Chapter 261 The Idol of the National Team
Ambassador of the World Championships.

The news that Chen Qiming was invited to be the image ambassador of the 1995 World Championships was not concealed.

Just as Chen Qiming agreed, the outside world immediately got the news.

Not to mention, it is definitely a correct decision for Tianjin, the organizer of the World Championships, to invite Chen Qiming as its image ambassador.

When the news spread that Chen Qiming was the image ambassador of the World Championships, it immediately attracted great attention throughout Asia.

To be honest, although this sport is a strong sport in China, its influence in many sports is definitely not as good as football or even basketball, which has become popular in Asia in recent years.

Many people may not even know that there is such a thing as the World Championships.

And when the news of Chen Qiming serving as the image promotion ambassador came out, this sport immediately received great attention.

The Table Tennis Association also acted very quickly. After seeing Chen Qiming's role as the image ambassador played a very important role, they immediately sent a filming team to Japan to shoot some promotional posters for Chen Qiming about the World Championships.

To be honest, the World Championships will be held in May next year, and there are still more than six months from now.

It is too early to start publicity at this time.

But timing is also an important factor in Xuan.

At this time, everyone became interested in this sport because Chen Qiming served as the image ambassador of the World Championships.

It's a great time to promote.

If you miss it, it is obviously impossible for the next promotion to attract as much attention as it is now.

Therefore, Tianjin directly made an impromptu decision to start publicizing the event now.

When the filming staff of the Table Tennis Association arrived in Tokyo, Chen Qiming had just finished his last concert in Tokyo.

Without delay, the two sides chose a place and started shooting the promotional posters directly.

In order to deal with the follow-up long-term publicity, Chen Qiming directly shot for three full days, shooting a total of more than 30 sets of posters, and then gave up.

After the filming ended, the two parties did not stay in Japan too long. Chen Qiming immediately flew to South Korea to hold a concert, and the film crew went back to China directly. They had to make the promotional poster immediately and put it on the market.

Because relevant departments played an important role in it, Chen Qiming's promotional posters for the World Championships were put in very quickly.

In just three days, the streets and alleys in the mainland were filled with posters shot by Chen Qiming for the World Championships.

Not only the mainland, but even Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tianjin also contacted a number of media for assistance, and put these posters into the market for publicity.

Even, because of Chen Qiming's great fame, a large number of Chen Qiming's promotional posters about the World Championships appeared in Japan, South Korea, Canada and other places.

In a short period of time, with the help of Chen Qiming's influence, the words World Championships and table tennis directly became topics of discussion among many passers-by.

"The No.40 [-]rd World Championships will be held in Tianjin in May next year. Because the World Championships has invited Hong Kong and Taiwan superstar Chen Qiming as its image ambassador, it has sparked heated discussions throughout Asia.

According to the survey, this World Championship may be the most watched session ever, and countless people hope that the Chinese team can achieve a dazzling result at home..."

Kong Linghui was reading a newspaper at the Zhengding National Table Tennis Training Base in Hebei.

The more he looked, the more excited he became. At the same time, he also felt that the burden on his shoulders became extremely heavy.

Since he joined the national team, this is the first time he has seen news about table tennis in a large number of media.

Among them, many media still have the names of him and team members Wang Tao, Liu Guoliang and others.

It can be said that he truly experienced the sense of honor of winning glory for the country.

The feeling of being discussed by a large number of people and having high expectations is definitely refreshing and exciting.

However, it was also because of the high degree of attention that the pressure on him suddenly increased.

Originally, the national team's performance in international competitions in recent years has not been very good.

Now, the people are so concerned about it, even in Asia.

If he loses, he really doesn't know how to come back and face the village elders who have high hopes for him.

However, the pressure is a lot of pressure.

Overall, he was more excited than worried.

It is absolutely exciting to see so much attention being paid to one's favorite sport.

Thinking of the World Championships and the attention the national team is receiving now, Kong Linghui couldn't help turning his gaze to the newspaper cover.

On it, a young man was dressed in a red table tennis uniform, with a table tennis racket in his hand pointing straight ahead, with sharp eyes.

This was Kong Linghui's first impression of this man.

This is his second feeling.

Deep emotion!

This is the third feeling.

It was this man, although he didn't play table tennis, he single-handedly brought the sport of table tennis to the attention of the whole people.

"Chen Qiming!"

After silently reading the person's name in his heart, Kong Linghui couldn't help but smile, and pressed his hand on the tape recorder next to him.


The tape recorder made a whistling electric sound, and then the sound came out.

【Is it really cruel to leave】

【Or gentleness is shameful】

【Or lonely people don't matter】

【Day and Night Unconditional】


Chen Qiming.

Of course Kong Linghui was no stranger to this person.

He is the collective idol of the entire national team.

Well, it may be too much to say that I am an idol, but it is not bad.

Table tennis training is a very boring thing.

Therefore, in order to avoid too boring training, listening to songs is the favorite of all table tennis players.

Playing table tennis with the rhythm of the music, that feeling...

It can be said that they have heard almost all the songs of popular singers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and even the mainland.

The songs of Teresa Teng, Lin Zixiang, Tan Zhang, Four Heavenly Kings, Qi Qin, Wang Jie and other popular Hong Kong and Taiwan singers are their favorite.

Since 1992, another person has been added to the above list.

That is Chen Qiming.

In two years, Chen Qiming has not only become one of their favorite singers, even to a certain extent, he has also become one of their favorite singers.

"The Heart Is Too Soft", "Sad Pacific Ocean", "Fairy Tale", "The Stars", "The Moon's Trouble", "The Fragrance of Rice", "The Past Follows the Wind" and so on and so on... The songs almost became training exercises. The songs that must be played every day at the base.

Under such circumstances, how could Kong Linghui not know Chen Qiming.

He is very familiar with every song of Chen Qiming.

And now, the favorite singer of the players in Chen Qiming's base has actually become the image ambassador of the World Championships. This has to be said to be a fate.

"Guoliang, let's play a game! If you lose, give me that signed record of Chen Qiming that you treasure!"

Standing up, Kong Linghui pointed to Liu Guoliang who was training opposite.

He took a fancy to the rare version of Chen Qiming's autographed record in this guy's hand.

It was a signed record of "Fairy Tale", which was said to have been bought by Liu Guoliang at a high price.

It is the vinyl of the album "Fairy Tale".

With the rise of VCD in recent years, vinyl records have gradually been phased out. When many singers release records, they will not release too many vinyl records, but only a small amount for people to cherish.

Vinyl of the latest album is hard to come by, let alone 1992.

I heard that Chen Qiming's album only sold more than 20 vinyl copies in total.

These vinyls are basically not seen in the world now, and they are all hidden at home as family treasures.

Anyway, as far as Kong Linghui knew, among the people he knew, only Liu Guoliang had one.

"You want to fart!"

Liu Guoliang, who was very interested when he heard Kong Linghui talk about a game, couldn't help but cursed when he heard that Kong Linghui wanted him to use Chen Qiming's vinyl as a bet, and turned around without paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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