Start with hooves

Chapter 492 Riding a dog to the battlefield

The reason why I chose to audition "Star Sky" in a tavern is because the lyrics and music of this song have already been written.

And when the band they collaborate with takes the time to rehearse the soundtrack, they can start recording the single, which is just in time to produce a reality show.

The original version of "Star Sky" was sung by a female singer. Her voice sounded more ethereal, and the treble part was particularly high, which was not suitable for Suri.

After re-arranging the music and lyrics, the changes in the melody are relatively small, and it has a more exciting and exciting feeling.

After all, after being in the music industry for so many years, Suri had already had a premonition in advance.

When the content of the recorded songs is played through "Suri Show", it may become your own "super live", just like Michael Jackson's 1992 Bucharest concert and Queen's 1986 Budapest concert.

Although Suri has successfully held two large-scale concerts, they are still not classic enough and lack some accumulation of years.

For him, this song "Star Sky" is like Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" and Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On". It has the opportunity to leave a mark in the history of modern pop music. .

said with no exaggeration.

After getting inspiration from Suri and successfully producing this song, even the creative team was shocked and said, "After listening to it, I felt like I wanted to ride my dog ​​into the battlefield."

The pop music released in the past two years is good, but this song allows Suri to surpass herself again and reach a new level.

I haven't found a suitable opportunity recently to release this new song.

It would be great to use reality shows, such as holding an "online concert" with millions of viewers, whether from the perspective of marketing itself or from the perspective of releasing digital and physical albums, Suri can Get maximum benefits.

Day two back on Lanai.

Suri took the film crew to visit the "meditation garden" that has been built for some time. It is actually a cliff on the seaside.

After the renovation, there are large flat lawns and gardens, surrounded by many sculptures with themes from Western myths and legends, including Athena, the god of war, Apollo, the sun god, Prometheus, the fire thief, and so on.

In order to make this scenic spot for tourists to relax and rest more beautiful, some black pine, jacaranda, maple and other trees were purchased at a high price.

Jiang Jiaya continued to guest host, probably still holding a grudge, but suddenly acted up during the filming and asked:

"Many people think that as a Chinese, you should know kung fu. I remember you learned it when you were in junior high school. Do you still remember it now?"

Suri did practice, but it had nothing to do with keeping fit or fighting.

This is purely because American schools attach great importance to extracurricular education. If you don't take enough credits, it will be difficult to get straight A's.

Compared with some extracurricular practical activities or elective courses that require group training, only martial arts classes interest him slightly.

Among the students in the class at that time, only Su Rui got an A+ in the final Bajiquan assessment. This was mainly because other alumni were weak in boxing, while he was more disciplined and showy.

Many years have passed, but Su Rui still remembers the formula taught by the physical education teacher and said:

"It should be a little bit better. In fact, not all Chinese know Kung Fu. Bruce Lee is just an exception."

After a disagreement, Su Rui took off his coat, and his body muscles were pretty good.

He wants people to praise him for being handsome and rich, not just for being rich, but for being a star anyway. Body management is a basic courtesy to fans, not to mention that American girls are particularly concerned about this aspect.

When the cameraman was ready, he performed a short live performance, showing off a few fancy tricks, and then he stopped and returned it to the physical education teacher.

Bruce Lee has left a deep-rooted impression in the hearts of Americans. If a white person or a black person performs martial arts, it will look nondescript, but Suri made director Gregg say it was magical with just a few moves. Of course Jiang Jiaya knew what he was and when she handed him the short sleeves, she asked, "You're so handsome. If you fight boxing champion Tyson, who do you think will win?"

Who could have guessed that she didn't hold her fart in well and deliberately took advantage of the recording of the show to tease herself? Suri looked speechless and replied:

"Do you need to ask? If he punched me, he would cry and beg me not to die."


Jiang Jiaya didn't dare to push the envelope further. After all, the filming was only for a short period of time, but she would have to work with Suri for a long time.

The style of painting became normal again. After visiting the Meditation Garden and Lanai Ridge Mansion respectively, Suri took a boat to Honolulu, the state capital, to visit his elders. By the way, he talked with his parents about the details of packaging and selling Green Turtle Supermarket.

Amazon is only willing to pay up to US$9200 million at most. It is estimated that they are the only company that will be interested in the Green Turtle shopping platform.

Too lazy to dwell on it, Su Rui's father has already agreed to the deal and plans to invest the funds in Dongjing Mall when the money arrives.

This was Suri's suggestion.

Suri has decided to increase investment in China again through Dongjing Mall, and will delve deeper into the fields of Internet finance, group buying, takeout, and taxi-hailing in the future.

The founder, Liu Dong, was responsible for rushing to the front, while he quietly made a fortune so as not to continue to make some people in the United States jealous.

Early October.

Hawaii has entered the off-season for tourism, and there are not many people in sight on Waikiki Beach.

Just after scraping together enough material for an episode of reality show, Suri received a call from Daddario. She told:

"Hey, what are you doing? You would never have imagined that who just came to me, the great director Mr. Spielberg, and wanted to invite me to join the crew of "Jurassic World". This is the director of "Jurassic Park" sequel."

Suri was a little surprised and asked via mobile phone: "If I remember correctly, the copyright of "Jurassic Park" should still be in the hands of Universal Pictures? It's not like they don't know the relationship between you and me, how could it suddenly happen? Invite you to be the heroine?"

Daddario replied: "I don't know for sure, but there is one crazy suitor of mine who seems to be the son of a certain Universal Pictures executive. He has given me gifts many times."

Hear the words.

Suri rolled her eyes in anger, and then said: "I am walking on Waikiki Beach. I am just the heroine of a big-budget commercial movie. I have a bunch of projects in my hand for you to choose from. Don't pay attention to that lunatic."

Daddario said with a smile:

"I wasn't ready to agree, I just thought it was strange, so I came to ask you. Listening to the name "Jurassic World", I can probably guess the plot. It was nothing more than an accident during the visit. A group of people were arrested. Dinosaur chasing, special effects movies require acting in the air, which is much more tiring than shooting other movies."

Suri is very relieved about Daddario. If he gets angry when he meets a love rival, then he doesn't have to do anything else all year round and has no chance to rest from morning to night. After all, there are too many fans who like Daddario.

He went on to add:

"If you really meet the right opportunity, I will not restrict your development, but "Inception" will be released soon. By then, you will have the opportunity to become a first-line actress, and at least the salary will not be lower than that of a first-line actress. There’s no need to rush yet.”

Daddario said:

"I'm not in a hurry, but Drew Barrymore, the lead actress originally scheduled, seems to have a grudge against me and is still talking bad about me."

"...That woman is a bit weird, don't pay attention to her."

...(End of chapter)

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