Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 239 236 Boring Stone and Glowing Moon

Asama and Konoe, who were in a question-and-answer mode, stood aside, looking at each other silently with subtle smiles.

"You go first."

In a calm tone, Asama reminded Chiyo Konoe to ask questions first.

On the side, Horikita put his left arm around the back and top of his head and covered his right ear with his hand. At the same time, he tightly covered his left ear with the inside of his left arm to ensure that he could not hear the strange conversation.

Following his demonstration, several others also followed suit and manually put on ergonomic earplugs for themselves.

Konoe Chiyo lowered her voice and asked,

"I'm very curious, how did you subdue the famous prickly head of the Ryuzaki family who even his own family opposed?"

Which eye saw that I subdued Ryuzaki?

You were targeted by him, right?

Batman, who can kill his teammates, is he someone we can get close to?

Asama chuckled, showing a kind smile,

"You want to learn? I'll teach you."

"All ears."

Konoe, who always had a smile on his face, listened to Asama continue,

"Actually, there is only one reason - because I am a good person."

After hearing the answer he least wanted to hear, Konoe sneered,

"Oh, good guy...? Good and bad are written by the winner, so you mean the winner, right?

He is not the kind of person who is aware of current affairs. This kind of person likes to give opinions but has his own faction. He will never choose sides because of our victory or defeat.

It is the instinct of such a person to oppose everything.

So, I'm curious, what point did you use to attract him and restrain him? People like Hayato Ryuzaki are not easy to use, right? "

Seeing Konoe still living in his own world, Asama chuckled and said,

"Rules are meant to be broken, right? You asked a few more questions in one breath, Miss Konoe.

It doesn't matter, I'm a generous person, just consider one of the questions as a free gift to you.

There is universal gravity in this world. As long as your position is central enough and your posture is low enough, power will flow into your pool from all directions like a river. How much you can absorb depends entirely on your capacity. "

Chiyo Konoe seemed to have heard some funny joke and smiled disdainfully.

"You want me to believe this lie, do you want to further erase my personality and then destroy the Konoe family?"

"Your stupid question counts as a question. The answer is - no. Instead, I hope you can be a qualified head of the family.

Some people say that loving others is an ability like physical strength, and some people are born with muscle atrophy in this area. I hope that you, the poor stunted creature whose love receiver has been unplugged, can recover successfully. "

Chiyo Konoe frowned when she heard the word stunted and thought of Asama's well-developed toys.

Asama knew she had gone astray, but didn't care.

"I'll give you two answers for free. It's my turn to ask questions. Miss Konoe, you are very tight right now, right~ Including my charity, it's less than 1.5 million yen. In the past two months, I still have to pay back 6000 yen to the student union. . Although you can coordinate the cultural festival activities of Class A, the class accounts need to be supervised, and the class revenue goes to the public welfare.

Now, it seems that you have no way to make money, but the tasks assigned to you by your old man, I heard, you have to pay for it yourself.

So, what are your tips for making money? "

Konoe didn't expect that her property status would be clearly known by Asama. She glanced at Emiya Shiro who was looking at her from a distance, sighed and said,

"I really have nothing to do. Because you are worse than my father."

Seeing Konoe's weak answer, Asama didn't believe it.

It seems that she will not reveal to him the details of how to cut leeks by relying on dragon heart.

Of course, what she said was not entirely wrong. By standing up for Futami today, he also taught a lesson to those who were preparing to join the Dragon Heart Society - [Konoe's protection is limited in front of Asama Shizui].

When faith is shaken, fanaticism is reduced, and sanity is restored, it becomes more difficult for guards to cut leeks to generate income.

Asama smiled maliciously, and Shiro Emiya in the distance couldn't help but squeeze his legs, and wanted to run over and fight alongside Konoe.

"Hey, did you hear what Asama and the others were saying?"

"I'm not sure, but judging from his expression, Konoe-sama is being completely suppressed by the great teacher!"

"Great, no need to say more!"

"Master, your aura is so terrible right now, I feel like Miss Konoe is going to drop her little pearls!"

"Don't you think you should do something when you bully girls like this?"

"My desire to survive tells me that my sense of justice can at most change my wreath. Maybe it's just a young couple having a conflict? It's easy to become inhumane if you get involved!"

"Holy crap! So Arima is going to be NTRed by Asama!!!"

The invigilator Shisui Asama glanced in the direction of the make-up exam group, and the six unlucky guys holding their heads lowered their heads and started working on the test paper attentively.

Asama withdrew his gaze and spoke earnestly to Konoe,

"You made me waste a question. If I were really your father, I wouldn't have twisted you into the ghost you are now. At least it wouldn't have created a huge cognitive gap between you and normal people. Konoe pondered this old man The stuff is really not that good.”

