Chapter 399 Phone
Black Feather Pirate One: "..."

Is there any relationship between 'Kuroba Toichi's death' and 'Harry Genzu'?some.

Without turning his head, he could feel Nakamori Ginzo's gaze that was blank at first and then became sharp. He couldn't help but laugh and silently reflected, "I'm angry."

It's so unexpected that he actually got's strange.

"Mr. Harry," Nakamori Ginzo looked seriously at Kuroba Toichi, "Why are you laughing?"

His eyes were sharp, "What did Kaito Kidd mean by what he just said?!"

What Kaitou Kidd said could directly anger Nakamori Ginzo.

What's more appropriate is that Kaitou Kidd and Nakamori Ginzo are not complete enemies now. They are still teammates when dealing with Kaitou Crow and those mercenaries.

This feeling of being both friend and foe adds a bit of trust to Kaitou Kidd's words.

Even if Kuroba Thief explained calmly and patiently cleared Nakamori Ginzo's doubts, there would still be traces of doubt left in the police officer's heart.

This is really...

“Progress, but no progress.”

Black Feather Thief smiled and commented silently.

Progress means that the aggression has improved.

There is no progress, which means that he is still as easy to get angry as ever. As long as he pokes the point that Shirasui cares about, Kuroba Kaito will explode immediately.

In the same way, as long as he pokes the point that Kuroba Kaito cares about, the white water will explode immediately.

This is 'companion'.

To deal with them, you must deal with two people at once, find the points that they both care about, and target them.

Black Feather Thief clicked his watch and smiled, "Police Department, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be in a hurry, because I am also in a hurry."

Ah no.

"Please listen to my explanation."


The hang glider drew a white arc in the dark night.

Facing the sharp night wind, Shiraisu didn't speak, but analyzed Kuroba Kaito, "The gems in the exhibition hall are fakes."

Because, "The Phantom Thief Crow didn't come."

"One can be two or three," Kuroba Kaito complained faintly, but he was in a better mood, "He has to explain to the police department the death of Kuroba Toichi."

This should have been explained.

How could he be so callous and ruthless as to fake his own death without telling his friends?It's so callous and callous, and it should be explained.

He snorted a few times and said, "I will never fake my death."

He wouldn't even fake his own death without telling his friends.

Bai Shui: "..."

Thinking rationally, he knew that Kuroba Kaito was referring to: I won't hide it from you.

But thinking rationally, he had a little opinion, "You will not fake your death."

"You can't hold back."

If they are not in the same body, and Kuroba Kaito chooses to fake death, he will fake death for a day or two at most, and then he will not be left alone and use various methods to refresh his sense of existence, making people want to believe that he has passed away, but they can't convince themselves. .

Kuroba Kaito: "?"

He protested, "Hey, you're secretly calling me a dick again, don't think..."

The protest was interrupted by the sound of a cell phone ringing.Bai Shui ignored the protest and took out his cell phone to take a look. He found that it was a series of digital calls, so he simply covered the phone so that the other party could not hear Ye Feng's whirring, "Hello."

The call is connected.

There was a very lively sound coming from the opposite side. The caller seemed to be attending some kind of concert. The surroundings were filled with the low voices of human beings talking, breathing, body friction and collision, laughter and noises, and sounds coming from closer places. The sound of coming stage.

The sound on the stage is the voice of a young woman. She is singing a love song. Her voice is gentle and sweet, like a smart wind chime. Now it has come to an end and stopped melodiously.

Then, there was a round of applause from the audience.

There was thunderous applause and cheers from different places, and the voices sounded young.

The sounds were very chaotic, and together they formed a crowded scene like a lively concert. Just by listening to the sounds, you could guess that people were standing very close to each other and sweating profusely.

Bai Shui's brows wrinkled unconsciously, "Hello? You..."

In the middle of the question, a lightning-like premonition struck suddenly and flashed through Bai Shui's brain, causing his mind to spin rapidly.

He stopped abruptly.

This kind of sound is like a concert...

The 'concert' in the evening...

Where can I create a concert-like movement?
Where is it that the crowd gathered will be a group of young people, whether they are those singing on the stage, cheering in the audience, or laughing and playing near the phone, they are all young and immature voices?
...Ekota High School.

Ekoda High School is holding a school anniversary party.

Ekoda High School where Aoko Nakamori currently attends.

"Oh," the caller's voice finally rang on the other end of the phone. It was the magnetic voice of Phantom Thief Crow, "Did you react so quickly? You're really sharp."

"Be careful. Don't tremble at high altitudes. You may fall if you are not careful."

Bai Shui lowered his eyes and looked at the dimly distant ground. "Some people's judgments are amazing predictions, while others' judgments are ridiculously self-righteous."

He clutched his cell phone tightly and continued to fly toward Ekoda High School with his hang glider. His tone was calm, "Smug Ms. Crow, are you planning to attack a high school?"

"as predicted."

"A crow is a scavenger with no bottom line. You really know yourself well enough when you chose this code name."

The thrusters are on display, and the glider's speed increases.

On the other end of the phone, Phantom Thief Crow chuckled twice and accepted the compliment calmly, "Thank you for the compliment."

"You're anxious, Miss Kidd," she revealed this leisurely, "you're talking too much."

"To this day, I still remember how indifferent you were when you called me, and how you hung up the phone when you got impatient. But now you are saying a lot of offensive words."

"Don't worry, the Miss Zhongmori you are thinking about hasn't had sex yet..."

On the stage, the singer had already left the stage, and another voice amplified by the speakers sounded, which was the voice of the host.

The host said: "The next program is "Snow White" brought to you by students from Class B of the second year. Please enjoy it!"

The audience gave a polite round of applause.

Then came the voice of Aoko Nakamori. Her voice was relaxed, gentle, and slightly joyful. "In a distant country, there lived a king and a queen. They were very loving and wanted to have a child of their own. So I prayed to God devoutly,"

This is the opening line of Snow White.

Phantom Thief Crow didn't speak at the first moment.

"Oh, please forgive me for retracting what I haven't finished yet. I'm already on stage." She listened to the opening remarks and laughed. "Dear, did you hear that?"

"——You wish you could arrive quickly and offer a prayer of protection to the people you care about?"

(End of this chapter)

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