Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 244 Impersonating Lin Sisi

Chapter 246 Impersonating Lin Sisi

The agent decided to investigate the matter. He clicked on the link in the email and entered a seemingly professional charity website.

However, after careful inspection, he found that the donation information on this website did not point to a formal charity, but to some unknown accounts.

He also discovered that the website asked for a large amount of personal information, including credit card information.The agent immediately called the police, and the police intervened in the investigation.

After tracking, they finally locked the IP address of the imposter, but by then the criminal had destroyed all the fake websites and email accounts and fled.

The incident attracted widespread media attention, with outpourings of outrage and condemnation as the impersonators not only attempted to deceive fans but also attempted to steal their personal information.

Lin Sisi herself also issued a public statement, emphasizing that she has never participated in such activities, and called on fans to be wary of similar scams.

This incident made Lin Sisi and her team more vigilant, and they took more security measures to protect her reputation and the interests of fans to prevent similar impersonation incidents from happening again.

At the same time, the police continue to work hard to track the whereabouts of the imposters and bring them to justice.

Despite ongoing police efforts, the impersonators appear to be becoming more cunning and stealthy.They constantly change IP addresses and use anonymous servers to prevent being tracked.

This makes police investigations increasingly difficult.

Lin Sisi decided to personally participate in the investigation. Her supernatural abilities could help her track down the true identity of the imposter.

She began to investigate further, gathering clues and trying to find clues from fake emails and websites.

Not to be outdone, her team helped her analyze the data and look for anomalies.

As the investigation deepened, Lin Sisi discovered some key clues.

She found that the impostors had left traces on the fake sites, perhaps out of negligence or narcissism.

The clues include specific web phrases and programming code that appear to be personal to the impersonator.

Lin Sisi provided these clues to the police and assisted them in conducting in-depth investigations.

At the same time, she is also working with some cybersecurity experts to try to track the whereabouts of the imposter.

They continue to collect information in the hope of finding the true identity of the imposter.

In an intense tracking operation, police and cybersecurity experts finally located the impostor.

They discover the imposter's hideout, a hut hidden on the edge of the city.

Police launched a raid and successfully arrested the impersonator.

The imposter was escorted to the police station, where his true identity and the motive for his crimes were revealed.

It turns out that he is a former network security expert who was arrested on suspicion of hacking and lost his job and reputation.

He decided to take revenge on society and hoped to gain money and power by impersonating Lin Sisi.

The imposter was eventually sentenced and justice was served.Lin Sisi and her team felt a little relieved.

But they also realize that there are always risks online and they must remain vigilant.

At the same time, this incident also strengthened the connection between Lin Sisi and her fans, allowing them to unite more together to resist online fraud and malicious attacks.

In the police station's review room, the imposter sat on a hard chair with handcuffs fastened to the table.

His eyes flashed with mixed emotions, both fear and anger.The detective of the police station, an experienced middle-aged police officer, sat opposite, with a thick investigation file on the table.

He looked at the imposter and said in a serious and calm tone: "Do you know the crime you committed? This is a serious case of Internet fraud that may make you face a long term in prison."

The impostor gritted his teeth, his eyes still full of resentment.

He responded hoarsely: "I know, but you don't know what I've been through. I was once a top cybersecurity expert and everything was ruined."

The detective nodded and motioned for the imposter to continue.

The impersonator continued: "I have been accused of hacking and while I know I am innocent, the evidence is against me."

"I lost my job, my family, my reputation, everything fell apart. I felt betrayed by society, I needed revenge, I needed power and money."

The detective asked: "Then why did you choose to impersonate Lin Sisi? What is her relationship with your enemy?"

The impostor's lips trembled as he continued: "Lin Sisi is a superstar on the Internet, and her reputation and influence are huge. I think if I can impersonate her, I can gain unlimited power and money."

"I want the whole world to see her hypocrisy and make her pay the price."

The detective sighed deeply, understanding the imposter's motives.However, he also knew that this was not a mitigating factor.

He said: "Whatever your motives, your actions were illegal. You deceived countless people and caused serious social chaos. You must pay for your crimes."

The imposter's shoulders slumped, and he knew he had no way out.

The trial continued with the imposter giving a detailed account of his crimes, revealing details of his adventures and criminal conduct.

The team members were sitting in a small conference room, and the atmosphere was tense and heavy.

There was a look of worry and suspicion on everyone's face, because they knew that the infiltrator from within might have been lurking among them for a long time.

Lin Sisi sat at one end of the conference table, her eyes scanning everyone, trying to find any unusual signs.

She knew clearly that only through the team's internal investigation could they find out the identity of the infiltrator and protect the team's safety.

There was silence in the conference room for a moment, and then a team member stood up.

This is a young technical expert, his voice is slightly trembling: "I think we need to carefully review our network and communication equipment to see if there are any abnormal activities or access records from unknown sources."

Another member chimed in: "Yes, I agree. We also need to check our email and message logs for suspicious communications."

Lin Sisi nodded, agreeing with this suggestion.

They decided to form a team that would review the team's network and communications equipment for possible clues.

However, this process can be time-consuming, and the infiltrator may have taken steps to hide their tracks.

As an internal investigation unfolds, tensions within the team escalate.

Each member begins to doubt the other, unsure who is the betrayer.

This puts the team's cohesion to a serious test, and they must find the infiltrator as soon as possible, otherwise the team may completely disintegrate.

In this tense atmosphere, Lin Sisi and her team must remain vigilant while finding clues about the infiltrator to ensure the team's safety and cooperation can continue.

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