Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 199 196 A letter from a strange woman and many letters from strange women

Asama and Pochi sent a text message, telling her to rest early, and then entered the station with Futami and walked to the platform to wait for the bus.

Among the crowd, Ermei attracts attention like a magnet.

"Well, can you add me as a friend?"

Futami, who was harassed by passers-by, ignored him for a moment, just moved his steps and approached Asama.

The tacit social distance between the two was broken.

Asama didn't object to Futami's approach. After all, being by her side could prevent annoying chats.

"Ah hahaha, it turns out I have a boyfriend."

The frivolous office worker who failed to strike up a conversation was teasing his colleagues not far away.

"Looking at how bad her boyfriend is, don't you have a good chance?"

"Forget it, forget it, I am a pure love warrior."

Asama turned his peripheral vision away from the two people, because the girl's arm had already touched his upper arm.

The exposed skin was easily touched, but the body temperature, which was half a minute cooler than the light rain on a summer night in Tokyo, seemed to be imprinted on his arm.

Asama turned to look at Futami and found that her eyes were glued to his ordinary face.

Resisting the shame of having her butt exposed, Asama said expressionlessly,

"Yuehai, you'd better keep a bottle of anti-wolf spray in your bag from now on."

"Jingshui-kun, don't underestimate me? I learned some self-defense skills when I was a child."

But it doesn’t work on bullying, doesn’t it?

"Hasn't the work at the Chinese restaurant been delayed recently? It's always a good idea to take this with you when you go home alone at night."

"Rather than carrying pepper spray, I want to take Shisui-kun home with me."


"Isn't it okay to request a companion from a friend?"

"A friend who is always troublesome is not a good friend."

"It's not bad to be Jingshui-kun's most special friend."

The cold girl seemed to be a completely different person in front of him.

She is playful, clever and generous, and more importantly, her smile is like the sun dancing on the microwave of Lake Biwa, its light like a non-stop shuttle, weaving a golden garland.

It's beautiful to be cold and generous. It would be nice if we could keep a more ideal distance from this beauty.

The subway arrived, and the sardine-can-like carriage was opened. Some sardines came out, and more sardines came out.

Even if it’s a rainy day, it can’t stop Tokyoites from wanting to celebrate the festival.

Sardine Asama and Sardine Tsukiumi were stuck together, and Asama had no excuse to keep their distance.

"Hey, Rise said that Shizui-kun doesn't like rainy days, is that true?"

"It depends on what season it is. I hate freezing rain. Besides, things like this will change."

"Then what you don't like will turn into like sooner or later?"

"Let's analyze the specific situation in detail."

The carriage shook for a while, and there was another big turn at Mita Station. Futami took advantage of the situation and got into Asama's arms and hugged Asama.

"Second meeting."

Asama felt that her heartbeat was heard by her. He smiled dryly and activated his skills to hide his emotions.

But it seemed to have the opposite effect. After Er Jian glanced at him, she hugged him tighter.

"Jingshui-kun, there's only one stop left, just let me hold you for a while longer."

".Where is the agreement we made before?"

"Hugging you is not the only language I know, but hugging you is a dialogue that I will remember for a lifetime. Your heartbeat is communicating with my heartbeat, isn't it?"

Futami Tsukiumi pressed her chest against Asama's chest and whispered to Asama.

But Asama was not the only audience for these love words.

The lovers nearby turned their bodies or turned their heads consciously to avoid this unexpected dog food.

Asama finally pulled out his hand, giving Futami a headache and triggering the knockback effect.

Futami Tsukiumi laughed so brightly that the lights in the subway car dimmed.She felt that she had mastered the rhythm of conquering Asama.

During the day, Fusukawa said that he and Asama would form the Little Sun Team. Majima said that the new mobile phone was a reward for the love counseling department test that Asama gave her. Teacher Sasaki also began to pester Asama.This trend made her a little more uneasy.

And now, hearing his heartbeat, Er Jian already knew the answer she wanted to know.

The mouth does not admit it, but the body is very honest.

Love is desire, impulse, hunger and thirst that cannot be quenched.

If using desire can open the door to love, she is willing to let go of all her reserve in front of Asama Shizui.

Shirogane Takanawa Station has arrived, the carriage door opened, and Asama protected Futami and got off smoothly.

A little proud of the second sight, he looked up again and saw a pair of cold and indifferent eyes, the pupils seemed to be shining with golden light.

"If we do what we did just now, we won't be friends anymore, Tsukiumi."


After seeing Tsukiumi for the second time, he looked like a child who had done something wrong and lowered his head without saying a word. Asama's heart softened again.

"I haven't admitted my mistake yet."

"I'm sorry, Shizui-kun."

