Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 200 Chapter 197 Love Letters and Answers

At a glance, there were at least 30 love letters on the ground.

It's almost like Yoshihiko Arima's level of treatment.

With the system in place, the supporting character's life seems to have completed a counterattack.

But are these important?

Love, recognition, sweet words
In fact, these are just small and frivolous rewards for the protagonist who suffers a painful fate.

He was afraid of pain, so he refused to be the protagonist.

Money and power are certainly good things, but what he cares more about is the concepts behind these two things - the sense of freedom that crosses barriers and the power of domination full of kindness.

Yesterday's question also got the answer today - if he is forced to the point of desperation by a false love, he will be ready to take the money and run away and return to his hometown. That's right, return to China to build the motherland!Of course, he also has a more extreme approach, which is to confess the existence of the system and reset everything to zero.

Asama patted his head.

Stop thinking too much, stop triggering [Murphy's Law], and be more positive!
A teacher who is scared into quitting by her students is not a good teacher.

Leading by example and educating them to say goodbye to love traps and pursue higher desires is what [Big Teacher] should do.

Asama picked up the letters that fell on the ground one by one, and his nose was instantly filled with various fragrances.

Has sprinkling perfume on love letters become a trend in Yinghe?
Many love letters seemed to contain more than just letter paper, and they were packed into a thick pile.

After checking the shoe cabinet, there was nothing strange in it, so Asama felt relieved and started to change shoes.

It is now 7:10, and the more than 30 people who have submitted letters either got up early in the morning, or left school very late yesterday.

It's really hard for them to be so blind.

Since there are idiots like Horikita, Kuroda, and Nanami in Toyo Eiwa Academy, it is not impossible that there are girls in the school who are confused by their athletic ability and notoriety.

As a second generation person, I have always hated bad boys since I was a child.I don't like Hanamichi Sakuragi, Soichiro Nagi, Kenji Harima, Katsu Soma, Rei Aizhi, or Ryuuji Takasu.Well, I seem to hate minotaurs more than bad boys?

In short, what needs to be reviewed is that Shisui Asama has now become what he hates the most.

Playing the bad boy made him even more uncomfortable than playing the male role.

If not forced by life, who would want to become a bad person?
Asama Shisui, who was reviewing himself in this way, seemed to have forgotten the full pleasure of being cheated and acting as a pervert.

As long as he is a human being, he will be a born bad guy.

A sweet and soft greeting, like industrial saccharine, came from the side.

"Asama-kun, good morning~"

Abe Kyoko came over with a shy look on her face.

Asama, who had already changed his shoes, closed the shoe cabinet and looked at his son Ryutaro Kuroda's ex-fake girlfriend with a blank expression.

You just broke up with Kuroda yesterday, did you come to your door today?

Some people don’t understand women’s jealousy and revenge. I don’t owe you anything!

"is there anything?"

"Um, did you receive the letter I wrote to you, Mr. Asama?"


Asama's eyes passed through Abe, as if she didn't exist, and looked behind her.

Abe Kyoko's smile froze for a second. She clearly saw her love letter and held it in Asama's hand.

"Well, Mr. Asama, you seem to have my letter in your hand."

"Do you like to ask questions knowingly?"

".Well, no matter what, please give me a reply after you read my letter."

I don't know if it was due to preconceptions, but Asama felt that Abe Kyoko smelled like tea, and he almost pinched her nose in front of her.

"No need to read, I'll reply to you directly. No, no, no. Do you hear me?"

Anyway, there was no one in the shoe cabinet area at this time. Asama rejected the girl in front of him with the coldest expression.


“When you don’t know why, you should know why.”

Asama ignored Abe and walked straight towards the garbage incinerator in the school building.

The school’s fallen leaves and paper waste need to be disposed of in incinerators.

He also threw the weird love letters and threatening letters into the incinerator and burned them to ashes.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if someone sees this kind of thing that ruins people's hearts.