For some reason, she hated Asama Shisui's arrogant and domineering words, but she also felt strange emotions about something in these words.

She forcibly suppressed the inexplicable palpitations and asked,

"After ruling Yinghe, what is your organization going to do next?"

"There is no such thing as ruling Yinghe, so the question does not exist."

"Then let's put the question another way, what do you want to get in Yinghe?"

"It seems that you don't have a very long memory. I have told you many times - I hope no one will disturb me, and no one can disturb me. I can do the things I like with peace of mind. If I can be a couple, then I will be a couple." "

Konoe crossed his arms and thought,

"Are you doing a social experiment in Yinghe? Indeed, no one has done this kind of thing before. But, these data are useless, right? You can satisfy your own desires by personally pushing people to fall into the false, ridiculous and time-wasting life trap of love. Is it a bad idea?"

"Now is it my turn to ask you a question?"

"Looking at your expression, I'll take it as your acquiescence. Just ask."

"Having lost to Arima and me so many times, have you gained anything?"

Chiyo Konoe looked at Asama seriously and said with a smile,

"There is no shame in facing up to your own failures. What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger."

Tsk, are you really a follower of Nietzsche? When these words came out of Immortal River's mouth, the taste was completely different.

"Violence, wealth, lies, if you could only keep one ability, which one would you keep?"

"Keep the love."

"Keep lies? Yes, the truth of power is control. No matter how strong the violence, no matter how much wealth can be plundered, the top lies will not be exposed. By shaping a beautiful dream, they can lower their The power of thought, the twisting of their will, is indeed the proven path to power."

Asama was speechless towards Konoe. This kind of communication would only make him lose any illusions about transforming Konoe.

But he still smiled and asked a question.

"Miss Konoe, have you looked in the mirror recently?"

Hearing this question, Konoe smiled,

"Haha, I've also been reading Lacan these days. The more people don't know themselves, the more they like to look in the mirror. The people in the mirror are just other people in the imagination. I have no interest in this kind of thing."

"I learned today that the ultimate form of narcissism is not even wanting to look in the mirror."

"Whatever you say, if you are easily led astray and don't have an independent stand of your own, such people are just idiots who don't love themselves. It's my turn to ask you, are you interested in becoming a tutor at the Konoe family?"

"Are you alone, or are you a group of konoe brats?"


After Asama thought about it and agreed, there would be a lot of time alone for the two of them, which was a bit off-putting.

After all, he is not someone like Arima who is willing to sacrifice himself.

"Old Konoe has already mentioned to me that I really have no interest in giving advice to an unlikable little girl."

"Humph, this kind of thing is quite disgusting to people."

"Last question, Miss Konoe, do you think you win or lose when you defeat yourself?"


Konoe thought about the subtext of this question for a moment and replied,

"If the war is led by one's own consciousness, whether it is in the present tense or the future tense, the war is won. If it is instigated by others, it can only be considered a loss."

"Then please take the initiative, reflect on yourself, and defeat the old, fearful of failure, emotionally isolated, arrogant and lonely Chiyo Konoe as soon as possible. You are now a little out of place for Eiwa."

"Haha, all your incitement is of no use to me."

"So, it's really a waste of time, Miss Konoe. Rather than talking to stones, I would rather talk to the clouds in Tokyo all night. At least it will change and prevent me from getting bored."

"That's it."

Chiyo Konoe was happy to see Asama Shizui's arrogant attitude.

Perhaps Asama didn't know that Chiyo Konoe was used to memorizing the conversations between them word for word and constantly reviewing them at night.

Another half hour passed

For the candidates who submitted the exam, it seemed like a century had passed. They firmly believe that Queen Yinghe and Ninja Yinghe are definitely having an affair!

Konoe and Asama quickly corrected several people's test papers and announced the results.

Unfortunately, there is no one with a score of 90 or above, and there is no temporary make-up test without any review time. This is a foreseeable result.

There will be another round of make-up exams waiting for them at noon tomorrow.

Perhaps the only meaning of this make-up exam is to select outstanding WOTA dancers, right?

Konoe posted a dance move breakdown video in the class group, and the @WOTA art five-person group learned.

During the butler assessment, the only unlucky person who left the ranks of dancers was Hanyu. This rising star, who has improved 250 places and is now ranked 300th in the first grade of Yinghe, mocked the others very proudly.

"It's not that I am too strong, but that you are too useless. Your stupidity is not worthy of this qualification~"

Hanyu immediately ran away and started walking five dogs by himself.

Asama walked out of the auditorium and found that Futami was still waiting outside the auditorium.

