Treasure Island 1992, starting from the Four Little Heavenly Kings

Chapter 260 World Championships Image Promotion Ambassador

Chapter 260 World Championships Image Promotion Ambassador

On October 26th, Chen Qiming flew to BJ and started planning the BJ concert.

That is, the day he just landed in BJ, he received an unexpected call.

Chinese Table Tennis Association.

Next year, in May 1995, the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships will be held in Tianjin.

This should be considered a big event.

Therefore, the Table Tennis Association contacted Chen Qiming, hoping that Chen Qiming could compose a theme song for this World Table Tennis Championships and a battle song for the Chinese team.

Among them, the theme song, because it is an international competition, so there is a request there, I hope it can be an English song.

As for the battle songs for the national team, it is not limited to the language. Of course, as a Chinese, the national language songs must be preferred.

To be honest, Chen Qiming was both unexpected and cautious about the commission of table tennis.

The surprise is that he did not expect the Table Tennis Association to entrust such an important task to him.

Prudence is that this task is definitely difficult.

This is a major event that concerns the face of the country, and it is not at all the same as Chen Qiming's own album.

If you release your own album, whether the song is good or bad, it will affect you at most.

But the theme song of the World Table Tennis Championships, good or bad, affects the face of the country.

If the songs created are not good, it is easy to embarrass the country.

In order to better accomplish this task, in the next few days, while holding a concert, Chen Qiming also began to search for suitable songs in his mind.

The national team's song is a good choice.

Chen Qiming selected two songs in total.

One is called "I Believe", which is an inspirational song that encourages a better tomorrow.

The other song is "Believe in Yourself".

This song is also considered an inspirational song, but it is different from "I Believe".

"I Believe" sings that tomorrow will be better, and "Believe in Myself" is a typical field song. It describes the players who have been training for many years, and now is the time to achieve results.

Chen Qiming felt that both songs were very suitable for the national table tennis team, so he squeezed them in for the national team and let them choose by themselves.

The Mandarin song has been selected, but Chen Qiming has some difficulties with the English theme song.

He rummaged through the songs he wrote down from his dreams in his mind, and found that there were many passionate songs, but there were very few songs that he wanted to use as the theme song of table tennis.

There is no way, he can't choose a good song for the time being, so he can only put it on hold for the time being.

Fortunately, the World Championships will not start until May next year. During this period, Chen Qiming still has a lot of time to think slowly.

If it doesn't work, he can only choose to choose a battle song and change the words by himself.

Time entered November, and Chen Qiming's five concerts at BJ came to an end.

BJ's five concerts are definitely the most popular of all Chen Qiming's concerts in the mainland.

Because the venue is large, there is a green light on it.

These five concerts directly created a miracle.

The five concerts had a total of 30 attendances.

At the same time, Chen Qiming's direct visits to these five concerts brought BJ nearly 9 million yuan in consumption income. (This is not an exaggeration. This year’s Jay Chou Haikou concert directly brought more than 90 million consumption income to Haikou. Since the era was still in the [-]s, the cost was reduced a bit)
[-] million RMB!

This is definitely a huge number in the current mainland.

Chen Qiming heard that some leaders were even alarmed by this incident, so they directly noticed Chen Qiming and proposed to award Chen Qiming an honorary certificate.

And this is not a rumor.

The day after Chen Qiming heard the news, he was invited by relevant departments and awarded a 1994 Outstanding Chinese Artist Award.

Not only this one, but Chen Qiming ranked eighth among the top ten philanthropic figures in China from 1993 to 1994 issued by relevant departments, becoming the only celebrity on the list.

Don't underestimate these two awards.

With the medals of these two awards in hand, it will not be too convenient for Chen Qiming to act in the Mainland in the future.

For some trivial matters, the relevant departments will basically open the door for him.

Like the release of an album.

The mainland has very strict control over the distribution of audiovisual products.

Records from Hong Kong, Taiwan and even foreign countries need to be reviewed if they want to be released in the mainland.

Don't think that this review is just an ordinary review.

The mainland review is definitely the strictest place Chen Qiming has ever seen.

Many songs, if there is a problem with the lyrics, the whole album has to be reworked.

Not to mention the movie, if the plot is slightly unreasonable, it will be killed immediately, let alone released, it is even impossible to distribute the videotape and VCD in the mainland.

And with these two medals.

When Chen Qiming's works come in, they will receive preferential treatment to a certain extent.

And this preferential treatment was reflected on the third day after Chen Qiming received the medal.

Before, he asked people to send the film "The Wind and Cloud Hegemony" to China Film for review, hoping to release it in the mainland.

However, although he has a good relationship with Li Chaoxian, the manager of China Film Distribution Department, the two parties even reached a cooperation agreement between China Film Investment and Qiming Film and Television's new project "The Disaster of the Python" next year.

But the release of the movie "The Wind and Cloud Hegemony" has been stuck.

It is said that some people at China Film Group think that this movie is not very suitable for release in the mainland.

There is no reason, it just doesn't fit.

However, China Film has been reviewing the status and has not given a response.

This also led to the postponement of "The Wind and Cloud Heroes", which was originally planned to be released in Hong Kong in November, to December.

The reason for this is mainly affected by piracy.

Before China Film Group really confirms whether to introduce it, if Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places release it first, it won't be long before the pirated version will definitely spread to the mainland at an extremely fast speed.

At that time, not to mention the release in the mainland, even the release of VCD will be affected by piracy.

Therefore, Chen Qiming does not intend to release the film in Hong Kong and Taiwan in advance before China Film Group confirms it.

And after Chen Qiming won the medals of two related departments.

In just two days, China Film Group announced that it would introduce the film in January.

The Hong Kong and Taiwan movies introduced together with it are Jackie Chan's "Red Fan District".

Well, that is to say, the movie "The Wind and Cloud Hegemony" will not only compete with "Red Fan District" in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also compete with it in the mainland.

There is a saying how to say it.

It's called Double Happiness.

This sentence can also describe Chen Qiming.

When China Film Group decided to introduce the movie "The Wind and Cloud Hegemony", Chen Qiming also received a response from the Table Tennis Association.

Over there, the song "Believe in Yourself" was returned, leaving "I Believe".

According to the response there, the reason for choosing "I Believe" is because the national table tennis team has frequently lost international results in recent years. Using the song "I Believe" is more suitable for them now.

At the same time, another piece of good news came along with the reply.

The good news is that he was invited to serve as the image promotion ambassador of the 1995 World Championships.

(End of this chapter)

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