Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 240 237 Send 2 to see Zhang’s family and give to Boqi

"There must be something strange and sacred in the salt. It's in our tears and it's in the sea." 】

——Gibran Khalil Gibran "Sand and Foam"

A woman's tears are a weapon.

When they take the initiative to use this weapon, most men will surrender like facing an inescapable tsunami.

Some people say that women’s tears are the most selfish tears. They cry only for themselves.

Asama and Futami walked out of the school in silence. Every time he took a step, there was a flashback of a scene in his previous life when he was defeated by tears.

However, the tears at the second meeting were different.

Tears were not a means for her to force herself to compromise.

So, have you gone too far?

In short, Asama didn't want to see a sad expression with tears on Futami's face.

Although, that expression has the soul-stirring beauty of a missing moon hanging on a sparse tung tree.

When I saw Yue Hai, I shed a tear, as if the moon in the sky was missing a corner.

He still liked Futami's shallow, warm and smiling look.

He couldn't wipe away Futami's tears like dust from his shoulders.

He could only wipe it gently on her face like a fragile handicraft.

Downhill from the long slope, there are very few pedestrians, but cars and bicycles pass by from time to time.

At night, the Azabu non-commercial area seems as quiet as the suburbs.

The two walked quietly on the streets of Tokyo, their shadows like two hour hands spinning counterclockwise under the dim street lights.

Er Jian held the handkerchief,

"Jingshui-kun, can we walk back together today?"

"Don't take the subway anymore?"

"I look pretty ugly."

Asama looked at Futami's reddish eyes, which made her dreamy fair skin even whiter.

"You see the moon is hiding, so you are Tokyo Diao Chan."

"Diao Chan from the Three Kingdoms? She is as beautiful as Ah Shi."

Futami looked sideways at Asama. He seemed to be much taller than when they first met, and his whole temperament had become more calm and mysterious.

"Jingshui-kun praises me like this, aren't you afraid that I will love you more?"

"Don't worry, I will continue to hand you handkerchiefs after rejecting you. Of course, if you want to punch me twice, that's okay. After all, we are friends, right?"

The word "friend" came out of Asama's mouth like a curse.

Er Jian pouted slightly and muttered to himself,

"I really don't know whether Jingshui-kun is gentle or not."

When they reached the intersection, the two stopped. Ahead is Azabujuban Station on the Namboku Line, to the right is Azabujuban Station on the Oedo Line, and 1.2 kilometers to the left is Shibakoen Station on the Mita Line, which is in the same direction as Asama's home.

The night wind at the street entrance whistled along their bodies and lifted Futami's hair.

"Do you really want to walk back? It's almost 2 kilometers away."

"If I can't carry it anymore physically, isn't there Jing Shui-kun who can carry me?"

Asama couldn't help but look at Futami.

The light happened to be green at the intersection, Erjian walked briskly along the zebra crossing, ran to the other side of the road, and looked back with a smile.

Looking at the smiling face that was completely different from 5 minutes ago, Asama was already 3% doubtful at this time, and she cried when she saw that the Great Myojin was just a tactic.

Thinking of this, Asama didn't hate these tricks, but he hated himself even more.

It would be nice if there was no system.

However, without the system, I would have been buying and moving in one-stop shopping at the bottom of Tokyo Bay for more than a month.

Azabu Street on the North-South Line is bustling with traffic and is much more lively than Shiomizaka just now.

The lights of the city are bright, and the cold steel and concrete are dyed hot and prosperous with neon colors.

Asama sighed, it was indeed an international metropolis, but every extra light that came on here meant an extra room was vacant elsewhere in Japan.

The Matthew Effect is everywhere. Tokyo is like Kyoto during the Warring States Period. Everyone who is unwilling to remain anonymous and longs for success and fame crowds onto the single-plank bridge "Shangluo".

In the Tokyo subway, there are also many people who have only been in Tokyo for a few years but complain as Tokyoites that "more and more country people have come to Tokyo recently".

The more crowded the center, the greater the repulsion to the outside.

Will a decentralized and evenly distributed world be realized?

As large as the universe, as small as the atoms of elements, everything is uneven. Asama immediately denied his childish question.

Unlike Asama, who always looks for problems when he has nothing to do, Futami, who walks briskly, can't help but slow down due to the star map-like urban night scene.

If we walk as fast as we did just now, we will finish the 2-kilometer road in less than half an hour.

It's almost 10 o'clock, which is not a good time to invite Shizui-kun to your house.

The restaurant along the road gave Futami an idea. He stopped and asked Asama,

"Are you hungry, Shizui-kun? Do you want to have dinner together?"

Everyone's dinner consists of sandwiches and mineral water that Konoe bought with his class fee. For many boys, they are not enough to eat at all.

Asama, who was already hungry, shook his head.

"Quite full."

At this moment, there was nothing like what happened in the TV series - a stomach growl, revealing a lame lie.

