Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 177 The Disappearing Sunset

Chapter 177 The Disappearing Sunset

"Of course it's not the first time I've heard of them, but it's the first time I've seen them in the same list." Lin Xiaodong probed step by step, just like in the past, throwing out his own information in exchange, facing Ye Mi In this matter, he didn't intend to be competitive, "I checked. In the past ten years, these people have had contact with Jiangnan Medicine to varying degrees. Some have handled the project approval, and some have invested in Jiang Wanchao's seed round. Someone has stood up for Jiangnan Pharmaceutical many times... I think they are so hard to help, I am afraid it is not Jiang Wanchao who failed to start a business in the south and has nothing?"

Ye Mimi glanced at him: "What you want to ask more, shouldn't it be how much money Jiangnan Medicine can give them?" She was surprisingly straightforward.

"That's right! If Jiang Wanchao left you such a Jiangnan Medicine, I..." Lin Xiaodong suddenly stopped at this point. He wanted to say that he was very worried, but he didn't seem to have the position or qualifications to express his concern.

The moment he was stunned, he understood in a flash that it was Jiang Xu.What Jiang Xu entrusted to him was like a curse, hitting his strong sense of responsibility that day.

Inexplicably, he was unconsciously concerned about Ye Mimi's safety.

Ye Mimi's eyes, which always seemed to see through everything, rarely showed a trace of confusion.

Then she calmly replied: "They don't get a penny from me."

"You already knew." Lin Xiaodong felt helpless and angry every time, "You, Ye Mimi, always have the answers to those clues that I have worked so hard to obtain!"

"I don't know what's going on with these people, so I can tell you for sure that they didn't get a penny from me.

After I took over Jiangnan Medicine, what I did was to make the previously unclear systems more transparent and standardized. Today, no matter who takes over Jiangnan Medicine, there is no way to reverse its operation without authorization. "Ye Mimi looked at him fixedly, with unobstructed sincerity in his eyes.

Just when Lin Xiaodong was about to believe that what she said was the truth, Ye Mimi suddenly asked a question that made his heart tremble, "I'm curious, are there no acquaintances in your list?"

"What?" Lin Xiaodong was inexplicably guilty, although he felt he had no way to feel guilty.

Seeing him like this, Ye Mimi smiled: "You really don't know how to lie, how did you trick those prisoners in the past?"

"Uh, I'm just not good at lying in front of you." Lin Xiaodong said, only to realize that his words were wrong, but he couldn't take it back.

Ye Mimi just smiled: "In other words, you know it yourself."

"You knew he had a problem early on?" Lin Xiaodong used "you", and he remembered the extraordinary distrust she and Jiang Xu had for the police at that time.

"I don't know, I'm just on guard." Ye Mimi still didn't give Lin Xiaodong any openings when she spoke.

He immediately said unconvinced: "Speaking of which, I have been tricked by you in disguise again.

Just now you said so much about Jiangnan Medicine, can I understand it this way?You cut off the supply to these people, even if you pretend not to know, with their status and influence, wouldn't they trouble you? "

Ye Mimi showed a contemptuous smile: "For me, what I do, as long as one person has no opinion, other people's thoughts are not important."

"You mean Lin Zhengyang?"

Ye Mimi was noncommittal. At this time, the sky in Linzhou was getting late, and there was only a golden glow in the west. The sunset was beautiful, but it was so hot that people didn't pay attention to it.

She looked in the direction of the setting sun, and said unhurriedly: "This city doesn't need them anymore, just like Jiangnan Medicine doesn't need Jiang Wanchao. He knows that this era is doomed to end, but he doesn't want to end it with his own hands. .Then let them die slowly in the torrent of old and new.

It is their misfortune that you got this list.

The tutor is different from Jiang Wanchao. Jiang Wanchao gave up on Axu, but the tutor will not give up on you. "

"Oh, I really appreciate his kindness." Lin Xiaodong said angrily.

"That's not necessary. The difference between the two is only because Jiang Wanchao, who was self-inflated at that time, always felt that the future was long, while the mentor was already like this sunset, and he really felt the imminent death." Ye Mimi said, the light in the west gradually It disappeared, faster than expected, and the surroundings had already darkened. When she looked back at Lin Xiaodong again, only her eyes were shining in the faint peripheral vision, and the expression on her face could no longer be seen clearly.

"I don't know if the nearby casserole restaurant is still there?" Lin Xiaodong seemed to mention it casually.

Ye Mimi chuckled in the dark: "I have to go, dinner is for Ah Xu."

"Haha, you don't have to throw dog food like that." Lin Xiaodong joked bluntly, unable to get rid of Jiang Xu's dialogue when he was alone in his mind.

"Humans' emotional expressions are sometimes too tactful and always a waste of time." Ye Mimi said, "I don't want my life to be wasted in meaningless speculation."

After she finished speaking, Tingting left gracefully.

Lin Xiaodong stood where he was, the residual heat of the day was blown by the evening wind, it was a midsummer night that gave no chance to breathe.

He checked the time, stepped on the motorcycle, and did not go directly to his residence in the new district, but changed direction and went to the south of the city.

Near the Linzhou Bridge, there is a not-so-remarkable community - Lantian Mansion.

This community, which has been around for nearly 20 years, was one of the few high-end real estate in Linzhou at that time.

Although it is old now, the people who live there are still hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Lin Xiaodong changed his clothes, put on a peaked cap, and gave away a few packs of cigarettes, which made it easier for him to enter and exit the community.

Sometimes things don't seem so difficult.

Near the center of the community, there is a family on the first floor who bought two adjacent houses and set up a garden at the door, which looks extraordinarily unique.

It had been several nights in a row that the man of the house hadn't come home right away after get off work.

And the lights in his office had already been turned off early.

The time was getting later and later, after 11 o'clock, a not-so-expensive car slowly drove into the community.

The car parked in the reserved ground parking space, and a man stepped down from the driver's seat.

With his uniform off, he was wearing a refined shirt, and he didn't have a fat middle-aged figure. This person was indeed Xu Binyong.

Across the greenery, Lin Xiaodong, who was observing through the gaps in the branches, looked at his watch, and it was another 2 hours of vacuum time.

As long as he doesn't work overtime, Xu Binyong will give the driver a holiday, and he will disappear for 2 hours on the way home from get off work.

No one knew where he had gone, and the family seemed to just leave a light for him, as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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