Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 182 Forbearance

"I can't forget this part of the memory, even though I don't remember whether I saw the black shadow standing on the shore, or I added it in my later memory.

It was as if Xu Binyong was standing there, watching me sinking in the Chuanyun River indifferently.

Because I was too afraid of being discovered by him, I didn't dare to struggle. Instead, I slowly floated up because of the down jacket on my body.I thought that there was no end to the sky, but I didn't expect that more terrible things were yet to come.

Chuanyun River is an open waterway, and there are often ships in the river. I quickly floated to the center of the river with the turbulent water.

Those seemingly ordinary boats on the shore became huge monsters that could crush everything in the river, and I was like duckweed, resigned to fate among these boats.

I prayed to my dead dad to keep me safe, but that miraculous fluke didn't happen.

A sand ship crashed into me, and all I knew was that my eyes went black in despair, and I couldn't remember anything after that.

Later, they said that the ship clearing the channel found me, saw that I was still alive, and was sent to the hospital. "

Jiang Lin's hoarse voice and weird face always made her words sound a bit out of touch with the content. Even so, the narrow escape in the Chuanyun River still sounded so thrilling.

"I was unconscious when I got to the hospital.

They found my ID card from me and contacted Xu Binyong.He rushed over in a hurry, and I knew it was not because he cared about me, but because he was afraid that I would wake up and expose his secret.

Even, I don't actually know what he did on that yacht.

If it weren't for the fact that I fell into the water and was rescued by the news, I think he would definitely do it again after he arrived at the hospital.

He stayed by my side every step of the way, repeatedly confirming my situation.

In the eyes of others, he has become a model husband.

Only I know that he is now a demon hovering around me, waiting for an opportunity to kill me.

And I was in the intensive care unit with multiple fractures and tubes all over my body, and I couldn't even speak, let alone escape.

I can only keep pretending I'm insane, hoping he'll let me go because of it.

I have to thank the reporter who had to pull him to interview. Of course, she didn't know what happened. She made Xu Binyong an image of a good husband who will never leave his unfortunate wife.

He was elevated to a high moral position, and I later learned that this image is also helpful to his future.

You know, promotion requires everyone to vote, and his 'care' for me has given him a lot of points.

Therefore, he spared my life.

But I know that as long as I threaten his secret, he will do it without hesitation just like last time.

So from then on, I pretended to be deaf and dumb, and never said a word.

The doctor told Xu Binyong that the nerve damage might have been caused by the impact, but only I knew that I was fine and I could speak.But I can't let him know. "

"What year did this happen?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

"2008, this is the last year I remember. Because later, I was locked in that cage, and I couldn't get out again. I can't tell how much time has passed, and I don't know what year it is now. "Jiang Lin's voice trembled, but Lin Xiaodong could feel her tenacity, from 2008 to now, 15 years have passed, and she has been hiding Xu Binyong for 15 years.

"Did you become paralyzed because of that fall into the water?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lin shook her head: "I am not paralyzed at all. When I was discharged from the hospital, my condition had improved, but Xu Binyong locked me on the bed to prevent me from escaping..." She raised her hand, and on her withered wrist You can vaguely see a circle of deep-sinking marks, which are caused by years of bondage, "Year after year, I just lay on that bed, until he found that I really couldn't get out of bed, and then Take off the handcuffs.

Over the years, the nanny has changed a few times, and one of them looked good. I tried to ask her for help with gestures, but the next day, the nanny who came to deliver the food changed. I still don’t know what happened to the previous one, no Do you know if you were fired or..."

"Xu Binyong knew the law and violated the law, intentionally murdered and illegally imprisoned..." Lin Xiaodong said angrily.

"I often think that he has had many opportunities to kill me for so many years, but he didn't, probably because he needs to vent the so-called humiliation he suffered before.

When he was in a bad mood, he would come to me and complain how we arrogantly despised and humiliated him back then.Talk about how great he is now.

Later, probably thinking that I would never be able to escape from his palm, the words I spoke became even more unscrupulous.

He said that in order to marry me, he gave his life to the mentor and his soul to the mentor.

These are what I owe him, and I want to spend my whole life paying him back. "

Lin Xiaodong's heart was heavy when he heard it. He couldn't figure out how Xu Binyong could have such hatred for Jiang Lin.

And Jiang Lin seemed to sense his confusion, and suddenly said: "I was thinking, Xu Binyong has never been reconciled to being a temporary worker, and it must be that hatred that supports him to this day. I didn't do anything and he would hate me, he hated me because of the disparity we were born with..."

"He just projected his narrow worldview onto you, and I won't let him find you..." Lin Xiaodong assured her, and then said, "The bigger reason why he didn't kill you is because he Working in the Public Security Bureau, I know many cases. When the wife dies, the husband will become the number one suspect. His status is getting higher and higher, which means that the cost of his crime will also be higher and higher. He can't kill you at the risk of being exposed. Yes. However, this is also based on the fact that you have deceived him by pretending to be deaf and dumb for 15 years, and you saved yourself.”

"By the way, he talked about his mentor. He said that he now has a big backer, not just one person, but a group of people. He said that even if I escape, I can't do anything to him..." Jiang Lin said .

"I already know the list of some of them, but I need a breakthrough to find them all." Lin Xiaodong said, "This person, it seems, can be Xu Binyong." He looked at Jiang Lin, " I need your help in this matter."

And Jiang Lin's eyes, which were always wide open, showed great hopeful emotions. She grabbed Lin Xiaodong's sleeve with her weak hands: "I beg you, help me send this demon away..."

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