Chapter 400 Love Letters
The Phantom Thief Crow may appear at the school celebration, Bai Shui knows.

Knowing in advance did not mean that he and Kuroba Kaito would relax a little when Kaito Crow actually appeared. On the contrary, they tensed up completely and rushed to school as quickly as possible.

The school celebration ceremony was a scene of singing and dancing.

Students from each class were sitting in the corresponding seats in the class. Both men and women were staring at the stage attentively.

On the stage, Koizumi Anko rarely blocked the magic of love at first sight. She was wearing a corseted princess dress. She was half-kneeling on the stage to hug a doll giraffe, but she looked like a high-ranking queen carelessly teasing her pet.

Aoko Nakamori appears as the narrator, sitting behind a curtain on one side of the stage.

She whispered about Snow White's life in the forest, and about Snow White's encounter with the seven dwarfs.

As the narrator, Nakamori Aoko is undoubtedly excellent, with a soft and cheerful voice that perfectly fits the relaxed style of fairy tales.

Koizumi Anko's magic of love at first sight attracted all male audiences, and her beautiful appearance, Nakamori Aoko's narration and the relaxed and cheerful stage play attracted female audiences.

White water did not appear.

He put away his hang glider when he was some distance away from the school. He first observed several teaching buildings around the auditorium for a moment to confirm that the Phantom Thief Crow was not around, and then quietly sneaked into the auditorium.

So I met the Phantom Thief Crow.

The Phantom Thief Crow was sitting in the student seats of Class B of the second year. Like every student, he was looking at the stage with a smile.

Because many people went up to perform, the student seats of Class B were partially empty. One side of the Kaitou Crow was empty, and Nakamori Aoko's handbag was placed above it.

The seat behind Nakamori Aoko is a classmate with glasses.

The student with glasses looked at the stage with bright eyes and couldn't help but admire her. Her mouth shape was easy to distinguish, "So beautiful."

"Anko-san is so beautiful."

He looked at Kaitou Crow again, his eyes sparkling even more, "Qingzi's voice is so nice and gentle!"

She stretched out her fist and punched Phantom Thief Crow on the shoulder in a feigned way, "I'm really taking advantage of you, Kuroba-san!"

Yes, 'Kuroba-san'.

Phantom Thief Crow no longer wears the black uniform, the black hat on his head, and the monocle.

He was wearing an Ekoda High School uniform, his hair was a little fluffy, and there was nothing covering his face, revealing the sharp and handsome face of a young man.

——Kuroba Kaito’s face.

Baishui stopped at the side door of the auditorium.

He stared at Kuroba Kaito's face for a long time.

Until Kaitou Crow noticed his sight, he smiled and turned his head to look at him.

They looked at each other across the vast sea of ​​people celebrating the school anniversary, looking at each other intently.

Bai Shui: "..."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Suddenly, Phantom Thief Crow showed a smile.

Because against Kuroba Kaito's face, that smile looked extremely unbeatable.

He whispered something to his classmate with glasses, handed her a bunch of sticky notes, stood up as if going to the bathroom, turned around and walked away.

After walking a few steps, he blended directly into the low-lying people sitting and disappeared.

Bai Shui: "..."

"She is provoking," he slowly judged based on his smile, "It's still a provocation that doesn't deserve a beating."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Don’t think he didn’t hear that he was carrying some private goods!
But, "Phew,"

Seeing the most handsome and charming face in the world, and seeing the smile that was full of shame on the super handsome face, Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief, "Mom was just scaring us."

I’m not serious, I’m not trying to deal with Nakamori Aoko on the school anniversary.

Otherwise, he wouldn't appear as Kuroba Kaito.

Appearing in the form of Kuroba Kaito is equivalent to a playful wink, signaling: Don't be so angry, look, I'm not really dealing with Aoko.

She still had some scruples.

"But she left something behind," Kuroba Kaito added, "probably something that can be classified as a 'parent-child game'."

"We need to crack it as soon as possible."

It's a game, and there's a penalty for losing.