Asama opens letters one by one and reads them. For him, this kind of ritual is the same as how Ren in "The Little Master of China" would put a talisman on it every time he kills an animal. A kind of psychological comfort.

"Asama-sama, I am your fan! You are right! "The world needs to be more cruel in order to clean up those useless wastes. "I am willing to follow in your footsteps! Love you Tokyo Doll 2008."

I don’t think I’ve ever said anything like this!And it's still anonymous. Is it another little trap set by Chiyo Konoe?

Throw suspicious letters into the incinerator.

"Asama-san, the way you shined at the cultural festival is still vivid in my mind. You gave me the courage to continue. I have something to say to you. After school, I will be waiting for you on the rooftop of Building D. , see you there or not."

The ugly handwriting does not look like it was written by a girl. The indentation on the letter paper also shows that the writing strength is not weak. Also, the cultural festival hasn't started yet, right?Do you want to say that you are a person from the future?

Throw suspicious letters into the incinerator.

"Asama-san, do you know? Everyone hides countless secrets and dark sides that are inconvenient to tell. It was you who made me accept another me. If you promise me that you will show me women's clothing by the Heihe Pond after school tomorrow, I will also show you something super exciting and beautiful~"

This is completely a riot letter. And it is also anonymous.

"Asama-kun, before I met you, I never thought about my happiness, nor did I expect what it would be like to be in love, and I didn't dare to express my feelings frankly. Until I started to notice you, I I am deeply attracted by you. Thank you. This is a relic left by my mother to me. I hope you like it. I love you silently BYD."

Asama pulled out a pair of high-grade silk fabrics from the thick envelope. He felt something was wrong and slowly unfolded it - pink hollow underwear.

There is no one around, but there is a school camera not far from here.

Another anonymous letter prank?What if it really is a relic?
Asama put his underwear in his pocket and continued to read the letter.Some want to meet privately to get advice on love, some want to train themselves by learning ninjutsu, there are also ordinary letters of confession, and crazy letters of allegiance.

Asama wrote down each letter and the person who signed it one by one, and asked Komaba to help investigate.

You and the Love Counseling Department have probably been too exposed recently. Should you plan a riot in a sports club to attract attention?
Forget it, just let nature take its course.It is better to do less things like causing trouble to others for your own selfish desires.

Asama breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the white smoke from the incinerator gradually rise and melt into the drizzle.

After resting for about 30 minutes in the love counseling department, Asama did not read a book, but quietly listened to Masumi Ichijo playing Chopin's Etude No. 1 in A flat major upstairs.

He always couldn't concentrate when he met the music he liked. He simply closed his eyes and listened to the piano girl's hands dancing on the keys.

The soft and smooth notes are like spring snow turning into water, making the rain outside the window change the season.Ichijo Masumi probably didn't know that besides trees and birds, he would have an audience like himself when he practiced so early, right?

Tomorrow is the concert, but there is no practice of Etude No. 2 in A minor, Etude No. 8 in F major and other performance pieces. Is this the calmness and confidence of the head of the four-hand piano department?

During the morning meeting on Thursday morning, Sakuragi wrote a poem on the blackboard, "Once you have a panoramic view of the mountain scenery, how can you bow your head to the wind?" He said to encourage everyone to learn chicken soup.Qianjian checked, but could not find this poem.Did Sakuragi write it himself?
Then Sakuragi clapped his hands again and officially announced that the cultural festival will be held from July 7st to 21nd. Unlike the sports festival, for this cultural festival, every student can get two tickets and invite their relatives and friends to Yinghe. visit.

My parents probably can't come, so let's give the two tickets to Komaba and Hanzawa. Anyway, Komaba is considered an outsider.

"Today you can think about the theme of our class's cultural festival, and tomorrow we will vote to decide the final content. In addition, this cultural festival each class can apply for an independent booth and an auditorium performance program qualifications, booths and programs Regarding the content, please use your brains and brainstorm."