"Okay, take the time to review."

Saying this, Asama made up his mind not to take the subway again.From now on, I'll just take a taxi to take Ermei Daimyojin home.

In addition, I don’t know whether [Yamato Nadeshiko’s Smile] failed to activate the concealing emotion effect, or whether concealing emotions cannot conceal the heartbeat.He hoped it was the former, otherwise the effect of this skill would be too crotch-stretching.

After glancing at Futami Daimyojin who stuck out his tongue at him, Asama, who almost held his breath on the subway, was still calming his heartbeat.

Futami Yuichi has gone abroad.

It was just the two of them at Futami's house.

After bathing, Futami, wearing light pajamas, sat opposite Asama and studied the questions carefully.

After spending 20 minutes sorting out the knowledge framework with Futami, Asama found that only with Daimyojin, his learning efficiency could be increased three times.

I looked at the skill description of [Love Intelligent Brain]: If you learn for the purpose of love, your learning efficiency will increase by 300%.

Could it be that, deep down in my heart, I have already acquiesced in the fact that I want to fall in love with Futami Tsukiumi?
impossible!Absolutely impossible.

He never had a real throb.

In a blink of an eye, Asama finished all the questions he brought.

Erjian raised his arms high and twisted his slender neck, revealing a hint of plumpness within his thin shoulders.

Asama realized that the girl was in a vacuum state, and her brain was like a vacuum universe, full of quantum fluctuations and particle fluctuations.

What was going through Liu Xiahui's mind back then?Will he suffer as superficially as he does?

"Jingshui-kun, have you read "Letter from a Strange Woman"?"

After completing the practice task, Futami lay down on the coffee table and watched Asama opposite him correcting the test paper.

Asama suddenly understood where the motivation for Futami's persistent offensive today came from.

Zweig does a lot of harm to people!

"[My heart is as tense as a harp string, and it keeps trembling as soon as you appear.] With such a beautiful relationship, why would the male protagonist turn a blind eye to her?"

"Because the male protagonist is a scumbag, and the female protagonist's love is too humble. This kind of martyrdom-like love is the source of tragedy." "What does Jingshui-kun hate the most about the male protagonist?"

"A noble person will not be sentimental or unable to manage his base desires. He indulges his desires but does not know how to shoulder responsibilities."

"But [I love you, it has nothing to do with you], the male protagonist didn't even notice the female protagonist. It's not his fault. He can't marry all his lovers."

Hearing that Futami once again hid his confession in the conversation, and hearing Futami defend the scumbag, Asama felt sad.

She wasn't defending that R. She was actually defending him, wasn't she?

"Yuehai, I want to remind you of two things - what you just said about loving one person has nothing to do with another person. This view of love is completely wrong. Love is mutual recognition and dedication on an equal basis, and there is no compulsion. Identity; it is not a matter of sleeping with a few people or marrying a few people. A person's independence means that he is responsible for everything he owns. If you can't bear the consequences, don't start a fight without permission.

Overall, the two characters in this book are both immature children. "

Asama knew that the second sight might have been moved by the humble yet fearless, deep and hot, twisted yet sincere love of the unnamed heroine in the book; perhaps he was moved by the novelist R's dark side beneath the bright side, like a lustful young man. And longing for.

He began to have a headache. This book made many women fall into the trap of self-impression in their love.

He has to announce today that "Letter from a Strange Woman" is a banned book in the love counseling department!

Futami didn't seem to understand Asama's advice just now. She repeated a sentence in her mind - after the physical attack, use mental magic to attack!

The girl was facing Asama, using all her enthusiasm to read the sentences in the book:
"[I had no experience and no preparation. I fell headlong into my destiny, like falling into an abyss. From that second, there was only one person in my heart - you]. "

It felt like I was in a movie theater a lifetime ago, and I felt helpless when I saw my girlfriend crying because of a crude tragedy.

"These three questions are wrong. I copied the corresponding knowledge points on the test paper. Please look at it carefully."

Futami saw Asama frowning and changing the subject. She took the test paper as if it was good and read Asama's handwriting obediently.

Yes, Shizui-kun is much better than that novelist.

Therefore, he deserves a love that is hotter, longer, and more unburdened.

This love is brought to you by me, Futami Tsukiumi.

Asama walked out of Futami's apartment and breathed in the warm and humid air of Tokyo.

Just like Jiandao's agreement, he and Futami made the same agreement - if the monthly progress is less than the other's, they must unconditionally agree to the other's request - this kind of agreement.

In the agreement, the ratio between him and Er Jian was 1:2, that is to say, if Er Jian improved by 20 places, he would have to advance by at least 10 places to avoid losing.

It looked like I had to work hard.

