Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 206 The Truth About Wolves

Chapter 206 The Truth About Wolves

Ye Mimi slightly raised his eyebrows, and said nonchalantly, "Didn't you come to talk to me about Lin Zhengyang? Need to waste precious time discussing Xiaolu?"

Lin Xiaodong was at a loss for words when asked, and stammered: "This, this is because I received an oil painting about Xu Binyong. If it wasn't for this painting, maybe Xu Binyong would not be found dead until dawn. But...for now To be honest, I don’t have a clue as to who the painter is. But here, Xu Binyong, I think he’s trying to reveal something, I think he might know he’s going to die.”

"Oh? How did you come to this conclusion?" Ye Mimi looked interested.

"During the time when Xu Binyong died, the monitoring was replaced with the picture from three days ago. Last night when I was sorting out the clues, I realized something. Three days ago, Xu Binyong was sitting at the place where he died. In this way, Xu Binyong was not found to have had an accident during the monitoring and inspection, because he was sitting in the blind spot at the foot of the bed in the monitoring." Lin Xiaodong didn't know what he was doing, and these words might be said when analyzing the case with his teammates It's more suitable, but when facing Ye Mimi, he can always find the path leading to the exit in the chaos, and he can't help sorting out his thoughts.

This is a weird feeling, he is like that wild goat, he needs to find that exit, and he also knows that the person in front of him can give him not only directions, but also traps, but he still wants to drink poison to quench his thirst.

"Interesting..." Ye Mimi said after hearing this, "I'm curious, what signal did he reveal to you that made you want to know more about Lin Zhengyang?"

"He mentioned Nanpu in a very cryptic way, but I suspect he didn't mention it unintentionally. He talked about the planning between Nanpu and Linzhou. He thought that the current planning of Linzhou is wrong to expand from east to west and should go south. , connects with Nanpu here." Lin Xiaodong said.

"This is unreasonable." After hearing this, Ye Mimi said immediately, "The southern part of Linzhou is full of hills. Not to mention the high cost of development, it will also destroy the natural landform of the entire Linzhou, causing many disastrous consequences."

Lin Xiaodong nodded: "I checked a lot of information about Linzhou's planning last night, but there is no information to support his idea. Xu Binyong is a scholar. I have worked under him for many years. This person is very serious in his work, not the kind People who talk nonsense. After I learned about Linzhou's plan yesterday, I was more sure of my intuition, that is, Xu Binyong deliberately mentioned Nanpu. And Nanpu is also very important to Lin Zhengyang, right? I went to the abandoned villa, Shen Home was Lin Zhengyang's sacrifice, and Xu Binyong knew that he was going to die because of this.

I watched the surveillance video of his meeting with Jiang Lin, and when Jiang Lin said he wanted to divorce him, he yelled that he would kill her whole family.This is also very unreasonable, because Jiang Lin is an only child. After her parents died, her natal family has no family members.It is impossible for Xu Binyong not to know this.

Nampo, the whole family was killed.This is the information I extracted from him.The Lin Zhengyang I knew killed Shen Guoming, a wealthy businessman, and made his fortune from then on.But, is Shen Guoming's money really enough to get him to where he is today?This is what I asked myself countless times last night and couldn't find an answer. "As he spoke, he looked at Ye Mimi, "This is also the reason why I feel the need to come to you. "

Ye Mimi listened to him quietly, and said in an old-fashioned tone beyond her age: "Yes, at that time, it was not convenient to come to Zhouzhou from Nanpu, and the areas south of Nanpu were thriving and developed. Shen Guoming did not go to the south to develop like most people, but he had to go through the mountains to Linzhou, which is north of Nanpu, which is really a different way. The key is that he really made money in Linzhou."

"I asked the old police officer of our police station. He had handled Shen Guoming's case back then, and said that Shen Guoming was in the fabric business. How profitable is this business, and can he save enough money for Lin Zhengyang to make a fortune?" Lin Xiaodong said doubtfully.

Ye Mimi looked at him, and said something in his words: "Probably a very special fabric. Unfortunately, Linzhou is a land of fish and rice, and there is never a shortage of good fabrics."

"Nanpu!" Lin Xiaodong was told by Ye Mimi, and immediately thought of it, "However, Nanpu is a fishing village, what kind of good fabrics can it have? This is also very strange, Shen Guoming, there must be a problem. If this is the case..." Lin Xiaodong just thought Standing in the forest filled with dense fog, the darker it gets, the more I feel that there is a huge monster hidden in it.

Seeing his appearance, Ye Mimi put down half of the coffee left, stood up, and walked to the French window.

At this time in Linzhou, the originally sunny sky suddenly became cloudy.

This is a common phenomenon in hot weather, and a heavy rain is inevitable.

"The rain is about to come." She turned her back to Lin Xiaodong and said to herself.

"You didn't deny it. It looks like you know the direction of my investigation is right." Lin Xiaodong also stood up, walked to Ye Mimi's side, and followed her gaze to overlook the entire Linzhou City.

"Well, let's talk about something that has nothing to do with your case." She said, two or three drops of rain had already fallen on the glass in front of her, and the heavy rain happened in an instant.

Lin Xiaodong smiled: "Irrelevant things are the most important things, so listen carefully."

"Let's talk about the wolves. There is one thing that most people don't know. It was only after I had been fighting against them in the snowy area for so long. There is no such thing as a wolf king in a pack of wolves."

"Oh? No way, everyone knows that wolves are a well-organized herd. How can they act in unison without a wolf king?"

"Another piece of knowledge is that wolves are monogamous." Ye Mimi did not directly respond to Lin Xiaodong's question, but continued his narration, "Monogamy means that wolves cannot be like the leaders of other animals. Control entire herds by birth."

"Don't wolves have leaders? There can't be several leaders, and the principle that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers doesn't work for wolves?" Lin Xiaodong asked suspiciously.

Ye Mimi suddenly turned to Lin Xiaodong and said, "It's a family. I found out that they have a family that controls the rest of the wolves. If you have to say wolf king, there are not one wolf king, but two, one male and one female. The young wolves born with them are the core of the whole wolf pack. Another thing is that wolves are rarely killed by other wild animals, unless they encounter beasts like lynxes. Many wild wolves are killed by their own kind Yes. Wolves rarely accept lone wolves, and most lone wolves that approach the pack will be killed, except for two cases, one is a newborn wolf cub, and the other is..."

(End of this chapter)

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