Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 157 154 Yinghe Sports Festival and Water Challenge

Chapter 157 154. Yinghe Sports Festival and Water Challenge

The [Water Dash Pass] project is about to begin.

Originally, this kind of project would be more suitable to be set up on the swimming pool.But because there was still a swimming competition to be completed, the venue could only be arranged by the lake in the northeast corner of the school.

As for why there was a swimming competition on the first day of the competition, why was there another one in the afternoon of the third day?It can only be said that there are too many swimming competitions. As most people know, the most likely individual to win the most gold medals at each Olympic Games is a swimmer.If a track and field competition tells you that you can win another gold medal by changing your running posture over the same distance, Asama believes that all track and field athletes will be crazy happy.

Shisui Asama and Chiyo Konoe were standing at the waiting area by the lake, two arm's length apart.

News from the Ministry of Information has been published, and all news about Asama Shizui is not on the page.It seems that the lawyer Takishima found at Nijo's house came in handy.Although Asama doesn't like litigators, they are more effective than the mafia or the police in resolving disputes.

"Asama-san, did you have fun yesterday?"

Konoe's words reached Asama's ears along the lake breeze.

"Miss Konoe, I don't understand what you are talking about. If you are talking about the sports festival, I will tell you that you were very happy even the day before yesterday. You gave me so many toys."

"Haha, enjoy it. Yinghe has as many toys as he wants, right?"

Konoe looked at Masumi Ichijo in the distance with malicious eyes.

Masumi Ichijo was accepting Yasaka Seiichiro's apology not far away.

Both of them looked unhappy. Masumi Ichijo was the female representative of their K-class water challenge, and Yasaka was the male representative of K-class.

It seems that Komaba has already taken action.

At this time, Yasaka Seiichiro turned his head and looked in the direction of Asama and Konoe, showing an expression as if he had seen a ghost, then smiled quickly, and nodded to the two of them from a distance.

It was impossible for Yasaka to show such an expression to Konoe Chiyo.Then this damn expression must be for Asama.

Could it be that Gouzi Komaba betrayed himself?How could he possibly know that the untouchable big shot threatening him to stay away from Ichijou was me?
Asama nodded politely towards Yasaka, wondering in his heart.

Ichijo Masumi and Yasaka Rijuro probably didn’t know that they had dirty information about Yasaka Seiichiro. What exactly was the problem?
Two days ago, Asama originally wanted to expose Yasaka Seiichiro, but after deciding to deal with the Ministry of Information on his own yesterday, Asama did not want to make the dirty information in his hands public.Justice partners sometimes calculate how to punish evil and promote good to the greatest extent.Those who are threatened are not all innocent victims.Let your son Komaba take care of these Liangshan heroes.When necessary, it may be better to let these Liangshan heroes and "Fang La people" fight dog to dog.

Konoe ignored Yasaka Seiichiro.

She felt that the second son of a small nobleman who liked to get close to others and hit snakes with sticks was a bit despicable.

Eiwa's Ice Queen withdrew his attention from [Joker's new toy] Ichijo, looked at Asama with his peripheral vision again, and said to the lake in front of him,

"The mission mentioned before is still valid. You get a [toy from the Ichijo family], and I get an extra card against my father. What do you think of this win-win situation?"

"not so good."

Konoe chuckled coldly,
"It doesn't matter. It's boring to humiliate the Ichijo family all the time. By the way, [Eiwa Playful Ninja], are you satisfied with your new nicknames?"

"Except for the [Estrus Acrobatic Monkey] who was newly added to the forum, everything else is good. I think if these posts in the forum are not deleted today, I will let the person who planned this scandal have a good experience and encounter [Estrus Acrobatic Monkey] monkey] consequences.”

Asama fantasized about activating [White Eyes and Opening], and quickly scanned various parts of Konoe's body. Where would it be better to cut?

Konoe frowned for a moment and stopped talking to Asama.

