Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 305 Scorched Earth

Lin Xiaodong took a puff of his cigarette as he spoke and discovered that sometimes there is a gap between knowing something and telling something.

"Ye Mihi, do you already know what is buried under the Dongfang Petroleum Oil Market?" He did not continue talking, but asked a question.

Ye Mihi responded calmly: "I can tell you frankly, I don't know exactly, but I think it is something that a person is unwilling to see the light of day in his whole life. It should not only be related to money."

"Your intuition is always astonishingly accurate. People like me who have no talent can only rely on hard work and a little luck to see things that you can easily see. As for the discovery of the East Petroleum Materials Market, it is very rare. When I was investigating Xu Binyong and the Linzhou Detention Center, I discovered that the Linzhou Detention Center was empty when the People's Liberation Army took over it after Lu Guangzhong escaped in 1948. In other words, after Lu Guangzhong left, the detention center There are no prisoners.

I didn't take it seriously at first. The dictator had been defeated. Maybe no one was in charge of the detention center anymore, and all the prisoners inside had escaped. It didn't seem to be unusual.Until the director, who was very interested in the history of Linzhou Detention Center, mentioned to me that in the history of Linzhou Detention Center, there was an unsolved case that has never been concluded, which was the disappearance of all the prisoners in 1948.There are rumors that Lu Guangzhong took them all away overnight, but no one knows where he went or what he was doing.

All I know is that no one has ever seen them again.

A large number of these people are not bad people who committed crimes and crimes, but just people with lofty ideals who bravely stood up to resist Lu Guangzhong's tyranny.

Up to this point, I still only heard this incident as a historical anecdote outside of the investigation, and had no idea how it was related to the case I was investigating.

Later, He Zhongwen was attacked, and the East Petroleum Oil Market once again became the scope of my investigation. I began to wonder, what is there in this place that the Shenlu Group is willing to fight for at the expense of innocent people's lives?Behind the Shenlu Group is the power of the Lu family, and everything can be traced back to Lu Guangzhong.

I don’t know why I always think of Lu Guangzhong, as if someone is leading me to track down this warlord from a hundred years ago. This is not a common idea for investigating cases. "Speaking of this, Lin Xiaodong himself didn't understand that the cigarette in his hand had burned out. He actually only took two puffs, and most of it was burned out in the sea breeze.

"Because Jiang Lin hinted at the existence of Lu Guangzhong in the last painting she gave you. It's not Lu Guangzhong that you can't forget." Ye Miumi said sharply.

Lin Xiaodong suddenly realized and then felt sad. In front of Ye Miushi, he did not have to hide his emotions and sighed: "She always wanted to tell me the truth. I had half of your insight back then. If I had discovered the clues earlier, maybe..."

"There is no maybe, no if." Ye Mihi interrupted him, "Regret is the most useless emotion. Besides, we are two completely different people, and each other will not get the other's talent."

Lin Xiaodong was left speechless, so he lowered his head and pressed the last spark of the cigarette onto the cement pile, then squeezed it out with all his strength.

"Let's continue talking about Lu Guangzhong. You really chased him far enough." Ye Miumi continued, brushing his hair that was messy in the wind.

Lin Xiaodong smiled. He knew Ye Miumi's intentions and remembered that she said she was not good at comforting people, but she used her own way to pull him out of sadness.

"Lu Guangzhong..." Lin Xiaodong sorted out his interrupted thoughts and took a deep breath, "Before he left, he went to Dongshi. At that time, this was still Xiaoyao River, and he burned down all the houses in Xiaoyao River. The entire Xiaoyao River was filled with burned waste, and from then on, the Xiaoyao River completely disappeared in Linzhou. This happened to be the same day that the prisoners in Linzhou Detention Center disappeared.

Until now, I still don't understand how this has anything to do with the current Shenlu Group and Shen Pan, unless it has something to do with the concubine of the Lu family at that time. "

"Shen Pan is from Xiaoyaohe. This seems like a way to vent his anger." Ye Miumi put it bluntly. "The affair between Shen Pan and Lu Sixian was discovered probably before they evacuated." Lin Xiaodong said, "I thought of this, and I went to investigate the Xiaoyaohe tragedy again and got an explanation. I led the team to It was not Lu Guangzhong who was burned to death, but Lu Yaowu. But, I guess, Lu Guangzhong went there in the end, because there was really no need to fill the river, unless..." At this point, Lin Xiaodong couldn't help but pause again.

"Unless Lu Guangzhong not only doesn't think there is anything wrong with his son Lu Yaowu's indiscriminate killing, but even inspired him to treat Xiaoyao River as a natural mass grave." Ye Miumi said the next words for him.

"You know?" Lin Xiaodong asked in surprise.

Ye Mihan shrugged his shoulders: "I just followed your words. If this is true, for Shen Pan, the deaths of these people are all caused by her."

"But there is one thing I haven't figured out. If our guess is correct, why didn't Shen Pan die?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

"Because she is pregnant with the Lu family's child." Ye Miumi replied. This was a reason that Lin Xiaodong, a straight man, would not have thought of.

At this time, a huge wave hit the seawall, and the turbid waves poked their heads out from the dam and then retreated suddenly.


Fourteen hours was much longer than expected. The noisy noise of the aircraft cabin turned into the sound of heavy rain in Shen Pan's sleep. The rain poured straight on the unburned shed. She was familiar with and unfamiliar with the shed. Familiar people huddled among the ruins, unrecognizable.

They were not all good people, but they would not have suffered such torture. God couldn't bear to die in this dark night, and it rained heavily without any warning.

Later, she often thought that if it hadn't been for the heavy rain, the entire Linzhou City would have been reduced to ashes.

Lu Yaowu, the man she disliked when they first met, used his extreme method to make her unforgettable for the rest of her life.

What she couldn't forget even more was the always-absent Lu Sixian. When she was dragged by her hair and thrown into the mud smelling of blood, that person was not there.

She knew why Lu Yaowu didn't kill her immediately. It was because he wanted to see fear and submission in her eyes.

She also knew that as long as she showed a trace of begging for mercy, her life and that of the child in her belly would be gone immediately.

Daybreak is still far away, and she doesn't know how long she can live...

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