Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 126 Old Dossier

Chapter 126 Old Dossier

This is probably the quietest corner of the Linzhou Public Security Bureau. In the archives room, there are files of those cases that were not digitized.Most of the cases have been closed, dust-sealed in kraft paper portfolios, ten years, 20 years, lost lives and heartbreaking or embarrassing past events, no one will mention them anymore.

Lin Xiaodong's footsteps were particularly loud.

The corridor is not long, but it looks extremely long. According to regulations, every policeman who leaves his post must come here to hand over his certificate and gun. This corridor is the end of a policeman's career.

The person guarding here is a retired and rehired old policeman.

Wearing presbyopic glasses, he looked at Lin Xiaodong's resignation certificate and looked up at him.

"Lin Xiaodong." The old policeman read his name, "When I recruited you, I never thought that you would resign one day."

Lin Xiaodong looked at the gray-haired old policeman in front of him, suddenly remembered, and said a little excitedly, "Old Uncle Liang? When did you come to work here?"

Lao Liang took off his presbyopic glasses: "A few months ago, the bureau told me that Lao He, who was in charge of the archives, was too sick. He asked me if I would come back to help, and I agreed. Don't talk about me, I heard you Get angry and resign?"

Lin Xiaodong scratched his dick head helplessly: "How do you know about this kind of thing?"

"It's been rumored in the Bureau. Originally, everyone thought that you would be the top position in Bureau Chen."

"Oh, I never wanted to be a leader." Lin Xiaodong frowned. He didn't like such philistine rumors. Chen Yu couldn't be discussed as a topic in his mind, let alone the so-called replacement or not.

"Then you don't want to be a criminal policeman either?" Lao Liang asked.

Lin Xiaodong had nothing to say, and said vaguely and perfunctorily: "I can't help it..."

"Ahem, young man, you all know how much I envy you. If I hadn't injured my hand while carrying out a mission, I wouldn't have had to work in administrative work for a lifetime. Administration and criminal investigation read about the same, but they work hard. What a difference. It’s a coincidence that I was supposed to take over your grandfather’s case, but because of the injury, I found a new colleague to pick it up. It’s a pity that the murderer hasn’t been caught until now. gone."

"My grandfather?" Lin Xiaodong suddenly focused, "His case was handled by the bureau? Why didn't I know about it?"

"I also recently went to the archives room. A while ago, the province was going to check the files. I accidentally discovered it when I was sorting it out. It happened so early. When you entered the bureau, the policemen who handled the case were basically retired. Who would have thought of it? Lin Zhengyang , is your grandfather's name?"

"Old Uncle Liang, you said that the files of this case are with you? Can you show me?" Lin Xiaodong said eagerly.

Lao Liang waved his hand: "That's not okay, you have resigned."

Lin Xiaodong said roguely: "I haven't handed over my certificate to you! It doesn't matter, even if I remember my ancestors, my grandfather left early. I never knew how he left, so I treat it as a relative. Please, what do you think?"

Lao Liang looked at him, shook his head helplessly, turned around and picked up the catalog at hand to help him search.

After a while, a small package of dossiers was placed in front of Lin Xiaodong: "The case is not complicated. It is a pity that they committed robbery and murder, and it was discovered too late. In our era, technical means were too limited. Now, this People probably caught it long ago."

Lin Xiaodong opened the file, and what came into view were the photos of the scene from that year.

Lin Xiaodong's only impression of Lin Zhengyang was that black and white photo of him in his early forties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and an extraordinary bearing.

But at this moment, the person in the photo couldn't see what he should look like at all.

"It was summer when I discovered it, my head was injured, and I was soaked in the water on the reed beach..." Lao Liang explained as if to comfort Lin Xiaodong.

Lin Xiaodong carefully read every line in the file with thoughts that Lao Liang didn't know.

"Who is this person who identified the corpse?" Lin Xiaodong looked at the strange name above, "Liu Linhai, this person is not my father?" He said, looking at the relationship between Liu Linhai and the deceased, "Colleague?"

"Your dad was only young at that time, and he was a minor. It was too cruel for him to see this. I guess there was no suitable family member to identify the corpse at that time."


In the evening, Lin Xiaodong's family was in full swing.

Lin Zhongyue, who never loses his temper, made a loud noise at home for the first time, accompanied by the sound of slapping the table, he roared angrily: "Lin Xiaodong, you are 30 years old, not three years old, what is wrong with you? Resign? Have you discussed it with me? Have you discussed it with your mother? If you say no, you won’t do it? What do you think you plan to do? You know how difficult it was to get into the police academy. Is the suffering still less? Is it all in vain now?"

Lin Xiaodong didn't say a word, as if he planned to accept all the scolding from the beginning.

"Xiaodong, I can't help you this time. If it wasn't for Xiaoyue who couldn't reach you and called your father, we would still be in the dark!" Lin Ma stood behind Lin's father, speaking in a heartbroken tone Yes, but he gave Lin Xiaodong a wink, signaling her to find a chance to slip away.

However, Lin Xiaodong was also stubborn, standing in front of Lin Zhongyue without saying anything.

"Okay, tell me, what are you doing if you don't want to be a policeman? Now people in their early twenties can't find a job. You are a man in his early thirties. Who wants you? You are still counting on you two Get married and start a business in Nian, well, you will be jobless and homeless! Lin Xiaodong, Lin Xiaodong, you are amazing! You call your grandparents the spirits of heaven, how can you feel at ease!?"

Originally, Lin Xiaodong planned to keep silent to the end, but he didn't expect that Lin Zhongyue mentioned the matter of grandparents, which touched his sensitive nerve.

"Dad, are you sure my grandpa is dead?" He said suddenly, his eyes were straight and frightening.

Lin Zhongyue was stunned, this was something he hadn't expected, but immediately, he slapped the table angrily again: "Lin Xiaodong! Don't play tricks on your grandpa and change the subject here!"

But Lin Zhongyue's reaction just now did not escape Lin Xiaodong's eyes, and he said sharply: "Have you ever doubted?"

Lin Zhongyue dodged his eyes for a moment, and then shouted angrily: "I'm talking to you about resigning!"

But Lin Xiaodong's stubbornness also came up, and he continued to stimulate Lin Zhongyue: "I read the files back then, and you didn't recognize the grandfather's body. It was a colleague named Liu Linhai. I saw the photos of the scene. There was no DNA test. As far as the unrecognizable degree is concerned, it is not certain whether it is my grandfather who died!" Lin Xiaodong became more and more excited as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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