Originally, he wanted to add, "Where's your answer?", but seeing Konoe showing timidity, Asama didn't bother to pay attention to Konoe anymore.

Very good, it was confirmed that the "nuclear deterrent" in Tokyo Bay that night was still in effect.

Asama, who does not have the 6666 skill, once again achieved the bluffing achievement at the cost of acting as a pervert.

Moving his gaze to the front, the breeze rippled the lake. Perhaps Ichijo Masumi was more moved by the heart-shaped lake in front of him.

The prototype of the character whose pseudonym is "Sanshirō", in the novel, where she first met Mineko, was by the heart-shaped lake on the Bunkyo Campus of the University of Tokyo - "Sanshirō Pond".

The "Heiwa Pond" in the northeast corner of the Eiwa campus is a heart-shaped pond based on the design of the heart-shaped lake garden of the Edo Period Yutoku Garden, the predecessor of Tokyo University's "Sanshiro Pond".

Because the area is twice the area of ​​"Sanshirō Pond", Asama felt that "Rokuhachiro Pond" might be more suitable for it than the name Heiwa Pond.But looking at it from another perspective, the "Sanshirō Pond" at the University of Tokyo is 100 times more famous than the "Heiwa Pond" in Eiwa. In this way, the "[-] Pond" sounds good.

The peace sought by the "Peace Pool" has indeed been realized.It is so lonely and nameless, with no poets playing pole poles here, and no literary figures committing suicide by drowning themselves in the pond. Naturally, not many people pay homage to it. The "Peace Pool" is peaceful enough most of the time.At this point, Peking University's "Weiming Lake" is not worthy of its name. Only the word "lake" should be engraved on the stone tablet to be truly unnamed.It's like the name on the ID card is [Mei's name], but in fact there is still a name.

This heart-shaped lake is not peaceful every day at noon or evening.

Yoshihiko Arima once rescued girls here and fell in love with them; Haruki Amazaki read the manuscript here yesterday and successfully appeased his girlfriend; and Masumi Ichijo was confessed here at least 10 times.This lake has indeed become a magical place similar to the legendary tree in "Heartbeat Memories". In the week before graduation, you may see three pairs of men and women confessing their love.

Because of the construction of equipment on the lake, the koi in the water hid in the corner of the rockery waterfall further away.

Standing by the Heiwa Pond, looking at the staff rowing boats on the lake, and the level settings in his memory that were similar to those of a TV station's "Boys and Girls Go Forward" program, Asama thought about whether he needed to buy a plane ticket. Go back to China and pick up some refrigerators before returning to Tokyo.

If the cost of this kind of thing is considered, it is naturally not worth the loss, but the memories are priceless.Even if it is a parallel world line, Asama still has the urge to revisit his old place there.Anyway, with the money given by Konoe's family, traveling abroad this summer vacation is not considered extravagant and wasteful, right?

The water sprint competition will be held as scheduled at 2:[-] p.m.

The men's group competed first, with Asama ranked first. First-year Class A suffered a great disadvantage in this kind of competition based on the order of entry.

Tetsuya Takishima, who narrowed his eyes the day after tomorrow, represented Class B and ranked second.

The two of them observed 6 different levels together and listened to the referee introducing the competition levels and rules of this [Water Dash].

The first level is three sets of large pedals tilted at a 3-degree angle. The distance between the left and right pedals is about 45 meters.
The second level is two rolling balance beams plus two large bouncy balls, which mainly tests balance and coordination.

The women's group and the men's group share the first two levels, but on the third level, the difficulty of the women's group is significantly lower.

Most of the levels can be prototyped on level-breaking programs like "Ninja Warrior".

Interestingly, "Ninja Warrior" is obviously a variety show invented in Japan, but it has really flourished in the United States. It is purely an export of Japanese culture.However, Japan’s truly national quintessence variety show game, “Blowing Cockroaches with an Air Tube,” is not accepted by many countries. After all, the loser may swallow the cockroaches.

