Chapter 669 How about you do it!

During the intermission, Yuan Lang came to Ma Zhi with a bottle of water in hand.

"Lao Ma, get ready, we will leave tomorrow."

Ma Zhi asked: "Let's go? Where?"

Yuan Lang said: "We are about to start the drill. We have prepared so much, it's time for us to enter."

Ma Zhi was very surprised. When they first came here, the training was very tight, and Ma Zhi basically couldn't see the members of Team A.

Ma Zhi thought that it was time to enter the arena. Even later, Ma Zhi doubted whether the confrontation exercise had ended. After all, for two days, there was no news from the people in Team A, not even Yuan Lang. Saw it.

After all, drills do not always take a long time. Many really big-scene drills only have a long preparation phase, but they are over in a day or two after they actually start.

But in the past few days, Team A has relaxed in all aspects, and even has time to play basketball every day. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the tense situation before the drill.

But now, Yuan Lang suddenly said that he was going to enter, which really surprised Ma Zhi.

Ma Zhi asked Yuan Lang: "No, this is about to begin. Why are you relaxing in training instead?"

Yuan Lang responded with a smile: "Before entering the game, all the team members must relax first and let them enter with nervousness. On the contrary, it may cause bad things."

Ma Zhi did not expect this. In his previous life, it was not like this. He started preparing for the drill at least a month ago, entering a state of combat readiness before the drill started.

The state of combat readiness is never a stage where soldiers can relax.

However, Ma Zhi does not know whether this is the case in this era.

Ma Zhi responded: "Okay, I understand. I will make preparations when I get back."

Yuan Lang said to him again: "I don't know how long it will take this time. If there is anything that needs to be dealt with, you should plan to deal with it early and not affect the departure. By the way, you should go to bed early at night and keep your spirits up."

Ma Zhi thought for a while, and he felt that he didn't have anything to deal with. If he did, it would be whether he should call Xu Sanduo again before leaving.

Ma Zhidao: "Captain, I understand."

The conversation between the two was very short, because there was not a long break, and the captain on the other side, Railroad, was already shouting to continue the game.


After the game, Ma Zhi began to pack and prepare. He didn't need to pack a backpack, because Team A used a backpack. He only needed to put all the military items he needed to carry into the backpack.

Things were sorted very quickly. After Ma Zhi finished sorting, he started to think about what else had not been done and whether he had forgotten anything.

But after thinking about it, he didn't realize what he had forgotten.

At night, Ma Zhi started to prepare before going to bed. Although a lot of his luggage had been packed into his backpack, it did not affect his rest because he could sleep with his clothes on and didn't need to do anything at all.

Anyway, we have to leave on the second day, and we are about to set off, so there is nothing wrong with spending the night.

But just when Ma Zhi was about to wash his face, he found that people from Brigade A had already gathered in front of the barracks.

Ma Zhi was very surprised, because there was no assembly whistle this time. If there was any assembly signal, he would not be unable to receive it.

Ma Zhi realized there was a problem, so he hurriedly picked up his backpack, and then hurried to the front of the barracks to assemble.Yuan Lang stood in front, waiting for the team to assemble. Qi Huan stood directly in front of the team, looking directly at everyone gathered in front of him.

"Everyone has it, look to the right, look forward, count!"





"Man Wu!"

Qi Huan, who was in charge of the whole team, was stunned when he heard that the number was full. The number of people was obviously wrong. There was one more person than they had budgeted for before.

Sitting on one side of the car, waiting for the next step of the railway, he also discovered the problem, and then he hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car, and went straight to the team.

Even Yuan Lang began to scan every face in Brigade A.

In the end, Yuan Lang and Railway, who also came, discovered Ma Zhi in the team, and then the two of them arrived in front of Ma Zhi almost simultaneously.

"Old Ma, why are you..." Yuan Lang only started to say, and he didn't know what to ask next.

Ma Zhidao: "Captain, captain, has the plan changed? The time has been advanced."

Yuan Lang nodded silently, and Railway, who did not speak, seemed to have discovered something from his original expression, and then he pulled Yuan Lang aside.

As soon as he pulled Yuan Lang to the side, the railway chased him and asked: "Old Yuan, what's going on? Why is he here? Didn't you tell him not to notify him?"

Yuan Lang said: "I didn't inform him. Just in case, I lied to him and said that I would set off tomorrow. I also told him to go to bed early at night. In order not to be discovered by him, even the assembly was done quietly. Conducted, who knows how he knew.”

Railway asked Yuan Lang with a stern face: "What should we do now? How about telling him to stay behind?"

Yuan Lang said: "I think it's okay, Lao Tie, why don't you go tell him."

Railway glared: "It's up to you to say it, and you'll be responsible for it."

Yuan Lang was suddenly in a dilemma. He thought about it and felt that no matter who said it, it would hurt Ma Zhi's heart. After all, after Ma Zhi arrived, we excluded him from the first operation of Team A.

It turned out that neither Yuan Lang nor Tiezi had any intention of involving Ma Zhi in this confrontation exercise. Indeed, they did not think that Ma Zhi would have much practical effect on this confrontation exercise.

It is okay for Ma Zhi to provide and promote some training plans and programs, but it is not necessarily good to participate in confrontation exercises. Although Ma Zhi seems to be very experienced, in the eyes of the two of them, Ma Zhi Zhi's current physique is a big flaw. His body will not be able to withstand the upcoming large-scale exercises.

If Ma Zhi is involved, they will probably have to arrange for someone to take care of Ma Zhi during the operation.

If that's the case, it's better not to take him with you.

However, Yuan Lang didn't want to be the bad guy. Although he often played the role of the bad guy in Brigade A, this time the situation was different.

The troubled Yuan Lang glanced at the team again, and then said to Tie Tie: "Old Tie, everyone has come here now. We have to drive him away at all times. It is unreasonable both emotionally and rationally, and it will chill his heart." , after all, this is his first action since he arrived in our A Brigade. I really can’t do anything about this bad guy, otherwise, you’d better do it!”

(End of this chapter)

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