Netizens laughed at first.

"What? The official blog is actually used to post job advertisements? Is it so low?!"

"Is it because Zhongxing can't recruit people? One thing to say is that the operation of the drug test is crazy! But from the side, it also shows that Zhongxing's management is strict. Listen to my brother's advice, there is no benefit in joining such a strict company! "

"My company is very strict. I have to clock in and report on all the big things, have meetings from time to time, and do stupid team building on weekends. Really... I don't want to go to this class for a day..."

Every large company has its own human resources department, and HR is responsible for managing personnel turnover.

The company's official blog is almost always used to publish or forward larger events.

Zhongxing's Weibo suddenly posted a recruitment advertisement? !
what's the situation?
After the drug test, it’s true that many stars have left!But I am reduced to using my official blog to post job advertisements...

Emmm, it can’t be that even the HR department has left, right?
Netizens clicked on the recruitment advertisement with the attitude of watching a good show.

The next second, the comments grew like crazy with an overwhelming momentum.

"Wait a minute! Did I read it wrong? Clerk 1? Artist assistant 2? Planner 3?!!! Wait! Let me slow down!!! I understand the truth, but are you serious about your 6K monthly salary as a cleaner? "

"I don't understand the prices of other positions, but I understand cleaning! This is what my mother does, and 3000 yuan a month is pretty good! The stars have doubled!?! Wow, there is magic Are you a friend from Dudu? Is this your normal salary level there?"

"No! The average clerk here is only 6K. I have never heard of tens of thousands! It's not the kind of senior clerk and secretarial! And the recruitment advertisement says...basic salary?!!! Oh my God?! The basic salary is [-]? Is it true? I want to apply for the job!"

"Looking at the recruitment content, the positions that Zhongxing is lacking are not particularly high-end and complex technical workers! Why are there so many ordinary positions? Is there a trick?"

"Damn it! Shut up upstairs! I am willing to accept the trick! The salary is so good! And each position is written as a basic salary, and performance and attendance subsidies are calculated separately!!! Doesn't that mean the actual salary is higher!"

"Is there any Zhongxing staff member who can tell me whether this is true or not? I'm almost dumbfounded by this recruitment advertisement! They won't trick me into it and then 996 every week to squeeze my life out, right? Some companies The remuneration is very high, and you have to meet various targets before you get paid, with deductions of seven and eight... don’t get even half of it when the time comes!"

I originally thought that the comments were posted very quickly and that people might not be able to finish this question.

Who would have thought that many Zhongxing staff members ran under it and replied.

"It's true~"

"It's indeed true~"

"The benefits are very good~ Our salary has increased geometrically after changing bosses!"

"There will definitely be overtime work! But overtime work will be compensated with three times the salary~ And during holidays, the company will give double the compensation in addition to the legal three times the salary~"

We have just celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Those who had work arrangements during the Mid-Autumn Festival almost fainted from shock when they received their pay slips!

In order to suppress employees' wages, many companies, especially those in positions that require shift work, will explain from the day they join the company that there are no holidays and wages will be paid according to shift requirements.

The same is true for many field positions in Zhongxing.

Migrant workers are even accustomed to various unequal regulations due to day-to-day exploitation.

This time!
Anyone who works during the holidays will receive a reward of three times the holiday salary + twice the company subsidy.

When netizens saw the reply, they immediately exploded like cold dishes on a hot pot.

"What?! Triple the pay during holidays? The stars also double the subsidy?!"

"No, you Zhongxing employees are hiding such good food and not saying anything?! If it weren't for the recruitment advertisement posted on the official blog, I would have thought that you were living a life of bitterness and hatred!"

Some employees said online: "It's really hard, because when someone leaves, his work is divided among us. However, the boss doesn't say much and just cashes in the work tasks. You can get as much as you can! It's hard not to Work hard!" "I don't work hard enough. My basic salary is 4K, and I only got 2W2 last month. There is a sister in the same department who got almost 6 yuan! I really want to live in the company, except for food and drinks. Shui Quan was handling the work. Later, Director Tang was alerted by her excessive efforts, and he quickly came over to advise her to take a rest and go to the hospital if she fell ill. Isn’t it a waste of money?"

"Hahaha, I know this, it's Miss Li from the logistics department, right? She's super hardworking! The key is that after Director Tang persuaded her, she still thought, what if she went to the hospital when she was sick? How many opportunities to make money can she have in life? ! You have to hurry up! But her colleague said, if you get sick and go to the hospital, won’t the time lost cause you to make more money? As soon as Miss Li heard this, she immediately went back to sleep. "

"Damn it! If I were in Zhongxing, I would definitely work harder than her! This is equivalent to putting a gold mountain in front of me. If I don't empty it, how can I sleep at my age?!"

This wave of benefits provided by Zhongxing is so great that almost no worker will be unsatisfied.

Many people are secretly preparing to resign and try the stars, but there are also many people who are taking a wait-and-see attitude.

On the Internet, an anti-counterfeit anchor of a certain fish live broadcast suddenly announced to the fan group: "Have you seen the recruitment advertisement of Zhongxing? It is too fake. I am going to test the water for everyone."

The fan base responded: "Brother Niu is mighty!"

"Brother Niu is domineering!"

"Zhongxing's advertisement is too fake! So many comments must be trolls!"

"Yes, there are really such good benefits. Everyone is going to work in Zhongxing. The supply of positions has long been in short supply. Do you still need to post recruitment on the official blog?"

Brother Niu took a deep breath: "Don't be afraid, brothers, I will try it this afternoon!"

He is a contract anchor of a certain fish, and he attracts fans with various anti-counterfeiting gimmicks.

From the groceries in the vegetable market to the materials used in the catering industry, hidden cameras were used every time to record and expose all these bad behaviors.

And never show his face!
He is an anti-counterfeiting anchor who is quite famous in a certain fish but whose details are unknown.

"Without further ado, I've already submitted my resume. HR just called me to schedule an interview at three in the afternoon. I'll give you the details when I finish the interview!"

Fans are OK!

In the afternoon, a clean and fresh boy wearing a hat and mask stood downstairs of Zhongxing's company.

Entering the first floor, there were very few people walking in the hall. The pretty lady at the front desk was busy answering phone calls one after another.

The boy pretended to lift his collar, but actually pointed the camera hidden in the button forward.

He knows it!

With so many people gone from the stars, how could the remaining people not be busy?
Seeing someone coming, the front desk said to the phone: "Sister Zhang, could you please wait for me for one minute?"

After speaking, he covered the microphone: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

This operation stunned the boy.

He often meets with the front desks of various companies. The bigger the company, the more temperamental the front desks will be.

When the other person is busy and sees that you are an inconspicuous person and has not finished what he is doing, he will not pay attention to you for a moment!

But now, the beautiful receptionist in front of me is actually willing to put down the phone and take care of herself first?
He cleared his throat: "Hello, I'm here to apply."

"Which position?"

"Anchor Assistant."

The front desk smiled sweetly: "You can go to the second elevator on the right, and I will help you swipe the elevator card directly. After reaching the fifth floor, go left and there is the third office~" (End of Chapter)

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