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Chapter 493 Hollywood Accounting Methods

After talking to Daddario on the phone, we talked about the movie.

Suri then remembered to check to see what movies would be released during Christmas this year.

In his opinion.

If it encounters a Marvel superhero movie, it is likely to have an impact on the box office of "Inception". If it cannot be released before Thanksgiving, it is actually no problem. It is equivalent to winning the three prime time slots of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day at the same time.

The movie "Little Wish" was released at a good time, just in time for the summer, and attracted a large number of young people to buy tickets.

This "Little Wish" has been offline and ultimately earned a global box office of US$2 million, including more than US$3700 million contributed by the mainland.

This figure was enough to satisfy him, after all, the total investment was only US$2500 million.

Coupled with income from digital version licensing, physical DVD rentals, product placement, etc., it is expected to bring a total net profit of approximately more than 1 million US dollars to Daju Film Company, and there will be some additional income in the future.

Of course.

Like other film and television companies in Hollywood, Suri has also hired a top third-party accounting team. This profit will be smoothed out in the form of investment. At least there will be no mistakes on the corporate tax return to avoid paying high amounts. of taxes.

For example, expenses such as opening ceremonies, wrapping parties, and premieres are all considered reasonable business expenses. Even if the federal tax bureau comes to visit, they can't find fault.


Currently, the most popular way to avoid taxes in Hollywood is to record a loss on your books. No matter how hard the people from the federal tax office press you, they will tell you that you didn’t make a penny, so of course you don’t have to pay taxes.

The box office dividends that many actors should have received were naturally stolen by these film and television companies, saving a lot of expenses.

Ever since Su Rui got involved in this field, I have learned that professional accountants have even invented a reasonable tax avoidance method called "Hollywood-style accounting", which takes legal loopholes to the extreme.

Even popular movies that clearly make hundreds of millions of dollars can turn into money-losers. For example, "Project Atlantis", which was a hit all over the world, needed to get as much as 16 billion according to the calculation method of the investors. The global box office in US dollars can barely break even.

This is still the case when "Project Atlantis" attracts too much attention. If you have to say that it is losing money, no one will believe it, which will easily attract widespread attention from the outside world and lead to more serious troubles.

Hollywood movie projects that claim to be losing money may not necessarily actually be losing money. Otherwise, why would the major film and television giants be tirelessly launching new projects?

In fact, even if some projects really lose money at the box office, they can slowly recover their capital through other peripheral income.

Suri's Daju Film Company used the project as collateral and borrowed a lot of money from the bank. This meant that even if profits were generated, they would have to be used to pay off debts first. The profits on the books would always be negative.

Overseas box office revenue is retained overseas. According to U.S. tax laws, this part of the profit is not subject to tax for the time being.

From this aspect, we can see how serious the problem is in the United States being controlled by major oligarchs.

For example, by setting up a charitable trust fund, you can avoid huge inheritance and gift taxes, or you don't have to pay taxes if your overseas profits are not brought back to the United States. Everyone knows about many loopholes, but there is no way to try to modify them. .

The scale of the power and money involved behind it is too staggering. No matter who dares to touch it, there will be no good end... After using his laptop to search for the keywords of this year's Christmas movies, Su Rui discovered that "Inception" "It is actually the work with the largest investment scale.

In many articles, he and "Inception" were also mentioned.

To be clear, there are many movies that have been released earlier or later in order to avoid the glare of Suri and "Inception."

Even though Daju Film Company has just been founded and is still considered a "little newcomer" in the industry, Suri's first commercial blockbuster is directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo Di Caprio's box office appeal.

Anyone with a keen sense of smell would not gamble tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars on the possibility that they will fail this time.

The main reason why many film and television media giants are wary of Suri is that he has never failed since he entered the industry.

"Inception" has not yet been released, but judging from some rumors from the outside world, neither insiders nor viewers think that this movie will fail, especially young people who are most willing to spend money on movies. There is great expectation for it.

Finding that there was no problem with the release time, the quality of the film was similar to the original film, and it told a wonderful story without any peeing throughout, Suri immediately stopped worrying and took the time to study the project schedule of Daju Film Company for next year.

Four movies such as "Interstellar", "The Martian", "The Wandering Earth" and "Passengers" are all science fiction themes and can be shot at staggered times to avoid taking up too much cash flow.

Suri is not too worried about aesthetic fatigue. Unlike other Hollywood commercial movies that have been streamlined, these science fiction movies each have their own charms and the stories are full of characteristics.

As for "The Expendables" that is already being filmed, there is also "The Ex", which will be starred by him, which can be released during the summer next year. In addition, there are also "Lucky Key",

Several movies, including "The Hunger Games", "The Secret of the Dragon" and "Superbody", should also be released next year.

The "Bad Thief" movie is a little more troublesome, as it will be difficult to complete within two years.

Judging from the investment budget and number of projects alone, it is not much worse than giants such as Universal Pictures and Warner Bros. If nothing else happens, I believe it will bring Suri's influence in Hollywood to a new level.

After spending more than two hours in a street cafe, Suri sorted out the movie projects at hand, and then took Jiang Jiaya to rent a surfboard and go surfing on Waikiki Beach.

During the break, he said to Jiang Jiaya:

"Occasionally encountering waves of three or four meters is already scary in my opinion. The stand-in in the movie "Bad Thief" needs to go to Nazaré Beach in Portugal to conquer the huge waves of more than 20 meters high, which is equivalent to seven meters. It's as high as an eight-story building, and these guys are desperate for excitement."

Jiang Jiaya replied:

"But it's cool. When I was a kid, I also thought about skydiving and climbing the highest mountain in the world. Unfortunately, the older I get, the less courageous I become. I don't even dare to do bungee jumping or the big pendulum in the amusement park. "

Suri smiled and said:

"I'm more worried that I will die without spending all the money. If I worry too much, I won't dare to take risks. However, when I get old, if a moon base is built, I won't mind going to space for a tour." (End of this chapter.) )

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