Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 315 Buried Alive

The money Lu Sixian knew and the money she controlled were completely different concepts.

At the port of Nanpu, the ships that sailed into the port in the dark rushed into this newly opened land, carrying tobacco, alcohol, and gold from overseas.

The name Paula has long become a legend in the underground trading market. This woman is ruthless and courageous, and she has managed to subdue the men in this gray industry.

The Linzhou that Lu Sixian saw and the Linzhou that Shen Pan saw were completely different worlds.

Lu Sixian made Shen Pan his legal wife for the sake of family property.This half-way couple was treated as a puppet by the other without even realizing it.

Of course, there is only one real puppet.

On this night when the family property was acquired, the puppet lost its value.

It's time to make a break.

Before Lu Sixian could meet Shen Pan, he was suddenly splashed with sand and dust without warning. His eyes were so painful that he couldn't open them open, and he staggered and lost his direction.

It took him a while to recover, rubbing his red eyes, and searching around angrily, wanting to know who was responsible for the destruction.

Sure enough, not far from him, there was a man who was concentrating on digging a hole in the ground with a shovel, using every stroke with great force.
Lu Sixian followed the sound and saw a tall man holding a shovel and concentrating on digging the soil. With quick movements, large chunks of soil were scooped up. In the blink of an eye, a large hole appeared on the ground.

Lu Sixian didn't even know when this person appeared here, and he even wondered why this person was digging a pit in the wasteland so late at night.Of course, he didn't care about this. He was just angry and didn't want irrelevant people around when he was teaching Shen Pan a lesson.

"Hey! Don't you have eyes? Didn't you see anyone here?" He shouted at the man, adding his anger towards Shen Pan into his shouting.

The man said nothing and just continued his homework.

This kind of ignorance angered Lu Sixian even more. Shen Pan suddenly didn't matter anymore. He walked towards the man, came closer in two or three steps, and asked provocatively: "Are you deaf?"

After hearing this, the man paused slightly, and then continued digging in his own way.

The pause showed that he was not deaf, and the indifference showed his contempt.

Lu Sixian was completely angered at this time, and an angry person does not need a reason to act. The violence that was originally intended to be inflicted on Shen Pan was now transferred to this man.He swung his fist hard and hit the man on the cheek.Only a "bang" was heard, followed by a painful cry of "ouch".

However, the cry was not made by the strange man, but by Lu Sixian, who blocked Lu Sixian's fist with a shovel.

His fist hit the iron plate, and the heartbreaking pain made Lu Sixian cover his hands and jump on the spot.But in this wasteland, two people besides him looked at him calmly.

The man put down his shovel and said in a thick Linzhou accent: "It's almost done."

Lu Sixian, who had just recovered from the pain, had not yet understood what the man meant, but he was horrified to find that the man meant these words to Shen Pan, and Shen Pan, who was standing on the other side, nodded slightly.They know each other!Lu Sixian was shocked.

Before he could think more, Shen Pan had already walked behind him. In the darkness, he vaguely saw a hint of a sinister smile on Shen Pan's face, an expression he had never seen before.

Everything happened so suddenly, he felt his back being pushed hard, his whole body became unstable, and he fell into the newly dug soil pit.

The bottom of this pit turned out to be just some floating soil, like a hunting trap. When Lu Sixian fell in, the loosely supported wooden bars at the bottom suddenly collapsed, taking him deeper.

Lu Sixian fell heavily to the solid ground. Linzhou is located in the south of the Yangtze River. If you dig a little deeper, water will seep in. It is slippery and dark here, and there is no escape. If the entrance to hell has any appearance, this is probably not an exaggeration. .

His arm was broken and he was dizzy. It was the first time in his life that he felt so panicked.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed across his eyes, and an open flashlight was thrown down.

When he looked up, it was Shen Pan squatting at the entrance of the pit, looking at him.

"Pan, Pan'er, help me up!" Lu Sixian seemed to have completely forgotten how he had just shown his teeth and claws at Shen Pan, and spoke with utmost restraint and gentleness. It was really incredible that he could maintain such a tone in such a sudden change. Easy.

Unfortunately, he was facing Shen Pan, whom he didn't understand at all.

The light of the flashlight was pointed upward. Shen Pan looked at his watch by the light and sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave: "We can still chat for half an hour, but I think there is nothing to talk about. How about I talk to you? , what happened to me in Qinghu during the more than 30 years since you went to the United States to enjoy your life.

They said I was a remnant of feudal society. I was beaten until my nose was bruised and my face was swollen and I was tied up at the entrance of the village. That fool was not a good person either. He and other villagers would throw stones at me. They said they would kill me, a slut. Only Zhu Sheng was only ten years old. Even at such an age, he protected me with all his might, and would not leave no matter how hard I chased him away.I have lost count of how many times we, mother and son, hugged each other and cried. No one sympathized with us or extended a helping hand. She said expressionlessly, picked up a stone at hand and threw it at Lu Sixian at the bottom of the pit.

The stone hit Lu Sixian's shoulder, causing him to shout in pain: "Shen Pan, you are crazy! Pull me up quickly!"

Shen Pan glanced at him and threw another stone: "Can't you bear this little pain? After I went to the United States with you, you didn't even look at the scars on my body because you didn't want to know what I had gone through. What? Pick up the flashlight and look around, get to know these new friends, they still have a lot to say to you." She said darkly.

Lu Sixian struggled to sit up and picked up the flashlight with the hand that was not broken. He just shined the light on the wall next to him and was so frightened that he dropped the flashlight.

There were some white bones half exposed in the soil, and several of the skeletons were facing his direction, grinning strangely.

Looking at Lu Sixian who was so frightened, Shen Pan only had contempt in his eyes.

"It's almost time." The man beside her said solemnly.

"Bury it." Shen Pan was ruthlessly tired. She was too lazy to say anything more to Lu Sixian. She knew that she would never get Lu Sixian's sincere confession in her whole life, and she didn't like this now. repent.

Lu Sixian's begging for mercy and curses disappeared in the shovelfuls of backfilled soil.Everything was supposed to end this night.

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