It had been a long time since Asama had experienced the feeling of extreme hunger.

Futami was embarrassed to say that she was hungry, so her plan to invite Asama to her house for cooking collapsed.

Asama suddenly asked,

"By the way, Yue Hai, you and Lao Qin have taken leave again these days."

"Well, Boss Qin said it doesn't matter. Miss Boqi is fully qualified for my job."

It turns out that if you reply so late after sending a message, you are working hard.

Pochi has finally grown up a bit.

"It's not okay to spend three days fishing and two days drying the nets like this."

"Jingshui-kun, you can't judge a person's work results just by the number of working hours~"

"Good good."

So, [Futami Tsukiumi] has become a limited edition item in Chinese restaurants just like those [seasonal limited dishes]?

"By the way, Shizui-kun, what day is Miss Pochi planning to move to my place this week?"

"You should just ask her this question directly."


The two walked for a while and passed by the Sendaizaka intersection of Ni-no-bashi. A couple dressed very fashionably were quarreling.

"I feel like the relationship between Jingshui-kun and Miss Pochi is really good."

"[Good relationship]? Why does Yue Hai feel like this?"

"Because Jingshui-kun never complains or complains to us~ Among all the people, Miss Pochi is the only one who speaks harshly to us."

According to this, wouldn't Konoe Chiyo become my best friend?

"Because she deserves to be scolded."

"Then will Mr. Jingshui scold me for being frivolous, troublesome, and petty?"

Looking at Futami·Love Brain·Omyojin's serious eyes, Asama shook his head,

"It's not necessary, but I hope your introspection will lead to action soon."

"That means it's not annoying, right?"

"more or less."

Er Jian's face was slightly red, her eyes were sparkling, and the corners of her mouth were curved with pride as if she had succeeded in her purpose.

"That's right, I like it~~~"

"Actually, it's okay to say [love], but it's not the love between men and women. Even if you are a boy, I still have the same mood and attitude. Because you are [Futami Tsukiumi] to me, and It’s not just beautiful girls Futami Tsukiumi.”

Futami looked at Asama with hesitant eyes,

".Is this how you love Arima-kun and Takishima-kun too?"

"That's basically fatherly love."

Futami's emotions were like an elevator. She knew the reason for this was because her expectations were too high, but she couldn't help but look toward the unrealistic end.

"Is Jingshui-kun's [love] just caring?"

Asama saw the coffee advertisement of MACHI cafe in the Lawson convenience store in front of him and said to Futami,

"It's hard to express this clearly. For example, if I like drinking coffee and have tasted many kinds of coffee, do I like its aroma, its bitterness, its acidity, its crystal brown color, its mellow taste, or its pure origin? , exquisite packaging, and high prices? Fall in love with coffee as a whole, rather than its 10000 permutations and combinations, just like a cup of sour, bitter, and mellow brown drink is not the same as coffee.

But I understand that when I take a sip and realize it’s really coffee, I’m not going to throw it away, but I’m going to enjoy this wonderful cup of coffee. Therefore, [love] is not a combination of care, understanding, heartbeat, and happiness, [love] is [love]. "

Futami Tsukiumi was a little dazed by Asama.

"There are 1000 Hamlets in the hearts of 1000 readers. They are all and none of them. Hamlet is Hamlet, right?"

"Almost. But it's not as objective as you said. The [love] I perceive is just a narrow sensory experience similar to the [thing-in-itself] stimulated by me through the media. But I can guarantee that I am not subjective. I try to beautify and modify it to make it the most perfect, and I cherish its natural appearance.”

Er Jian felt even more dizzy. But she knew very well that when Asama introduced philosophy into the topic, the atmosphere between the two was blown away.

Asama still doesn't have any tendency for the friendship to turn sour.

Putting aside his thoughts on strategy, Futami recalled every detail of his chat with Asama.

I just listened to Asama talking about Kant's "thing in itself".

There was a desire for understanding hidden in the cold voice.

She also wanted to know him better, but she was already immersed in the happiness of being surrounded by his words.

She felt that even if she didn't understand what he said, as long as he was still willing to tell her, everything would be wonderful.

The distance between two punches turned into one and a half punches without realizing it.

After crossing Sannobashi and the Metropolitan Expressway Meguro Line Viaduct, the two finally reached Shirogane Takanawa.

Following the quiet Yulanzaka path, we soon arrived at the door of the apartment where Futami's house was located.

"We're home."

"Well, then, go to bed early."


The breeze of the summer night blew across Futami's cheeks. The moon was turned off by clouds tonight, but those eyes were brighter than the moon.

"what happened?"

"Rewards for exam progress."

"Well, F-san and Mai have already told me. In addition, conditions that are more than friendship cannot be fulfilled."

"Is it okay to go on a date?"

Asama was already prepared for this request.


"Just stay at my house all day, read books and watch movies, okay?"

".If a whole day doesn't mean 24 hours, that's fine."

