Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 158 155 Yinghe Sports Festival and the great teacher choose to come to the stage

Chapter 158 155. Yinghe Sports Festival and the great teacher choose to take the stage
There were whistles, cheers and boos.

Everyone in Yinghe Academy looked at [Yinghe Ninja] standing on the high platform, looking so awesome, which was really unpleasant.

"Why are you doing all the work at this sports festival by yourself?"

The answer to the question on everyone's mind has finally been found.

The reason why this guy keeps getting dirty and dirty is because he wants to imitate Haruhi Suzumiya and become the number one weirdo in the school.

The various labels of foreigner, great teacher, monkey, and poisonous man are combined into a strange personality.

But if we take "making the world more lively" as the starting point, everything can be explained.

After all, there are more and more boring people doing performance art in this world.

Generally speaking, [Shisui Asama] is a guy with excessive self-awareness.

In the past few months, he had been introverted and talkative in Class A of the first year. At first, he thought it was the inferiority complex of a country boy, but after a while it turned out that he looked down on others!

What doesn’t interest ordinary people?
So, the love counseling department is actually the SOS group?
Naturally, no one cares about such nonsense as cosmic beings and superpowers.

But the audience thought for a moment about the characteristics of people related to Asama Shisui that they have learned these days.
Not only the girls in the school newspaper, but also the third-year Maki Fujima, the second-year Yusuke Nakamura, and the first-year princes including Yoshihiko Ma, Sei Gokyoin, Tetsuya Takishima, and Masao Yanagye. A high-quality boy from Yinghe Academy who seems to be very familiar with him.

Will Asama Shisui be considered a partner only if his looks and talents exceed a certain coefficient?

What an arrogant guy!He didn't lower his head to take a picture of himself in the Pinghe Pond.

Is it great to know how to do ninjutsu?

In adolescence, you will always meet some weird and pretentious guys. For them, being in the limelight is as important as breathing.Pretend to be "I'm special" to hide their ordinaryness.I always hang around some outstanding people, thinking that I am different when I am with them.

Don’t they know that the most important lesson in life is to accept your own ordinaryness?

In East Asian cultural circles, people who are too confident are not popular.Even with great power, not being humble and cautious is a political mistake.

Shizumi Asama's astonishing performance and speech in 77-second speed pass [Water Pass] quickly made him the most disliked person in Eiwa Academy.

But the aloof declaration successfully dispelled the love rumors.

Compared to [the playboy and his harem], everyone feels that the relationship description of [the shrimp-headed man and his tools] is more satisfying to them.

They even felt pity and pity for the beautiful girls like Futami Tsukiumi, Fusugawa Rise, Majima Mai, and Ichijo Masumi who were related to Asama.

The reaction of the citizens who came specifically to see the excitement was more muted.

Because he didn't know anything about Shizuzu Asama's scandal, he just thought that this ordinary-looking classmate said something that he didn't understand, which actually aroused the students in the school to boo, and for a moment the scene seemed extremely joyful.

It seems that this aristocratic school is not so aloof. The students seem to be unrestrained, but they are also very powerful. This kind of school atmosphere is very good.

"Master, has the hidden dragon finally come out of the abyss?"

Watching Asama win his first personal title like a champion, Tetsuya Takishima, Hei Daiki, Daisuke Miwa and other clients of the love counseling department had the same feeling in their hearts.

A capable person cannot keep a low profile. As long as they are serious, they can let others see their light and heat.

What was the reason that made him "stop pretending, let me show my cards" now?
Contrary to the expectations of everyone in Class B, Takishima Tetsuya, who failed to make the top three, turned his head and looked at Konoe Chiyo with a hidden gaze, who was already preparing to appear.

Teacher Da obviously did too many things to her last month.

Investigate information, dispatch scouts (Yoshihiko Arima), interact intimately (bench), flirt, and collect clues (false accounts).
And you said you're not interested in Chiyo Konoe?

The reason why he started to show his strength may be because what the great teacher said before, are you looking forward to seeing [equal love]?

