Soldier Assault: Rebirth Grassland Class Five Squad Leader

Chapter 670: Maybe you think you are not strong enough!

Chapter 670: Maybe you think you are not strong enough!

The troubled Yuan Lang glanced at the team again, and then said to Tie Tie: "Old Tie, everyone has come here now. We have to drive him away at all times. It is unreasonable both emotionally and rationally, and it will chill his heart." , after all, this is his first action since he arrived in our A Brigade. I really can’t do anything about this bad guy, otherwise, you’d better do it!”

Railway frowned, thought for a moment, and then retorted: "If you can't be a bad guy, then I can do it. You have always played the role of the bad guy in our A Brigade. When have I ever played the bad guy?"

Yuan Lang said: "Then I can't help it. I can't say that anyway. Otherwise, take him there first. At worst, we can arrange some logistical work for him when we get to the exercise area."

Railway thought for a while, and then acquiesced to Yuan Lang's suggestion. He said: "Okay, let's settle it for now. Also, things like this must not go wrong again in the future."

Railway nodded and said: "Yes, I will definitely think more comprehensively in the future. This time can only be regarded as an accident."

Yuan Lang said: "Okay, let's go quickly, time waits for no one."


Ma Zhi, who was in the team, naturally felt that something was wrong with the situation. Based on his behavior during the previous roll call, he quickly guessed the problem.

He realized that Yuan Lang and the railway might not have planned to let him participate in this confrontation exercise, or that this change was made just before departure.

Ma Zhi was even thinking about what decision he would make if either the railway or Yuan Lang were to exclude him and let him stay.

But Ma Zhi did not figure out the result, because Yuan Lang had already ordered Qi Huan to board the train, but what he was worried about did not happen.

Ma Zhi naturally boarded the car with the team. In the same car with him were Qi Huan, Zhang Shihua, and two other commandos from Team A.

After getting in the car, the four commandos including Qi Huan and Zhang Shihua began to check their personal equipment, but Ma Zhi was left aside by them.

It wasn't that Ma Zhi was unwilling to join the group with them. The main reason was that Ma Zhi had no equipment to check. He didn't bring anything else except the backpack he carried.

In fact, since Ma Zhi came to the camp in this mountain, he has never been exposed to any weapons and equipment, let alone weapons and equipment, and he has also never been exposed to other equipment.

What Ma Zhi had come into contact with was nothing more than a few books, and the rest was the bowls and chopsticks for eating.

The commandos of Group A were different. They joined in the intense training as soon as they came back, and their weapons and equipment were always carried with them.

Therefore, when setting off, they don’t need to apply for anything special, they just need to bring their usual training equipment.

Ma Zhi watched them inspect the equipment and didn't mean to disturb them.

Qi Huan glanced at Ma Zhi secretly and saw that Ma Zhi didn't ask them any questions. Then he held the weapons he had checked in his arms, leaned against the wall of the carriage, closed his eyes and rested.

Ma Zhi looked at Qi Huan, who had his eyes closed, and then turned his attention to Zhang Shihua next to him, and then spoke first.

"I remember you on the first day I took you to train. During dinner, you gave us some food and let me fuck you for an hour. You are so hateful." Zhang Shihua took a peek and closed his eyes. Qi Huan, seeing that Qi Huan had no intention of stopping them, said to Ma Zhi with a smiling face.

"Monitor Ma, this has been going on for so long, and you still hold grudges against me!"

Ma Zhi said: "It hasn't been long. Now, don't I know how to hold grudges? You made my department miserable, and I haven't even taken revenge yet. Why can't I hold grudges?"

Zhang Shihua then said with a wry smile: "Captain Ma, actually you can't blame me for this. Speaking of which, everyone was still dissatisfied with you at the time and gave you the material. That was everyone's suggestion. If you calculate it this way, the responsibility is not entirely yours." Me, you can’t put all your grudges on me.”

Ma Zhidao: "Then I don't care. I only know that you gave me the information. I just look for you."

Zhang Shihua peeked at Qi Huan next to him again, and seeing that Qi Huan had no intention of opening his eyes, he quietly pointed his finger at Qi Huan next to him, then moved his head closer to Ma Zhi, and then lowered his head Said to Ma Zhi in a low voice.

"It's him………"

Qi Huan only said two words, and then he was kicked on the leg. Then he turned around and saw Qi Huan staring at him.

Zhang Shihua became mute in an instant and swallowed the rest of his words.

When Qi Huan saw Zhang Shihua sitting back, he smiled and said to Ma Zhi: "Captain Ma, why are you here during this season? Did the captain inform you again?"

Ma Zhi nodded and responded: "Yes, the captain reminded me about the departure. If the captain hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that the confrontation drill was about to start."

Qi Huan suddenly realized, and he said: "No wonder, the captain is also true. He has already informed you, but he didn't even mention it to me. I just finished calling the names, and when I heard that the number of people was wrong, I was shocked, and so was the captain. Yes, since I have informed you, there is no need to be so careful when gathering, which makes us still sneaky."

But after hearing this, he became more sure of what he was thinking before, so he tentatively asked Qi Huan: "Oh, what did the captain say before? The captain didn't mention the previous situation when he informed me."

Qi Huan said: "The captain said that after discussion between the two captains, you will not be allowed to participate in this confrontation exercise and you will be asked to stay behind. Therefore, when we set out at night, we will conduct it quietly so as not to disturb you."

After Ma Zhi understood, he even thought that Yuan Lang told him to leave on the second day, which was a pretense to fool him, so that they would leave early. Yuan Lang would sometimes say that it was an emergency and he forgot to notify him of the change of time. , and then forgot about him.

Ma Zhi asked Qi Huan next to him: "Have the captain ever said before why he doesn't want me to participate?"

Qi Huan shook his head and said: "The captain didn't say anything, but I guess that the two captains felt that your physical strength might not be able to keep up, so for your sake, they didn't plan to let you participate. As for later, they made changes. Then I don’t even know what the reason is.”

Ma Zhi understood that Yuan Lang and the railway did not allow him to participate because they felt that his physical strength could not keep up, and they were afraid that he would hold back the A Brigade.

Ma Zhizhi believes that his physical strength is indeed incomparable with the young people of Team A, but it is not that bad. He feels that let alone a confrontation, even if there is a war, he can still...


(End of this chapter)

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