Asama felt that the next four levels of the men's group were at least the G2 to G3 difficulty tracks of "Ninja Warrior"——

The third level is two horizontal swing boards that are constantly swinging in the sky. There are 6 protruding handles about 60cm apart in the middle of each swing. This level tests arm strength and core strength.

The fourth level is two big pendulums. There are also several protruding handles between the big pendulums. However, this level requires players to use two red rings to cover the handles and move to the opposite side of the level little by little. The same is true for Grip strength, arm strength, and core strength are very demanding.

The fifth level is even more outrageous. There are four large hanging boards. Competitors need to use their fingers and soles like rock climbers to attach to the vertical hanging boards, and use one-handed pull-ups to transfer the body to a higher hanging board. On the top, although the fourth hanging board is covered with mushroom-shaped rock points that can be grasped, the entire hanging board has an inclination of 20 degrees, which is nearly parallel to the lake below, which means that players need to climb over it upside down or hang on The body swings over.

The sixth level is relatively simple. It is a large rotating disk. It not only has counterclockwise rotating levers, but also has several real large pendulums. But for Asama, a master of balance, as long as he is not blocked by obstacles, Hit, this level is almost not difficult.

Takishima patted Asama's shoulder and said with a smile,
"Teacher, you can't avoid it now."

"Didn't I beat you once on horseback yesterday? Why are you still here?"

"That doesn't count~ It was a knight versus a horse, not a fair one-on-one. Sa, let me see the true strength of the great teacher in this duel."

".There is only truth, no strength. You will know when you look at it later."

Takishima kept his eyes narrowed and showed Asama a youthful smile with 16 teeth. "Haha, you are so humble, Teacher. You are worthy of being my opponent. However, since you are here to enjoy life in high school, it is better to be more youthful~ The medal of youth is inseparable from blood, Teacher, please don't let it go."

Why did you start playing Metkai again? You don’t really know how to escape the eight gates, right?
"Will not."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you really release the water. When I find you release the water, you have to tell me truthfully how much strength you used. Only by comparing it can you determine the outcome."

"Takishima, if I said that I want to win the championship in this game, would you let me go?"

"You mean, do you want to win the championship as a normal person?"

How do you do reading comprehension?

"It's okay. Teacher, can you give me some numbers? Your normal state is probably a fraction of your full strength state?"

"Do you think this can be estimated?"

"Haha, is the great teacher testing my words? Let me tell the truth. I only achieved this kind of control this year. It is precisely because there must be a gap between me and the great teacher that I want to test my limits. So. , Great Teacher, I will be ready to play as much as you are ready to play.”

Since you are so determined to fight, at least open your eyes and show it.

After thinking about himself naked in the fish-man karate state in the sea off Tokyo, Asama replied,

"One percent."


Standing at the starting point of the track, Asama looked at the temporary auditorium set up by the lake to the south.

The second time I saw the Great Mingshen, Immortal River, and Pochi, they were waving to me.

Asama also saw Arima, Gokyoin and others, as well as the waving Mugen Society flag.

Isn’t there a champion interview after winning the championship?Say what needs to be said clearly.

After snapping his fingers 10 times, the referee fired the starting gun and the timer at the finish line started counting.

Asama passed the first level with seven light jumps, as if he was walking on tiny steps.

Open your arms, walk across the rolling log as if walking on flat ground, jump on the pinball, land on the rolling log again, run to the other end of the rolling log, jump on the pinball again, and land on the transition platform with a forward roll.

We arrived at the third level in just over 10 seconds.

With a physical strength of 7, Asama's strength is actually about the same as that of an ordinary athlete, but it is still far behind the amazing finger strength and grip strength of a rock climber.

Asama jumped up and hung on the protruding handle of the swing board. His whole body swayed with the swing board.Asama did not reach out to the front handle with his other hand. Instead, under the surprised gazes of everyone, he used the inertia of jumping to use the one-handed giant loop movement of a gymnast on the horizontal bar event, and jumped from between the two handles. , turned over onto the swing board.