Chiyo Konoe is indeed outstanding, with outstanding family background, appearance, knowledge, academic ability, sports and talents.

Miss Rena said that not only the Nijo family, but also the Gosaku family and even countless nobles in Tokyo, their children all feel ashamed of Chiyo Konoe.

From all dimensions, Chiyo Konoe seems to be worthy of being a great teacher.

But with just one percent of effort, the great teacher can win the championship and break a world record at the same time.

This kind of thing shouldn't be possible for the noble daughter of the Wu She family, right?

Is this what you mean by equality?

Asama said hello to Takishima and Daiki who climbed out of the water, then jumped lightly onto the staff's boat and returned to the shore.

He looked towards Erjian and the others, nodded at Pochi's wave, and walked towards the stands.

Futami Tsukiumi looked around and moved her body towards the Immortal River, leaving a seat between her and Pochi.

She remembered what Asama said just now - "I have no interest in ordinary humans."

From the second sight, I felt that Asama might actually have that weird view on mate selection.
Aliens, future people, and superpowers?

This is not something that can be achieved with hard work.
This was the strongest time - Futami Tsukiumi felt that she was extremely useless.

It seems that since Shizui-kun's speech was made public, ordinary humans Futami Tsukiumi may not even be qualified to spread scandals with Shizui Asama.

Whether it was today's tug-of-war, parkour, or the events of the previous two days, it all made her feel that she was indeed not worthy of Asama Shisui.

He was still intoxicated by the scandals yesterday and the day before yesterday, so Jingshui-kun shut down this possibility.

You still have to keep getting better!Useless second meeting!
The girl thought of the departmental exam Asama assigned them, about "How to deal with emotions such as low self-esteem, ingratiation, and lack of security in love?" ] This test point involves the books "Boundaries", "The Courage to Be Disliked" and "Inferiority and Transcendence".

Masumi is also reading the next two books. "Boundary", can reading the book "Ordinary Futami Tsukiumi" transcend his limits and liberate him into "Superpower Futami Tsukiumi"?

Futami turned to look at Fusukawa, who was not surprised at all by Asama's words, and asked,
"Rishi, Jingshui-kun clearly said he doesn't care about scandals, why do you still say that?"

Immortal Sichuan held up his hat and said with a smile,

"Xiaoyue, do you really not know? Robert-kun is doing this for our own good~"

Listening to the words of the girls around him, Pochi stretched out his index finger and shook it with a superior expression.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you still don't understand Ah Shui too well. He probably wants to bring more popularity to the love counseling department by being in the limelight, right? After all, black and red traffic is also a good business."

"Eh? Is that so? Jingshui-kun is obviously still having a headache during this period, and he can't handle the customers at all. Isn't this contradictory?"

"I think Robert simply wants to respond to those messy reports in the school newspaper. For example, if a male celebrity is recognized as gay, then the value of the scandal will be much lower if he is with other girls."

"No, I just think the acceptance speeches at the sports festival are too rigid. Making the air lively is a skill I have been trying to master during this time."

Asama had returned to the stand at this time, hesitated for a moment, and sat behind the three girls - he asked Infinite Public to give up a seat, and sat down with [Heaven and Earth Covered, Fearless Brave Man] and [Thousands of Opportunities are in Control, Everything Is Possible Sen Luo] between two flag-bearers.

Just like spreading bait in a fish pond, the density of seats among men within the boundless community area suddenly increased.

"Oh!!! You are indeed a great teacher. I keep making brave efforts every day!"

"Brother Heping also said that the great teacher said that the cultivation of spirit and wisdom is more important than physical exercise."

Pochi looked back with interest at Asama being enthusiastically surrounded by a group of bad boys, and asked,
"Ah Shui, I see they have been cheering for you for three days! Are you actually their boss?"

"Wrong! This eldest sister, the eldest teacher is our master's master."

"I don't want to be represented by you, eldest sister. The eldest teacher is my master. Brother Heping is my senior brother. He used to teach me on my behalf."

"By the way, the three eldest sisters are not afraid of us at all. They are worthy of being the teacher's... er, friends."