Sakuragi then explained a few words. For example, today Hinoki took Arima to Chiba to participate in the IMO International Mathematical Olympiad. Today's second math class was changed to Kuroki's physics class.It's like leaving the wolf's den and entering the tiger's mouth again.

Sakuragi walked out of the classroom in a rage amidst the screams of everyone in Class A of the first year.

I always feel that his impatient style is completely inconsistent with his personality.In other words, maybe this is Sakuragi's rebellion against the lengthy speech of his class teacher when he was a student.

But Asama doesn't hate Sakuragi like this, or he understands it very well.After all, Lin Yutang's saying "A gentleman's speech should be like a lady's skirt, the shorter the better" is also well-known in Japan.

Teacher Matsudaira from the health class walked sleepily into the classroom of Class A of the first year. Today’s teaching content is about precautions for swimming in summer. Asama is not very fond of swimming. Although he had a great time swimming in Tokyo Bay last month, he was not too fond of swimming. Really, throwing a great white shark several kilometers away is like a dream.

Matsudaira interacted very harmoniously with Konoe in class. I wonder if it was due to the overlapping attributes that caused the mutual sympathy.

The two of them are undoubtedly top-notch beauties, and they are the ones who can overwhelm each other in terms of temperament even if they stand together with the idols of the idol group. If Konoe still has a possibility, Matsudaira is even more sad.

Songping didn't seem to care about the majestic mountains and flat rivers at all. Compared with these, she might need a bottle of Red Bull to refresh herself because of the obvious dark circles under her eyes.

At the end of get out of class, Matsudaira specifically said to Asama, "Mixed-race babies will be more beautiful!" This kind of nonsense.

This prompted Horikita to run to Asama's seat from the back of the classroom and ask, "Asama, how did you do this? Mr. Matsudaira is also willing to advertise for you???"

Asama really wanted to open Horikita's brain and see what was inside, but he probably didn't even have his head with him.

In the world of Plants vs. Zombies, perhaps he is the most invincible existence.

Physics, home economics, and world history flew by in a flash.

By the way, this week's home economics class is cooking class - salmon cooking.Although the salmon was imported from the Faroe Islands, Asama had no thoughts of eating seafood during this period.

After explaining how to make Tuscan salmon to Jiajima and Futami several times, he fished the whole process and only helped to organize the kitchen utensils and tableware to prevent [Love Cooking] from taking effect.

In the end, the salmon cream made by the two girls was a little thin, and the heat was too strong, causing the oil in the cream to separate. However, the overall taste was very good, and it received unanimous praise from teachers and classmates.

During the lunch break, the rain had stopped. When passing by the corridor leading to the literary club building, Asama discovered that tree warblers, sparrows, blue magpies, great tits and other birds were singing more happily.

The small ecological environment of Yinghe is good. There are 10 kinds of birds that he has known in a short time. Cleaning up bird droppings on several tree-lined roads has become something that Yinghe must take seriously every day.

There is also a small mountain northwest of the literary club building and the newly built sports ground. Some people say they have seen rabbits, squirrels and hedgehogs.

When Yana saw Ayano, she looked like a wild animal that saw a human for the first time, showing an uneasy expression.

It doesn't feel good to be stared at by the school's popular figures, Fusugawa Rise and Ijo Masumi.

"Um, great teacher?"

"Don't ask me, ask your supervisor Fusikawa."

"Oh, Immortal Kawa-san, that one"

"See you, Xiaoyana, now is the time for you to speak freely~ Don't be too nervous, tell me, what's it like to make new friends?"

"It feels very happy to have someone with whom I can share topics."

Mainly about the topic of great teachers.

"How well do you know your new friends now?"

"Domia-chan is really an admirable strong person."

"Can you tell me what are his three favorite things to watch, eat, and make during this time?"

"Watching beauty videos, eating crepes, and doing yoga?"

If Jin Tomiya didn’t deliberately provide wrong answers, it can be said that Nanami’s knowledge of Tomiya is almost zero.