Balance is more stable than arm strength. Asama walked to the other end of the swing board and grabbed the rope. When the other swing board came closer, like Tarzan, he grabbed the rope at one end of the second swing board and landed smoothly. on the board.

When Asama successfully jumped from the second swing board to the transition platform before the fourth level, he stopped.

A third-year player protested, and the referee told Asama that the pass was valid, but then he had to use the two ring props provided by the competition to pass the big pendulum in the fourth level.If he climbs directly to the top of the pendulum and skips the level again, Asama's competition results will be cancelled.

Asama squeezed the muscles of both arms, feeling that the previous steps did not consume much muscle strength, so he took off and took a pull ring in each hand, and hung the back pull ring on the protruding handle in front.After alternating several times, Asama felt the soreness and fatigue of his upper limbs, so he tightened his abdomen once, hooked his feet on the handle, and hung upside down like a bat. He let his arms rest for a while before moving forward again.

It took Asama nearly 20 seconds to pass the fourth level, which was less than 30 meters away in a straight line. However, his current total time was just over 66 seconds, and there were only two levels left.

In my ears I could hear the exaggerated cheers from Infinite Society, and the slogan of [Big Teacher] resounded through the sky.

Now it's great, everyone knows this shameful name.

But this is also part of Asama's plan.

"Ah Shui!!! Come on~~~~"

Pochi's loud voice came over, but Asama didn't respond, but jumped up three times in a row.

[Phase Rush] starts!
[Displacement Magic] starts!
The referee and the audience once again saw Asama grab the side of the hanging board and leap forward, like a monkey, swooping past the first three hanging boards, and then using Taishan's posture of stretching out his arms to grab the hanging rope, he grabbed the rock point of the hanging board, With only two exchanges of left and right arms, the 20-degree tilt board, which most people regard as the most difficult point, was skipped.

But Asama did not rest for a moment, but went directly to the big turntable in the sixth level, started running, rolled to avoid the barrier, jumped, brushed the large pendulum hitting horizontally, reached the end point, and clicked the button.

Everything flows smoothly.

77 seconds.

After the audience fell silent, there was another wave of cheers.

Pochi jumped wildly with Futami in his arms.

Immortal River was also stunned.


"I've seen the record of this track, and the fastest time is 90 seconds."

"Is this a high school student from Yinghe Academy?"

"Mom! I want to go to Ito! I want to learn ninjutsu!!!"

The next game in the men's group suddenly became a comedy show.Some people slipped and fell on the first level, some were thrown into the water after the pinball bounced off the rolling log, some people got their pants caught on the barrier and exposed their underwear and fell into the water at the last level, and some people imitated Asama and climbed up the swing and slipped. to broken egg
Every losing contestant will receive thunderous applause of encouragement.

The passing rate of the third graders was 40%, far higher than that of the first and second graders, and they won the runner-up and third place.All I can say is that he is worthy of being a third grader of muscular men per capita.

As for Takishima, it took him 3 minutes to pass. He was not sure whether he used 1.8% of his strength. After all, even with all his strength, he could not flash to the finish line in 0.77 seconds.Of course, it can't be calculated like this. No matter how strong the teacher is, he can't fly to the finish line in [-] seconds, right?

There was no doubt that Asama won the championship on the water.

When the reporter handed the microphone to Asama, he only said this:

"Love? Haha, I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are aliens, people from the future, visitors from other worlds or people with super powers among you, please come to me. Over."

By the peaceful pool, the silence is deafening.

 I finally caught up with the manuscript, so I’ll revise it later.Bosses, go to bed early

  Because the update is not good enough, [shouting in a moment] The boss has started to re-read this book. It's a bit stressful. I welcome the boss's corrections.

  Asama's values ​​fluctuate in this book, and I don't know whether he will be finalized in the end.In fact, I think of words like maturity and formation as PTSD.

(End of this chapter)

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