It’s a joke that the eldest lady of the Fusukawa and Izumo families, who are serious members of the Tokyo underworld, would be afraid of bad things.

As for why Er Jian's expression remains unchanged, it can only be explained by the fact that Er Jian is the Great Ming Shen.

"What nonsense are you talking about here?"

Dahui Heping, who had changed his clothes, walked up to the stands with his girlfriend Rei Yamashita, who was in Class F of the same year, and said to his incompetent brothers.

Daiki and Heito are very tall, so standing in the stands looks rather awkward, like the flagpole that just cheered for Asama.

He frowned and continued to preach,

"If you don't study hard, I'll allow you to skip school and watch the game. Anyway, there is a cram school in Infinite Society waiting for you on the weekend. But didn't I tell you the day before yesterday not to call you "Teacher" all day long? I don't know what will happen to you? Does the teacher add to the worries?"

"Brother Heping, didn't you just call me Teacher?"

Er Jian took a look at the couple that he had learned about in the files of the love counseling department. Sure enough, Jingshui-kun, every time he had a consultation, he would gain a friend.

If Shizui-kun is doing love counseling just to make money, Futami Tsukiumi is the first to disagree.

However, Daiki's girlfriend Rei Yamashita looked at Shizuzu-kun with evasive eyes, which was a bit strange.

Fusukawa also sat sideways, patted Asama's knee, and said with a smile,
"Robert-kun, why don't you explain it to me? When did you establish a sect?" Asama shrugged and briefly explained to a few people how Dahui persuaded the gangsters to be good and integrate the bad groups in Tokyo universities.

Not only the three people in Immortal River opened their eyes wide, but Dahui's girlfriend Rei Yamashita also looked at her boyfriend blankly.

"Dahui-san, it turns out that you are the gangster leader who unified Tokyo and Robert-kun is the mastermind behind it."

"Fusugawa-san, we are not gangsters, but martial arts enthusiasts. We also have the idea of ​​​​improving the environment for high school students and reducing bullying. In addition, although Asama-san has helped us a lot, it can be said that without Asama there would be nothing. Today’s Infinite Society, but he is not involved in any Yakuza affairs, and we have long since left the Yakuza.”

"Rishi, Dahui-san is indeed not a bad guy. He also helped me."

Dahui glanced at Asama and said with a stiff smile,
"Classmate Erjian, I told you that we are just helping you, and there is actually someone else helping you."

You just had to replace someone else with Asama Shizuzu.

Asama could only avoid Futami's sight.This guy Dahui is not very good at lying.
The curious babies Immortal River and Pochi found that Futami and Dahui didn't talk about it in detail, and they were all looking at Asama. It seems that there is a relationship between Robert-kun (Ah Shui) and Satsuki (Futami-chan). Secret.

But it doesn’t matter, there are more secrets between Mr. Robert (Ah Shui) and me~~~
"Master! You will also attend the [Infinite Fighting Festival], right?"

"What event are you going to attend, Ah Shui? Is it fun?"

"Russian Roulette, you lost the game of cutting off your pinky, do you want to come?"

"I don't believe it~"

Dahui looked at Asama, hesitated for a moment, and then explained the matter about their [Infinite Fighting Festival].

So there were 4 more female guests at the event that day.

A group of people gathered together and made a lot of noise, but the spectators nearby dared not speak out.

The second meeting reminds a few people,

"Masumi appears."

Masumi Ichijo, who looked more like a model than Rei Yamashita, found the white in the black clothes at a glance, smiled and waved.

At 6 p.m., the Yinghe Sports Festival ended on the third day.

Although this Yinghe Sports Festival, everyone did not have to undertake preparation work, rehearse square performances, be an all-weather cheerleader, or write cheering announcements, and most people only participated in three to four individual events.

But after three consecutive days of exercise, most students were so exhausted that they just wanted to go home and take a bath and sleep.

In addition to the responsible student union and the interest-related news department, no one is willing to work overtime when they are so tired.

Asama said goodbye to the girls and the Mugen Society people.