"Then tell me, what is the most harmonious topic for your usual conversations?"

"Probably sharing the counseling experience from the love counseling department."

"What did you do on your last date with him? What are your plans for the next date?"

"Not yet. Dating is not a good idea between friends."

But judging by the way Yana met, it was unclear whether she was resisting the date or whether she was resisting dating Tomiya, who was disguised as a woman.

Asama took out a [Friend Test] paper, which was roughly composed of 20 questions based on Tomiya's personal information.

Yanami only got 6 questions correct.

The basic skills are not in place at all.

"Mai, would you like to introduce to Yanami the [Law of Attraction] for making friends as outlined in "Observe Like a Spy"?"

Jiandao nodded. Although the girl in front of him was also very cute, it was nothing to worry about.

Jing Shui won't like stupid girls, and even his friends won't do it.

This is something Jiandao has not confirmed, but is extremely certain of.

She thought for a while and sorted out a total of 10 corresponding dating skills such as the law of similarity, the law of vicarious experience, the law of scarcity, the law of self-disclosure, the law of curiosity, the law of humor, the law of praise, the law of reciprocity, and dating.

"If you want to be friends with others, you will find that friends are nowhere to be found. If you want to be friends with others, you will find that friends are everywhere. When you meet classmate Yana, I suggest you to be altruistic and first Try to make two appointments with Mr. Tomiya. Put respect first, ask more questions, listen actively, and create a sense of intimacy through catering. In this way, you will get more information about him, and you will also have a better understanding of what kind of person Mr. Tomiya is. people."

Asama nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at Er Jian again,

"Tsukiumi, tell me about Nanami how to use the positioning principle to turn a nodding acquaintance into a close confidant."

Futami just heard what Fusukawa and Shimajima said so well. While admiring him, he also secretly encouraged himself not to lose.

The second view explains the principle of mutual exchange of needs from the aspects of role positioning, ability positioning, demand positioning, cognitive positioning, relationship positioning, and value positioning.

"Both parties in every friendship relationship will have a relatively stable positioning to facilitate communication between the two parties. Our positioning, often in a relationship, must fully consider the suitability of the other party's needs for friendship. For example, talking to each other The relationship between needs and listeners, the relationship between learning needs and educators, the relationship between recognition needs and praisers. In addition, the positioning of both parties is not to blindly please and cater. The sublimation of friendship requires sincerity and no hypocrisy in order to last. Mark Tu Wen said, [Always tell the truth so that you don’t have to remember what you said.], I think this is also the most important point in making friends. Of course, it is better not to tell the truth that will hurt others.”

Asama showed a smile. The Love Counseling Department exam was indeed useful, at least it allowed Futami and Shimajima to consolidate their respective familiarity with psychological counseling knowledge points.

Yanami, who was feeling a little dizzy, quickly put an end to her thoughts of joining the club.

So are all the girls in the love counseling department so strong?

If I'm so stupid, joining the love counseling club will only hinder everyone, right?

Asama saw Yana's confused look and encouraged her a few more words.

"So, keep working hard. The first step to becoming a lonely person is to learn as you go."

When Yana saw that Ayano looked confused, she still nodded obediently under Asama's gaze.

Seeing this reckless buffalo girl leave, Asama sighed,
"Advisor F-san, please take the time to keep an eye on the progress of Bana's progress."

"No problem~"

There were still 15 minutes left before class started, and the five people from the love counseling department entered the time to drink tea, chat and read.

Asama was reading The Selected Works of Lacan attentively.

Ichijo Masumi, who had been taking notes seriously without being asked a question by Asama just now, suddenly asked Asama after confirming the contents of his notes with Futami,

"Hero-kun, how do you define the friendship between us?"

The birds outside the window seemed to have stopped chirping, and Asama also moved his eyes away from the book.

There were four girls waiting for his answer to a question. (End of chapter)

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