he asked directly without politeness.

"Did something happen?"

His performance made Adaniel a little puzzled.

She was not surprised by Andy's attitude, because although they had never met, the two parties had been in contact for a long time, and they were not strangers.

This kind of appearance of getting straight to the point without being polite, can be regarded as familiar at best.

But now she is not sure whether Andy is pretending to be stupid when he asks, or if he really didn't expect what happened to her before.

Or, didn't expect it to happen so early?
Thinking about it this way, the mysterious color on Andy's body seemed to subside a little, which made her slightly wary mood relax a lot.

After all, no one would like everything that happened to him to be accurately predicted by others.

So she didn't intend to be polite anymore, and after thinking about it, she asked in a low voice: "What was your purpose when you lured me down?"

This sentence can be extended to many branches, such as Andy's identity, such as the current situation, and even whether the resurrection plan has also been considered long ago.

For some reason, she was a bit shy about speaking frankly with Andy and mentioning her brother.

So even though she wanted to get some information from Andy now, she unconsciously beat around the bush...

However, Andy's next response surprised her.

"Of course I'm looking for help."

"But it's also a temptation," he said.



Andy nodded, and said meaningfully: "It is very strange that traces suddenly appeared in the kingdom of heaven that has been closed for thousands of years."

"What is the reason for this to happen?"

what reason?
Adaniel frowned upon hearing this.

Of course, the Demon King cannot escape the attention of the angels.

The Arrogant Demon King used to be her brother's bodyguard, which made her care differently about this matter.

It coincided with the conflict between the emperor and the pope in the dark forest, and the shadow of the greedy devil existed.

That's why she couldn't sit still, and projected a ray of consciousness.

Thinking about it now, this behavior was indeed a little impulsive, and even caused a lot of troubles.

But all of this was done on my own initiative, so could there be any hidden secrets?
"It just happened so naturally."

Andy, who was sitting there, had already stood up while speaking, and while explaining, he took out a book from the shelf behind the dean.

"But the thousand-year-old custom is so easily broken, which means that things are absolutely not simple."

"In order to find a reasonable explanation for this anomaly, many people believe that this is a game you intend to play with hell."

"But it's funny how you never wondered yourself why you made such a far-reaching decision..."

At this moment, Adanielle had already walked up to Andy, so she saw clearly that Andy lowered his head and turned the book to a certain page.

"The apocalypse will come in the early 21st century. Before that, there will be unclean people."

After chanting a certain passage on the page, the black-haired boy looked up at Adaniel, and said something that made her change color suddenly.

"This is a very famous prophecy from a prophet named Bourne."

"Apocalypse is the harbinger of the doomsday battle, it is very important."

"Since its occurrence time has been roughly predicted, will certain existences passively wait for the apocalypse to approach, or will they choose to take the initiative?"

"For example, weaken the offensive power of the hell side to start the decisive battle."

"Or through some means, let this so-called unclean person appear in the world ahead of time before he is fully developed?"


The world is big.

St. Marian's is just one of a kind.

The country of France to which it belongs is not a small country, but on a global scale, it is just an ordinary country.

Unusual country, probably only three.

Empire, Far East, and Federation.

At this time, a certain federal state.

In a villa standing in the north corner of a remote town, there is a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard wearing a simple shirt and beach shorts.

Sitting on a simple bench, the bearded middle-aged man was flipping through a book while stuffing a sandwich into his mouth.

The room was dim, and the windows not far away were completely blocked by curtains. The only light source was a humming desktop computer.

On the computer screen, there are still a few lines of code, silently revealing the occupation of its owner.

However, if you see some sticky notes pasted around the monitor, then this kind of professional judgment will become a little suspicious.

There are about a dozen sticky notes.

On the most important one, some information related to Andy was clearly written.

[In June 1994, his mother died, and Andy Hall's personality changed subtly. ]

[In July, a plane crash in the small African country sparked a series of serious incidents with suspicious identities. ]

[At the beginning of October, after entering St. Marian College, the Archangel Adaniel descended to investigate it. ]

[In mid-October, the test of saints begins, and the results of the investigation are pending...]

The text on the note is handwritten, which seems to be a summary of some intelligence.

But not long after, a new piece of content quietly appeared below the last line of information.

[Through the test of saints, the suspicion of Andy Hall was ruled out. ]


The bearded man who was reading a book seemed to be able to feel the changes in the information. He looked sideways and scratched his head.

He was surprised by this.

But he obviously didn't doubt the result of an archangel's own investigation, so he got up and stepped forward, tore off the note, rubbed it, and threw it into the trash can.

"It's not the most similar one, who is the so-called unclean person?"

Muttering doubtfully, the bearded man reached out and pasted another sticky note on the most conspicuous position of the screen.

[In mid-October 1994, there was a trial from heaven. Henry Dern, the son of the FBI director, was struck by lightning, and his identity was suspected to be the apostle of the Greedy Demon King. ]
[The next day, Henry Dern, who died in the trial, was mysteriously resurrected, and disappeared inexplicably after killing all his relatives. ]
[Retrieving traces...]
(End of this chapter)

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