"Jingshui-kun, thank you for your hard work~~~"

Asama waved his hand to drive away the mosquitoes buzzing around his ears. Yinghe's ecological environment was too friendly to insects, but not very friendly to people.

"Why don't you come in? Why are you standing outside for so long? Be careful of being moved away by mosquitoes."

There were only lights and no moonlight in front of the auditorium at this moment, but Erjian itself was the moonlight.

The moon blinked like the stars,

"I want to give Jingshui-kun a surprise~~~"

"It's really a surprise, I won't do it next time."

At this time, Emiya Shiro followed Konoe Chiyo and walked past the two of them.

Chiyo Konoe looked at Futami Tsukiumi with a playful look,

"Asama-kun, goodbye classmate."

Futami didn't care about Konoe's impolite look and nodded slightly.

"Goodbye, Konoe-san, Emiya-san."

Asama waved his hand and said calmly,


The second sight revealed that Asama's waving movements were not exactly the same as those used to drive away mosquitoes just now, they could only be said to be completely consistent.

The idiots also said hello and farewell one by one, and ran towards the school gate while fighting and making noise.

The lights in the auditorium were still on. Asama sighed and went back into the auditorium to turn off the air conditioner and headlights.

At Asama's reminder, Futami turned on the flash in advance and followed Asama step by step.

"Shizui-kun, what were Konoe-san and you talking about just now?"

"She invited me to join her Dragon Heart Society."

"It seems that Konoe-san really likes Shizui-kun~~~"

"She's blind."

Futami felt that the person Asama was scolding at this moment was definitely not just Chiyo Konoe.

There were several bangs and bangs, and the auditorium suddenly became completely dark. There was only light coming from the window, but this light did not shine in at all.

Asama assured, clearly reminding Futami to turn on the flash of her phone in advance.

But the girl turned off the flash the moment she turned off the lights.


The girl's plump and soft body pressed against Asama's arm.

Asama silently turned on the flashlight function of her phone.

"Yuehai, are you afraid of the dark?"

"I was scared just now. I accidentally turned off the flash. I'm sorry. The auditorium at night is indeed a bit scary."

"If you're afraid of the dark, turn on the flash."


Futami turned on the flash, but did not let go of Asama's arm.

"Jingshui-kun, aren't you afraid of the dark?"

"Well, I'm more afraid of green."

"???Are you afraid of green?"

"Well, everything about green screens in movies is a base of illusion. In my eyes, green represents unreality."

The second time I saw you, I smiled.

"Suddenly I discovered Shizui-kun's strange side again~~~"

"Can you let go? We're already at the door."

Asama was a little helpless.

"Can you not let go? I want to keep going like this."

Er Jian raised his little face slightly, his eyes were still as bright as a first-class star.

Flying insects and mosquitoes were flying between the light and the gaze, looking particularly annoying.

Asama sighed and looked at Futami in silence.

He was thinking about the reasons for his refusal.

This is not Futami Tsukiumi's fifth formal confession, nor is Asama's fifth formal rejection.

But Er Jian's eyes were suddenly filled with mist, and two shooting stars appeared.

Asama's eyes had no time to follow the falling star, and the two remaining tear stains on the girl's face shone like star trails.

Some people say that tears are the smallest sea in the world.

How much heartlessness does it take to let this sea dry up?

If you apologize, just blurt it out.


Hearing Asama's deep voice, Futami let go of his hand and raised his hand slightly, but Asama caught it.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped the corners of Futami's eyes and face.

But this wipe brought out a few more tears.

Futami's body was still twitching, and Asama felt that her heart was tightening little by little with the twitching.

Futami looked at Asama with apologetic eyes.

"I should say I'm sorry. I obviously made an agreement with you."

".It doesn't matter. No matter what, we rely on each other and support each other. We will be lifelong good friends. I will stick to this agreement."

"We are deceiving ourselves. Can there really be this kind of pure friendship between men and women?"

“If not, let’s make it [yes].”

Er Jian forced a smile,

"It's really a speech that suits Shizui-kun's style."

"Has this kind of domineering speech become my style?"

"Jingshui-kun has always been domineering, arrogant, unreasonable, and ruthless. But no matter what, I can't help but love you."

Asama didn't answer Futami, but he extended his hand.

The girl calmed down and slowly handed her hand over.

Instead of holding hands as expected, Asama stuffed the handkerchief into the girl's palm.

He looked at the night sky above Wang Yinghe campus. The moon was hidden in the clouds, and the tall buildings in the distance replaced the starry sky, dotting the dreams of urbanites.

But all dreams seem to be inferior to the bright moon in front of me.

He lowered his head again and said to Er Jian,

"I'll take you home." (End of chapter)

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