Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 205 Reserved Time

Chapter 205 Reserved Time

"Shen Guoming? Why did you suddenly ask him?" Lao Liang asked in confusion.

"It's a long story, Old Liang, I always feel that things in Nanpu are not so simple." Lin Xiaodong said.

"Shen Guoming..." Lao Liang twisted the cap of the thermos bottle, trying to recall, "I just remember that he was in the cloth business in Linzhou at that time. In our time, there were cloth shops, Xiao Your generation probably hasn’t seen it before. There is a port in Nanpu, and Shen Guoming sold fabrics from Nanpu to Laizhou. It probably means that.”

"According to normal logic, he should run at both ends..." Lin Xiaodong couldn't help but think of the Ajuan that the old lady in Nanpu said, that poor wife of Shen Guoming, if it wasn't because Shen Guoming was killed by Lin Zhengyang, she should be able to often meet the husband.

Looking at Lin Xiaodong who was deep in thought, Lao Liang couldn't help asking curiously: "What's the matter, besides Lin Zhengyang, does this Shen Guoming also have problems?"

Lin Xiaodong frowned and stroked his stubbled chin, hoping that someone could talk to him about this matter.

During the board meeting, Ye Mimi saw the caller ID of the mobile phone, and Lin Xiaodong called.

Sure enough, he still came to find her.

Ye Mimi didn't answer the call, and only called back to him for a time, three o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Xiaodong arrived as scheduled and arrived at the headquarters of Jiangnan Group, which he was already familiar with. The president's office was on the top floor of the building.

The assistant at the front desk had already changed, but as soon as he saw him, he stood up and said, "Mr. Lin? Mr. Ye is already waiting for you." There was a business and polite smile on his face.

"Your service is good?" Lin Xiaodong said unexpectedly.

"Mr. Ye personally arranged it yesterday. We must do our homework." The assistant smiled, implying that he had learned about Lin Xiaodong's situation in advance.

Sure enough, what kind of boss has what kind of subordinates, and he is careful enough to do things.

However, Lin Xiaodong felt a little strange and couldn't help asking: "Yesterday? I sent her a message this morning."

The assistant said firmly: "It was indeed yesterday, Mr. Ye said that you would come to her today."

Lin Xiaodong smiled helplessly, but was again manipulated by her.It seems that the news of Xu Binyong's death has already spread.

The door of the office opened, and the furnishings inside were indeed Ye Mimi's style. Jiang Wanchao's previous luxurious decorations were all taken away. The huge office was so simple that only desks, bookcases, and places where visitors could sit were left. sofa.

Ye Mimi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with his back to Lin Xiaodong.

It was a sense of certainty that there were eyes behind him, as if he knew who was coming in even if he didn't look back.

As soon as Lin Xiaodong came in, the door behind him closed automatically.

"I said our cooperation ended with Xu Binyong's arrest." Ye Mimi turned around and faced Lin Xiaodong.

Perhaps because at this moment, Ye Mimi's back was facing the entire Linzhou City, condescending, Lin Xiaodong discovered a new side of Ye Mimi for the first time.

In addition to the aloof temperament, there is actually a posture of looking down on the world.

"I know your time is precious now, I'm here just to talk to you about Lin Zhengyang." Lin Xiaodong said, sitting on the sofa by himself, "I can't think of anyone who can help you more than you." I know Lin Zhengyang now."

"I'm a bit haggard. Would you like a cup of coffee?" Ye Mimi asked him from left to right, and pressed the service button while talking.

This question brought Lin Xiaodong back to when she first came to Jiangnan Medicine to find Ye Mimi. She also asked the same question. The difference is that she was only a researcher at the Jiangnan Medicine R&D Center at that time, but now she is the leader here. Just like she was able to survive from the snowy area, the process of her ascending to the top of Jiangnan Medicine, looking back at the past, is so bizarre that no one else can reproduce it.

Coffee came in quickly.

The cups are fine English porcelain, antique and elegant.

Lin Xiaodong thought of the velvet box that Jiang Xu left behind, and this cup is Jiang Xu's aesthetic.

Ye Mimi and Jiang Xu, whether they are together or not, are inextricably linked like twins.

Ye Mimi sat opposite Lin Xiaodong, the light from the floor-to-ceiling windows just shone on her face, it was so beautiful that Lin Xiaodong avoided her sight, lowered his head, picked up the coffee and took a sip.

He didn't know that even though Ye Mimi said that their cooperation ended with Xu Binyong, she still reserved two hours for him.

"I might disappoint you. My understanding of Lin Zhengyang is only superficial." Ye Mimi finally got to the point.

"However, you let him choose you between Xiaolu and you. This is not something that can be done by just knowing the surface." Lin Xiaodong said.

Ye Mimi picked up her cup of black coffee, took a sip, and said leisurely, "It's not me who made Lin Zhengyang make such a choice, you know who it is."

"Xu..." Lin Xiaodong blurted out, and suddenly realized that it was impolite to call her late mother's name in front of Ye Mimi, so he stopped immediately.

Ye Mimi's sharp eyes swept over his face, and the corners of her rosy lips parted slightly: "No." She denied firmly, "He made such a choice because of you."

"Even if it's because of me, you discovered his weakness." Lin Xiaodong knew that when talking to Ye Mimi, he had to concentrate on following her logic, otherwise he would be led by the nose if he was not careful. This time he Don't waste time trying to get her off topic.

Ye Mimi looked at him, his already clear eyes became brighter under the blazing sun, with a power to see everything: "Xu Binyong's death has nothing to do with Lin Zhengyang, if Lin Zhengyang needs him to die, he has arranged for it before he left." .” She knew what Lin Xiaodong wanted.

"Before Xu Binyong died, I received another oil painting, you know, that kind of oil painting." Lin Xiaodong finished his coffee in two or three sips and put it back on the tea table. He looked at Ye Mimi again, wanting to get her A look of surprise was found on his face, but there was none, "Aren't you surprised? The fawn is dead."

"Those paintings were not made by the same person in the first place." Unexpectedly, Ye Mimi knew about it long ago.

"Why didn't you tell me that day in the gallery?" Lin Xiaodong looked at her, once again annoyed by her reservations.

"You can't find anyone after you say so. The target at that time was just the deer." Ye Mimi said as usual.

But these words made Lin Xiaodong feel chills: "Target? You want me to lure Xiaolu out to anger Lin Zhengyang?"

"I don't want you to do anything, it just so happens that Xiao Lu knows your identity. She was favored by Lin Zhengyang since she was a child, and she is above all powerful characters, so she naturally thinks that she knows everything and is omnipotent."

"You told Xiaolu my identity?!" Lin Xiaodong suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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