is the son of the Holy See, but the master of black magic

Chapter 124 The Lazy Devil's Conspiracy

Chapter 124 The Lazy Devil's Conspiracy

In the kingdom of heaven, the seven archangels are regarded as the confidants of God, who manage the affairs of the kingdom of heaven and carry out wars on behalf of God.

The existence of a prophet is more like an apostle of God.

The birth of every prophet represents an idea, or plan, of God.

Archangels are the backbone that maintains the kingdom of heaven, and prophets are the core that leads the evolution of civilization in the human world.

In a sense, prophets are more favored by God than angels, and they are more representative of the identity of confidantes.

So when the answer that the murderer was not Lucifer but the prophet appeared, the impact was very high.

But after hearing the words, Adaniel was only stunned for a moment, and her expression returned to normal.

Then she asked for details—

Unlike her attitude when facing Andy, she would not completely believe what the man in front of her said.

In other words, she didn't think a "resurrection" concocted by the devil would be credible.

Moreover, as the questioning continued, Adaniel could clearly see that the thinking of the "resurrected" was very wrong.

Answers all questions without answering, and is very "emotional".

It can even be said that this is more like a "wraith" that has not been fully resurrected.

However, even though many obvious doubts were found, as the communication continued, her heart became more and more heavy.

Because she actually knows one thing.

That is, what the lazy demon king is doing now is not at all letting her know the truth back then.

Instead, I hope to let her see the feasibility of the resurrection ceremony!
As long as she sees that this ritual is really useful, will she remain indifferent?Or will he find a way to use this ceremony to resurrect those six brothers and sisters?

Although it seems that the effect of this kind of resurrection is not ideal, she has every opportunity to perfect it, to complement it, and to find a way to make the resurrection achieve a perfect effect!
However, if the facts are really as she has learned now, the death of the six brothers and sisters was acquiesced by God, and even actively sent a prophet to conspire to promote it.

What consequences will this act of resurrection bring?
The archangels who came back from the dead will definitely develop a mentality of revenge. Seeing their resurrected God, they will never allow them to reappear!
Therefore, if you really want to start the resurrection, it is tantamount to creating division and turmoil in the future of the kingdom of heaven with your own hands!
But knowing that there is a way, can she still "do nothing to save her"?

Adaniel was silent.

Here is a clearing in the forest, so it becomes silent.

But not long after, a golden light flashed, and the face revived like a wraith suddenly screamed and turned into a piece of fly ash, completely dissipating in this world!

As a result, a dead body with a sticky pit was left empty on the back of the head, and then turned its head back.

Looking at Adaniel who killed his former companion expressionlessly, a penetrating smile appeared on its bloody face.

"The initiative is in your hands. I am not qualified to give advice on what to do next."

"Of course, if you have a need to resurrect the same kind, then I am very happy to help you."

"Provide clues, provide resources, and provide everything you want."

"We can be allies in this matter."

"It's like forming an alliance and killing my great master together..."

This matter seemed to be some great achievement, and it was talked about and showed off in turn.

Adaniel didn't speak when she heard the words, but just glanced at it indifferently.

As a result, the dead body trembled all over, and then suddenly turned into a blood mist and dissipated in the forest!
But the carrier disappears, but the will still remains, so that a burst of joyful laughter resounds, and then disappears quickly.

The lazy demon king seemed to be happy that he was killed in this way.

It should be happy too.

If Adaniel can't help but start the resurrection plan, then the future of the kingdom of heaven may be divided.

And once split, its power will become stronger if its strategy succeeds.

Don't say who will own the current ownerless arrogance and authority. It is not impossible for Hell to return to its former peak state after changing its previous decline.

This plan is much stronger than participating in the so-called game and fooling an archangel.


Adaniel, who was standing there, didn't look up to the devil because of this, but thought about Andy instead.

The split plan of the lazy devil may come true, but who created the opportunity for it to carry out this plan?

If it wasn't for the arrogant authority that has become a thing without an owner, if it wasn't for the Archangel himself who descended into the human world, if it wasn't for the so-called game...

Is it possible for this scheme, which can be called a conspiracy, to be born?
If there was no Andy, even if the demon king had thought about using this resurrection plan to "stove discord", he would have no chance to use it!
Obviously, Andy gave it an opportunity.

So a question arose that made Adaniel suspicious.

Did Andy do this consciously?Or did it happen by accident?
The latter is fine, but if it is the former, the matter is complicated.

For even if in the end, laziness has seized the power of arrogance, it will not be able to hold it!

Because Andy is more arrogant than it is.

Even, considering that Andy can sit back and enjoy the benefits during this period, the devil's own lazy authority may be taken away...

Thinking of this, Adaniel already had a decision in her heart, so her figure disappeared into the forest in an instant.

After the trial, she was still hesitant about Andy, and even took the opportunity to avoid making a decision.

But now, the relationship is so important that she can't hesitate any longer.

I have to go see Andy and ask some questions!


Andy was not in the Trial Church at this time.

In fact, about an hour after Adanielle left, the white cocoon all over his body quietly dissipated.

Without restraint, Andy, who was still in the "suspect" state, was taken into the office by the dean, and his personal freedom was temporarily restricted.

As for why he was ignored, as news continued to spread, everyone in the academy knew about it.

There were more than 100 demon births last night, but after they were born, they were wiped out one after another before they made more trouble.

It is obvious who eliminated them.

So the truth came out——

Compared with testing a young man, the crisis of being born all over the world is obviously more important. It is normal for an archangel to leave suddenly after receiving the news.

Basically everyone thinks this way, and the dean of the college is no exception.

Therefore, when Adanielle quietly appeared in the office, the middle-aged female dean was still talking to comfort Andy not to worry.

And claimed that the powerful archangel, with a kind personality, could not completely forget him.

The prayer was answered, making the dean seem to have become Adaniel's fan girl, and she praised her very much in her words.

It's a pity that before she could finish her words, the Archangel who descended unceremoniously froze her body and froze there, completely losing her sense of the outside world.

Andy, who was sitting not far away, saw Adanielle's blond hair in his sight.

(End of this chapter)

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