The second sight of him saying "It doesn't matter if you treat me as your lover, spare tire, or prop" gave him a headache.

He once recognized the view that true love has no happiness at all. True love does not pursue superficial happiness experiences, but pursues a kind of devotion that goes through pain and suffering.

Friendships with girls are a bit taken for granted.To subjectively define the relationship with them as the kind of friendship that makes you feel comfortable is as stupid as those who take out the real lovers and put them in their own fantasy coordinates.

It would be great if there was a forgetting potion in the system mall. Give them all a dose. If that doesn't work, give yourself a bottle too.

If it cannot be forgotten, what should be used to overwrite or reset it?

Even Mai Majima, who loves to study the most, has impure motives, and Asama feels a little discouraged.

Obviously learning is the best way to shape yourself.

His liking for Zweig and his work dropped by 25%.

When we got home, Porky was still awake.

"You'll lose hair if you stay up late, Pochi."

"Damn Ah Shui, yesterday it was Majima-chan, today it's Futami-chan, are you the emperor of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Perhaps the only similarity between me and the Qing emperor is our diligence in learning."

After Asama took a shower, he urged Pochi to turn off the lights and go to sleep. He put on his headphones and listened to English listening materials.

After the gentle female voice in the material read three articles, she suddenly read an English translation of a famous poem from Borges's "La moneda de hierro" collection of poems - "You are no one else".

The writings left behind by those whom
Your fears implore won't have to save you;
Other people's writings can't save you

You are not the others and you see yourself
You are not someone else, at this moment you are in
Now at the center of the labyrinth woven
The center of the labyrinth woven by your own steps
By your own steps. The agonies of Jesus or
Socrates will not save you, nor will the
Strength of Golden Siddhartha who,

At the end of the day, accepted death
In the garden. The word written
By your hand or the verb spoken
By your lips, these too are dust. Fate has no pity,

And God's night is infinite.
Your matter is time, ceaseless
Time. You are each solitary moment.
You are just every lonely moment
After listening to this sonnet, Qian Jian's breathing gradually became calmer and he gradually fell into sleep.

Pochi, who had been down for four days, seemed to be resurrected with full health.

Not only did she accompany Asama on her morning run amidst the drizzle and the chirping of birds, but when she came back, in addition to cleaning and folding quilts, she also helped make brunch.

The old father's sense of relief in Asama's heart emerged again after a long absence.

Before 7 o'clock, Asama yawned, told Pochi to look after his home, put on his star, straightened his tie, and went out calmly carrying his lunch box.

On his way to school in the morning, he received a message from Ryutaro Kuroda.

The plan to fight back against his ex-boyfriend and heal Abe was executed perfectly yesterday. Then last night, Kuroda struck while the iron was hot and confirmed his breakup with Abe, ending the fake relationship that lasted for about 4 days.

After answering Kuroda's words of encouragement, he received another message from Ai Fujiwara, the former director of the Love Counseling Department——

"Asama Asama, do Sigma men like you all only communicate without expecting, only output without arguing, only screen without educating?"

"I'm not a Sigma man. Such single-channel people can certainly reduce mental internal friction, but when it comes to real problems, all they can do is escape. Also, why don't you ask about love?"

The message was read, but after 5 minutes there was no reply.

Asama thought for 2 seconds and decisively blocked Ai Fujiwara.

Suddenly there was a burst of rapid footsteps behind him, and Asama hurriedly ducked to the side.

Yana saw that the Nth collision failed.

"If you're really interested, I can introduce you to the rugby department."

"Uh, good morning, Teacher, what a coincidence~"

"Exactly, at 12:15 noon, come to the love counseling department for a friend assessment briefing. Remember not to be late."

"it is good"

"Let's go."


Seeing that something was wrong halfway through, Yana turned around and asked,
"Master, aren't you coming with us?"

"Why should we go together?"


Seeing that it only took one second to go from joy to sadness, Yana took the first step unhappily.

Asama thought for a moment, and without taking two steps, he made a call.

"Moses Moses, great teacher, what's wrong? The Yinghe database will not be delivered until the end of the month~"

"Komaba, why do you want to help Yana meet?"

"Don't you like older teachers?"

"Don't leak other people's information casually."

"Okay, okay~ There won't be a next time."

"Next time, I will let you feel the pain of loss."

"They say there will be no next time."

"Okay, hang up."

Tonight, let’s go to Futami’s house to study.
Learn some computer skills and completely eliminate the little tail that Komaba added to his mobile phone.

With this thought in mind, Asama walked to the shoe cabinet in the teaching building and opened the shoe cabinet. The letters inside fell to the ground like an avalanche.

Whose prank is this? (End of chapter)

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