Bai Shui: "Yeah." He walked into the seat and took a seat where Phantom Thief Crow was sitting just now.

The student with glasses subconsciously raised his head and said, "Hey, you're back."

She handed the sticky note to Bai Shui, "Here, what you just asked me to keep,"

"Don't worry, you said it was a love letter to Qingzi, so I understood the importance and didn't even look at it, hahaha."

"By the way, you can change your wording. Things like 'in full view', 'focus', and 'no sense of existence' are too contradictory!"

Bai Shui took the sticky note and looked at his glasses classmate.

Glasses classmate: "..."

"Hahaha," she said with a forced smile like "It's over", "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help but glance at it!"

Love letter, this is a love letter!

...It's just a bad taste. After being baptized by Kuroba Kaito, Shiraisui has experienced hundreds of battles and is calm.

His expression remained unchanged, and he lowered his head to check the post-it note.

The description of the classmate with glasses is very good, and the excuse of the thief crow is also very good. The handwriting on the sticky note does look like the handwriting of someone who is thinking about it. Each sentence is half a sentence, and there is no connection in the middle.

It seems to be describing a place, but it is so contradictory that it makes people confused.

"It's printed," Bai Shui said. "The first note describes the place..."

He raised his eyes, "Behind the curtain of the stage."

Where can it be 'in full view' and 'focus' at the same time, but also have 'no sense of existence'?

At other times, it may be difficult to lock, but when there is a performance, it is easy to lock. With only the second keyword, you can lock the stage directly, and with the third keyword, you can lock the backstage and behind the curtain on the side of the stage. .

The first keyword can lock the latter.

And behind the curtain of the stage...

This is the current position of Nakamori Aoko.

Bai Shui looked up.

From the perspective of the audience, only Koizumi Aniko, who was shining brightly on the stage, and only a little bit of the curtains exposed on both sides could be seen. Other staff members and Nakamori Aoko could not be seen at all.

Similarly, sitting behind the curtain on the stage, Nakamori Aoko could barely see the audience. She could only see part of the stage and backstage sideways, holding a microphone and reading the script briskly.

Most of her attention was on the manuscript, and only part of her was alert, ready to respond immediately to any surprises.

When Nakamori Aoko read that the Evil Queen learned that Snow White was still alive, and out of resentment and jealousy, she disguised herself as an old woman and came to the door with an apple. She noticed that the light and shadow behind the curtain changed, which meant that someone was coming from behind. The backstage person walked behind the curtain and paused.

Just pause.

She immediately became fluent, and while reading the manuscript, she calmly looked back with her peripheral vision.

So I saw Baishui.

Aoko Nakamori: "!"

She had tried her best to restrain herself, but her tone was still a bit cheerful, "She came to Snow White's cabin."

Bai Shui didn't say hello. He walked a few steps silently, flicked his finger, and pulled out a white A card from his sleeve. It was only exposed for a second, and then he immediately swung it back into his sleeve.

This is the code.

In order to prevent Kaitou Crow from impersonating him, when meeting Nakamori Aoko, if it is Shiraizu, he will show the white A card, and if it is Kuroba Kaito, he will show the black A card.

Nakamori Aoko saw the white ace card and nodded vigorously while continuing to narrate.

Bai Shui made a few gestures to signal her to continue, while he looked around and began to look for clues.

On the stage in front, the actors who played Koizumi Anko and the Evil Queen were interacting and saying their lines.

The Evil Queen coaxed Snow White in a bewitching tone, "Lovely little girl, do you want to buy a red and fragrant apple?"

"Look, it's as red as your soft lips and adorable. Why don't you buy one and try it?"

"Eat quickly, eat quickly, eat this forbidden fruit, and you will be reborn."

Bai Shui found the clue.

There is a delicate mechanism box hidden at the level of Nakamori Aoko's calf. After the cracked mechanism is removed, inside the wooden box is an apple and a small wooden sign.

The apple is red and extremely attractive, like soft red lips.

A small string of words is engraved on the wooden sign: "Bone within bones, flesh within flesh." 】

(End of this chapter)

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