Go home with Pochi and Futami.

With the consent of Fujima Maki, Nakamura Yusuke, Daiki Heping, and Takishima Tetsuya, a promotional soft article for the Love Counseling Department has been posted on the online forum.

"There is only one door between you and love!"Yinghe Love Counseling Department provides customized love counseling services for Yinghe students. 》

It briefly mentions "Where to find a reliable lover?" ],

[How to break through the strange zone/friendship zone and make the people you like like you too? ],

[How to gain popularity through deliberate practice? ],

[How to have a deep conversation and open the other person’s heart? ],

[How to obtain a long-term, stable and high-quality relationship? ],

[How to deal with a breakup peacefully? ],

[How to get through the emotionally dull/boring period? ],

[How to deal with emotions such as low self-esteem, ingratiation, and lack of security? ] and other 15 love issues that boys and girls care about,

Taking the ideal couple recognized by three grade levels as an example, it attracted 1300 clicks and 200 replies in just one hour.

The number of reservations on Asama's mobile phone is already more than the whole day yesterday.

[Teacher Shisui Asama] from the Love Counseling Department has officially come to the stage.

Baudrillard's "Consumer Society" has a theory that what you consume is what you are.

Asama did not expect that he would further promote the erosion of consumerism on Yinghe students.

According to feedback from Sakaue Satoru, Oshima Ichiro, Yasaka Rijujuro and others, those couples who know how to spend a lot of money to seek love counseling from him have also become closer.

This is like the advertising slogan "If you love her, give her roses, diamonds, and Tiffany."Consulting with Shizumi Asama, the [Eiwa Poison Master + Miser], it was as if their love was gilded.

Take the initiative to let the love counseling department officially come to the forefront.

Before sending Futami to the Chinese restaurant, she worked the evening shift from 6:8 to [-]:[-] during the sports festival.

After saying goodbye to Futami, Asama took Pochi to the convenience store where he had remitted money to remit money to his hometown.

1000 million and "Sign a 7-year prostitution contract" messages were sent.

Convenience store transfers are real-time transfers that charge a handling fee. After the transfer operation is completed, the payee will receive the transfer money immediately.

So within 2 minutes, my dad called again.

"Why did you send so much money back at once? Tell me honestly, are you here?"

"No, dad, if you have the patience to read the remittance notes, you will understand. I just sent it to you on LINE."

"you boy"

"There was silence on the other end of the phone for about three minutes."

"So that's it. Sure enough, knowledge is wealth. However, it is not easy to make money after all. We will save all the money for you. You are alone in Tokyo, don't be miserable. If you need it, ask us for it, but don't Spend a lot of money.”

"Dad, this is for you. Spend it if you can. I don't only earn this amount of money in my life."

"Okay. By the way, your school is holding a sports festival these days! Your mother and I have watched your video."


"You kid, aren't you even good at killing a chicken at home? When did you become so capable?"

"Just because you don't kill the chicken doesn't mean you can't kill it, Dad."

Mom's voice suddenly came from the other end,
"Don't do dangerous things, little Jingshui."

"Okay mom. You and dad should take good care of yourselves too."

"Have you finished eating the vegetables back home? If not, I will send you another 20 kilograms."

"That's enough, Mom, I forgot to tell you, don't grind shells and fish bones as fertilizer in the future."

I chatted with my family for half an hour before hanging up the phone.

Pochi just looked at Asama quietly, watching him communicate with his family, his eyes were like water.

Asama looked at the blond girl at this moment, with an expression completely different from that of the idiot Poch.

"Sorry for the long wait. I must be hungry. Let's buy some food and go back."

"My family is so nice."


Asama recalled Komaba's report at that time.

Izumo Katya's departure was automatically ignored by the Sangumo team, and they didn't even call the police.

She was given up by her father.

"Porky, do you want to go home and see your dad?"

Asama asked the blonde girl.

 Thanks to boss [ptfg] for the reward.

  thanks for your support.I've been busy again recently, and I'm a little rushed. I'll change it later.

(End of this chapter)

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