Er Jian suddenly remembered that Pochi was moving to his house this week. So, was this Jing Shui-kun’s plan?

"Can the location be changed?"


"So, Zushi Beach, okay?"

Is it a popular beach 40 kilometers south of Tokyo?

"Okay. Are you sure it's just the two of us?"


The answer is the same as Fusukawa and Shimajima.

What is this sense of déjà vu that they have agreed upon to be alone together?

"Also, Shizui-kun."

"You said."

"[Listen to your words and obey your advice], remember to use it well~"

Asama nodded and took out a [obedience and obedience coupon] from the bag. Futami's coupon was light red, while Majima's coupon was light blue, so they were easy to distinguish.

In addition, Er Jian gave me a full 100 tickets.

"In the name of the great power of [listening to words and following advice], I hereby order you to go home and rest early."

Futami burst out laughing.

"I discovered Shizui-kun again, a new strange side. Hi~ Then, good night, Shizui-kun."


Asama waved his hand, but froze in the air.

"Goodbye~ I will wait for you in my dream first, Jingshui-kun, see you later."

The girl winked, blew a kiss, and walked into the apartment lobby.

They are all foul actions that have nothing to do with [friendship].

It would be nice if the red [obey and obey coupon] just given to her was a red card.

Asama looked up at the night sky at Platinum Takanawa Yubasa Temple, and the moon finally escaped from the clouds.

Sure enough, the moon is more lovely on a clear day.

In less than 10 minutes, Asama ran back to Shiba Park.

Standing at the door of the apartment, a familiar figure came from the other direction.

Unexpectedly, Boqi had just gotten off work at this time.

"Oh~~~Pochi, what a coincidence."

Pochi, who looked tired, was just like the elderly consumables, screws in the city, and tools to support the family in Tokyo. There was no light in his eyes, as if he was just a lifeless body manipulated by capital.

"Ah - it's Ah Shui."

Pochi's nose suddenly moved and he rushed toward Asama.

"Damn it, you made me work so hard just because I was having sex with my mistress while we were having sex! You heartless black water!"

Asama easily dodged Pochi's attack and said,

"I didn't get out until 9:. Didn't I tell you about stage play rehearsals and temporary surveillance?"

"But Rise-chan got home early!"

"The division of labor is different. I played the role of a servant of Yuehai, and then I was dragged up late by a perverted supervisor."

Although Asama didn't lie in the first half or the second half of the sentence, when put together it didn't tell the truth.

"Well - I also want to watch your rehearsal."

Pochi pouted, showing an aggrieved expression.

"Lao Qin's restaurant rarely opens so late. What happened?"

"When I was about to get off work at 8 o'clock in the evening, a large group of customers suddenly came in. There were no other waiters for the temporary group meal at Boss Qin's friend's company. It was just me, Boss Qin, and Boss Qin's wife who have been busy until now."

"This kind of thing should be discussed in advance."

"Just because we are friends, Boss Qin is too embarrassed to shirk it. Fortunately, everyone thinks highly of the restaurant. Boss Qin also gave me an extra bonus of 2 yen, which is much more generous than a certain stinky capitalist."

"Staying at home is naturally different. You are great now, Pochi."

Pochi wrinkled his nose and muttered,

"You PUA my part-time job again. Damn Ah Shui."

"Learn your craft well, and I'll invest in you to open a store."

"If you don't open it, you can't open it. It's so tiring to be a waitress, but you want me to be the head chef. Do you want to exhaust me to death?"

The two quarreled and returned to the apartment together.

Opening the door and facing the room where the living room and entrance lights turned on automatically, the two said in unison,

"I am back."

Pochi and Asama looked at each other.

Pochi, who was originally in a good mood, thought about going to Futami's house this week, and his mood was as low as when he just got off work.


When I feel sad, my stomach makes a sound.

Asama glanced at Poch and said,

"Go take a shower first, and I'll get you some midnight snacks."

The blonde girl immediately became energetic again.

After a while, her voice humming came from the bathroom.

Asama remembered the time when he was just working in his previous life. He came home at the turn of the clock and his father, who had not yet fallen asleep, took off his reading glasses and went to the kitchen to make clear soup noodles and fried eggs for himself.

He would always fry three eggs for himself in one sitting, and said that when he was young, he could eat 10 eggs a day.

Liar, there were not so many eggs to eat in his time.

Human growth does not rely solely on one's own efforts.

Even more so because of the people around me who silently support me.

It's a pity that he was gone before he could succeed.

The pain of growing up and the pain of loss run through life, but there are some pains that you can never get used to, because the only thing you lose is the one you lose.

Unknowingly, I made a bowl of noodles and fried three eggs.

Asama was also freed from the memories of her previous life.

[Memory is a road with no return. All the springs in the past cannot be restored. 】

Sitting across the dining table, he looked at Boqi's face as he came home from overtime just like his father looked at him.

Did you forget something?

Thinking of this, Asama opened the mall. (End of chapter)

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