Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 176 List

Chapter 176 List
"Team Lin, tell me, if it's what we guessed, would Director Xu know about your relationship with Lin Zhengyang?"

Lin Xiaodong shook his head: "It's very likely that I don't know. I traced it all the way and found that Lin Zhengyang didn't want others to know about my relationship with him. He didn't want anything that could be blackmailed. I even suspected that they all His real identity and name are unknown.

Lin Zhengyang, from a procedural point of view, is already dead. "

Yue Jianfeng nodded silently after hearing this: "Team Lin, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this matter is too deep, and you can't do it alone!"

At this time, the two of them leaned closer to talk, and both lay on the table.

Lin Xiaodong suddenly reached out and touched Yue Jianfeng's head.

Yue Jianfeng was only one year younger than Lin Xiaodong, and he was suddenly confused by this.

I saw Lin Xiaodong in front of him squinting his eyes and smiling: "I am barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, if you do this, will you still be a fool?!

Before Director Xu came back, the theft and fingerprints were all terminated, and Xiaolu's case, when he came back, we could see whether our suspicion was reasonable or not based on his attitude. "

He said it easily, Yue Jianfeng knew what kind of determination was in these words.

"Team Lin..." Yue Jianfeng was at a loss for words for a moment. At this moment, it started to rain in the hot outside. The rain curtain covered everything, as if it had washed away everything.

A week passed quickly.Xu Binyong returned to the Linzhou Public Security Bureau after two months of closed training.

Xu Binyong actually doesn't look like the chief of the Public Security Bureau. Although this person is over fifty, he is not middle-aged and fat. Unlike Jiang Wanchao, who deliberately exercises to maintain a strong figure, he has a bookish demeanor that suits him.Among the busy policemen, he seemed too refined.

This is also the reason why he was parachuted from the province to the Linzhou Public Security Bureau, and the people at the bottom had doubts about his professional ability - a person who has been working in the public security system since he entered the public security system, commanding a group of policemen who are fighting in the business line ,Ok?
Facts have proved that everyone's concerns are only partially correct.

Because in terms of management alone, Xu Binyong doesn't seem to have a particularly big problem, and he even has his strengths in communication and coordination.

In the beginning, there were even a few things that convinced everyone about him.

His problems appeared slowly.The kind of subtle stance that is not easy to be noticed.

For example, in Gao Hanyu's case, it seemed necessary to persuade everyone to close the case hastily.

"Jianfeng, a person who is good at hiding himself must be good at understanding other people's thoughts. Before Xu Binyong comes back, you must first convince yourself to drop the clues about him. You must convince yourself that this has never happened." Lin Xiaodong's words are now in the It sounded in Yue Jianfeng's ears.

And Xu Binyong was sitting opposite him in the conference room at this time, and had just finished listening to the report on the floating corpse case in Linzhou Wetland.

"Jianfeng, you are taking the lead in handling the Linzhou Wetland case, please tell me your thoughts?" Xu Binyong always gave people the illusion of being gentle and open when he first spoke.

Of course, after all these years, everyone knows that every answer has to be thoughtful, otherwise you will be criticized because of some details.

Meticulousness is also the biggest characteristic of this bureau chief with a civilian background. Of course, in other words, he is difficult to serve.

"Xu Bureau, I think this case can be divided into two parts for discussion. At present, the situation of the two male deceased is relatively clear, mainly involving online fraud. We are working with the Internet police to trace the source of the gang. The other part is more difficult and has been confirmed. , No.3 The deceased was closely related to this internet fraud gang, but because of the complex terrain of the wetland and the hot weather, it made our work of collecting evidence very difficult. Although it should not be said so, I feel that the current case is in trouble. If there is a bottleneck in the investigation, the pressure to solve the case in a short period of time will be greater." Yue Jianfeng said fluently.

When he said these words, other people in the conference room were sweating for him, because according to the past situation, if he told Bureau Xu so bluntly that the case could not be settled, he would definitely be criticized.

"Okay, if the case is difficult, explain it well, and I will explain it to the city and the provincial department." Xu Binyong said, his openness exceeded everyone's expectations.

Yue Jianfeng was overjoyed. He has always been honest and honest, but today he looked a little abnormal in the eyes of everyone. I don't know why he suddenly became outgoing and straightforward.

No one knows that this so-called frankness is just a disguise.

After the meeting, Lin Xiaodong quickly got a list. There were not many names on it, but it was enough to shock him.

When he looked at the list, he realized what Yue Jianfeng meant by either rich or expensive.

Compared with this list, Xu Binyong is the easiest one to get.

At this time, his location is no longer the old city block where he has lived for more than 30 years.

He did what he said, and he moved out.

In the new district, a small house with simple decoration, alone.

This is great, and many things become more convenient.

There is a connection between them, Lin Xiaodong is sure, because according to what Xiao Lu told him, Lin Zhengyang has built an invisible network of relationships.

This is an alliance that can support each other, an interest group controlled by Lin Zhengyang.

Jiangnan Medicine, Lin Xiaodong stood in front of the towering building. In the past, what he saw here was Jiang Wanchao's black and white and unscrupulous.

At this moment, he seemed to see the invisible dark forest behind the tall building.

He should have thought earlier that the rise of Jiangnan Medicine in just ten years must not only rely on Chen Shi's scientific research results stolen by Jiang Wanchao, and what Lin Zhengyang can give him is definitely not just money.

He was just a money-making machine cast by those shadows.

However, he now wants to prove one thing, what kind of existence is Jiangnan Medicine today?He is more concerned about how deep Ye Mimi is in this game of money and power.

Ye Mimi appeared in front of him as promised.

"You look very different today." Ye Mimi said first.

"I have a question for you." Lin Xiaodong didn't notice that he hadn't taken care of himself for a long time, and now he looked like a homeless man.

Ye Mimi smiled: "When did you come to me without any questions?"

"Gu Yue, Lu Taixiang, He Yuejin..." Lin Xiaodong began to say some names, watching the reaction of Ye Mimi on the other side.

Ye Mimi just raised his eyebrows, parted his rosy lips, and said leisurely: "Is this the first time you've heard of these famous people in Linzhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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